Chapter 24

As the carriage rolled to a stop, Ana Sofia took a deep breath and stepped out onto the cobblestone path leading up to the castle gates. She had spent the last few days in denial, trying to pretend that everything would go back to normal once they returned to Elynor. The sun blinded her eyes, and she did her best to shield her eyes, Natalia and the other knights guided her to the entrance. The second she stepped foot inside her stomach dropped. Everything was completely changed the halls were silent, and the grand staircase was lined with guards. As she walked through the castle, she noticed that many of the tapestries had been taken down, and the walls were bare. The once bustling castle now felt like a mausoleum.

"What happened to this place?" She whispered not asking anyone in particular. She continued to walk taking note of how bare and lifeless everything had become.

She was not particularly sentimental about the castle's previous design to her it made no difference whether the walls were gilded in gold or flooded with fresh flowers. What mattered was the people. The castle's once vibrant halls now echoed with an eerie silence. As she made her way to her throne room, she could feel the weight of everyone's stares on her back. She closed her eyes, trying to block out the world around her, but it was impossible. When she arrived Natalia bid her goodbye, and the heavy doors closed heavily behind her the throne room remained untouched this provided her with some comfort. She began to pace around the room when a voice startled her.

"Your Majesty!" She turned to see Advisor Mallorca he quickly approached her and took her hands in his. He bowed deeply and she felt like everything would be okay.

"Your Majesty, it is a relief to see you alive and well. We've missed you greatly." He said with a warm smile.

Ana Sofia couldn't help but smile back at him, feeling a small spark of hope ignite within her. "Thank you, Mallorca. It's good to be back."

He cradled her hands more tightly, "How are you feeling, I nearly rode to that blasted cave! I was sick with worry!" he cried.

She had never seen him so visibly worried for her "I am healing," she said softly, trying to reassure him. "But the journey back was...difficult." She paused, looking around the once-grand throne room, "Things have changed since we've been gone."

"Aye, they have," he agreed, his voice heavy with sorrow.

Before she could continue the door opened and Ralthone sauntered in Ana Sofia felt her throat dry at his arrival. "King Regent," she said curtly, her voice barely above a whisper.

He bowed deeply, his eyes never leaving hers. "Your Majesty, it is good to see you back in Elynor. We have missed you greatly." His voice was smooth, almost oily, but it sent shivers down her spine.


"It is good to be back," she repeated, trying to keep the shake out of her voice. Ralthone took a step closer, his eyes boring into her. "I trust your journey was uneventful?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Ana Sofia forced a tight smile, "Yes," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "Thank you for all the efforts you have put to ensure my safety."

She paused, looking around the room once more. "I trust everyone is well?"

Ralthone smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Mostly."

She didn't want to wonder what he meant instead she cleared her throat intent on cutting to the chase, "Do tell me whose idea it was?"

"To put me on the throne as regent?" Ralthone asked, his eyes narrowing. "It was the council's decision, of course." He said quickly. "They felt it was in the best interest of the kingdom."


"What will my duties become." She asked through gritted teeth.

"Your duties, as determined by the council, will be to serve as a figurehead for the kingdom," Ralthone replied, his voice cool, "You will attend ceremonies and events, when necessary, but your primary focus should be on your healing and recovery."

She gazed back at him, "Do not expect this to be permanent Ralthone."

Ralthone chuckled lightly, "Of course, your majesty. We all know that you are just temporarily stepping aside for the good of the kingdom." His voice held a hint of mockery, but Ana Sofia refused to rise to the bait.

She turned away, her heart heavy with the realization that her reign was truly over. She walked out of the throne room, unable to look back. The halls of the castle seemed even emptier now that she knew the truth. As she made her way back to her quarters, she couldn't help but wonder what would become of her. Would she ever regain her throne?

She continued to walk through the expansive corridor and took the turns she had grown familiar with. When she finally arrived at her private floor and opened her chambers she was greeted by comforting scent. She sighed heavily, closing her eyes for a moment before entering her chambers. She sat down on the edge of her bed, the softness of the mattress a stark contrast to the hardness of the throne. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she thought of everything that had happened. She allowed herself some grace, she cried deep into the late hours of the night until her eyes were swollen. As dawn broke, Ana Sofia found herself still alone in her chambers, staring blankly at the wall. She was exhausted, both physically and emotionally, but sleep continued to elude her. She sat up straight, wiping the tears from her eyes and taking a deep breath.

 "At least I don't have to think for a while" She sighed. 

