Chapter 25

She wanted to run and flee from the Throne room seeing him standing there made her stomach twist, yet her feet remained planted as she gazed at his impassive face.

 "Wesleynard." Ralthone's voice was cold as he turned to face the knight. "What is it you want?"

"I have come to deliver report." Wesleynard replied, his voice steady.

Ralthone sneered, "Oh that. Dreadful it must come from you." Wesleynard kept his gaze steady on Ralthone not offering a reaction the Regent was seeking. 

Ralthone continued speaking towards Wesleynard, "Give me a few moments The Queen and I have yet to finish our discussion on frugality."

Ana Sofia felt a flush rise to her cheeks Wesleynard must be thinking the worst of her in this moment. 

She quickly interrupted, "No. That is alright you've made your point known. I will consider it greatly."

With a nervous turn the two men bowed at her dismissal as she practically ran out the throne room. When the doors closed behind her she scurried into the darkness and pressed her back against the cool stone wall. Ana Sofia closed her eyes, trying to control her breathing. She couldn't believe how quickly things had gone downhill. Just a few short weeks ago, she had been the Queen of Elynor, ruling with a kind but firm hand. Seeing Wesleynard again seemed to have snapped her out of the daze she was in. She squeezed her eyes shut, how could I be so frivolous, he was out there risking his life everyday alongside the men he led meanwhile, she had spent the last few weeks gallivanting and drowning herself in pleasures. She couldn't help but wonder what he thought of her now. Was he disgusted? Disappointed? Ashamed to be associated with her? A wave of guilt washed over her as she realized how selfish she had been. It wasn't until the sound of approaching footsteps broke her reviere that she snapped back to reality. 

 "Your Majesty," Natalia said, appearing at her side. "Are you alright?" Ana Sofia nodded, forcing a weak smile. "I'm fine, Natalia. Just a bit overwhelmed, that's all." She paused, taking a deep breath. "Come, let's get back to the gardens."

 As they walked through the halls and back into the gardens, Ana Sofia couldn't shake the feeling that something had to change. She couldn't continue living this way, focusing only on her own pleasures while the kingdom suffered. She glanced over at Natalia, who was watching her closely. Ana knew she couldn't hide her thoughts from her and perhaps it was best she shared them before she drove herself mad. When the arrived, the gardens transformed into afternoon the sun was still high, but the energy had shifted.

"Natalia." she began as she led her to a bench "Wes...he's back" she sighed. Natalia nodded in understanding, "I saw him in the throne room. He seemed troubled."

"We are all troubled" Ana Sofia responded, "But that's not what I meant." She paused, taking a deep breath. "I need to make things right." She paused, "The only problem is....I don't know if he will speak to me, let alone see me. We left things on such bad terms. I was angry and exhausted....I still am but I at least want to make an effort again I can't sit idlily while Ralthone runs everything. "

Natalia nodded, understanding the weight of Ana Sofia's words. "It's a good first step," she replied, placing a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder. "Now you just need to figure out how to approach him."

Ana Sofia sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I know." Natalia smiled, "Don't worry I'll find out his routine and schedule. Remember you are his queen he can't ignore you. "

Ana Sofia nodded, feeling a small spark of hope within her. "Alright, Natalia. Thank you."

As they sat in the gardens, they discussed potential plans to win back Wesleynard's trust. Natalia agreed to gather information on his schedule, while Ana Sofia focused on improving her image around the castle. She started by making her presence known in the daily meetings, she voiced her opinions and put in her remarks. Ralthone was not happy to see her there, but he couldn't argue against her involvement in the kingdom's affairs. As days passed, she also made it a point to visit the wounded soldiers in the infirmary, offering them words of encouragement and small tokens of appreciation. The soldiers welcomed her presence with open arms, grateful for their queen's concern. She even went on surprise inspections of the barracks, making sure the soldiers had adequate supplies and comfort. Her efforts paid off when she overheard some of them talking about how much better things had been since their queen started showing up. She would catch glimpses of Wesleynard he made sure to keep things curt and polite, but he never opened himself up to her like he once did. There was an early morning where she was going around the stables and kitchens to order any supplies, they needed that she caught him tending to his horse. She debated on whether to approach him or not, he hadn't seemed to notice her yet. As she watched him from afar, she couldn't help but admire the way he moved with such grace and ease, even in his armor. He had a quiet strength about him that was both intimidating and strangely alluring. After a few moments, she mustered up the courage to approach him.

 "Sir Wesleynard," she said, her voice soft but steady. "May I have a word with you?" He turned towards her, his face expressionless.

"Your Majesty," he replied, his voice cold. "I'm afraid I don't have much time to spare."

She swallowed, trying to find the right words. "Oh, are you off to survey the knights?" She pressed in hopes to get more words out of him, but he wouldn't budge. 

"No, Your Majesty," he replied curtly. "I have duties to attend to." With that, he turned back to his horse, his shoulders tense. Ana Sofia watched him go, feeling a sting of disappointment. She knew she had a long way to go to win back his trust, but she refused to give up.

It felt like weeks of the same routine Ana was began to lose hope the war efforts and Wesleynard remained at a stalemate. Summer was waning and the crisp fall air meant changes needed to occur before the harsh winter. One afternoon, as Ana Sofia was walking through the gardens, she noticed a group of servants gathered near the rose bushes. Curious, she approached them, only to find them arguing over the best way to prune the bushes.

"What's all the commotion about?" she asked, trying to sound casual.

 The servants jumped at the sound of her voice, instantly bowing their heads. "Nothing, Your Majesty. Just some disagreements about the roses," one of them replied, his voice shaking slightly. Ana Sofia waved her hand dismissively.

"Never mind that," she said, walking past them.

As she continued, she heard the sound of heavy footsteps running towards her she looked over her shoulder and saw Natalia bounding towards her.

There was a mischievous grin on her lips "Your Majesty, I have good news!" Natalia exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

"I've managed to gather some information about Sir Wesleynard's routine. It seems he spends most of his mornings training the knights in the courtyard." Ana