She hated to admit that the past few weeks took a toll on her physically and mentally. Perhaps she could enjoy a few weeks of quiet and solitude. The men around her seem to have everything under control. 

A servant knocked on her door, "Your Highness, it is nearly noon. Shall I bring you some food?" Ana Sofia nodded, not feeling hungry but knowing she had to keep up her strength.

As the servant left to fetch her food, Ana Sofia continued to sit on the edge of her bed, lost in thought.

Maybe she would take a stroll in the courtyard she thought or perhaps go shopping? Or even throw a banquet for the war efforts? She pondered it for a second before grinning slightly.

 "I can't believe I'm actually considering this," she muttered to herself, shaking her head. "But why not?" 

"What are you considering your Majesty?" She turned to find Natalia at the doorway, it took a few seconds for to register her appearance she looked clean and polished. Her beauty truly shone through.

 "Oh, Natalia. I didn't hear you come in." Ana Sofia replied, standing up to greet her friend.

"I was just thinking about what to do with myself now that I'm not so occupied with ruling the kingdom." She chuckled softly. "It's strange, isn't it?" Natalia nodded; her expression solemn. "Yes, it is strange. But perhaps this is a chance for you to rediscover yourself, Your Majesty." She paused, looking around the room.

"We should go shopping, maybe find some new clothes for you. It would do us good to get out of the castle."

"And who knows.... maybe you'll discover some new secrets?" she whispered. Ana Sofia glanced at her pointedly as if not understanding what she was implying.

 "New secrets?" She questioned, arching an eyebrow.

Natalia smiled softly, "Well, maybe not new ones. But perhaps some old ones that were forgotten in the hustle and bustle of ruling a kingdom." 

Ana laughed, "Natalia I had no idea you were such a gossip." Natalia only feigned an expression of innocence before motioning for her team of servants to enter.

"Come, let's make the queen beautiful!"

Ana Sofia spent the next few days enjoying the simple pleasures of life. She went shopping with Natalia and discovered new dresses, jewelry, and even a pair of exquisite boots that made her feel like she was walking on clouds. They also indulged in delicious meals, went for long walks in the gardens, and even visited the stables to pet the horses. It was refreshing for Ana Sofia to spend time with her friend without the weight of the crown on her shoulders. Weeks went by in such a fashion she was even permitted travel to the neighboring lands she had visited the coasts and the mountains, and she was eager to expand her travels even further. One afternoon, she was in the garden Natalia lay by her side as the read about the latest fashion trends to hit Elynor. They were pointing at the fabrics that seemed to glow of the page when a servant approached her.

"Your Majesty," he said, bowing deeply. "The King Regent requests your presence in the throne room."

Ana Sofia sighed heavily, reluctantly pushing herself up from the ground. "Alright," she said, forcing a smile. "Let's go see what he wants."

She turned to Natalia, who looked worried. "Stay here I'll be back. Surely he's going to criminalize me for my extravagant spending again."

As Ana Sofia made her way to the throne room, her heart raced with trepidation. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. When she arrived, Ralthone was waiting for her, his expression stern. "Your Majesty," he said, bowing his head slightly. "I trust you are well?"

"I am." 

"I'm sure you are wondering why I called you in." He continued.

"I can take a guess" she responded with an attitude, "Are you to cut my spending back Again?"

He laughed as he continued to approach, "Yes, I think you know well enough how expensive the war effort goes. I simply cannot expand your budget anymore to include extravagant shopping sprees."

Ana Sofia rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on, Ralthone. You know I'm just trying to keep up appearances." She retorted; her voice laced with sarcasm.

"Appearances?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "You mean like this?" He gestured to the empty halls of the castle. "The war effort is draining our coffers, and you're worried about appearances?"

He scoffed. "I'm sorry, but I must prioritize what is truly important for the kingdom." He paused; his eyes boring into her.

"Ralthone here's a suggestion. Find a way to make more money? Besides summer is just beginning and I was planning on holding a glorious banquet. " She stated.

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, we cannot afford such frivolous events at this time. The war effort comes first." His voice was stern, unyielding.

"But it's tradition!" Ana Sofia protested, feeling her temper flare.

"What a tempestuous conversation." Ana Sofia stilled. 

She knew that voice, the one that had been haunting her sleep the past few weeks. She glanced at Ralthone before slowly turning around to face the source of the voice. Standing in the doorway was Wesleynard, his armor shining in the dim light of the hall. She couldn't help but notice the way he filled it out, the way it made his broad shoulders look even more imposing.
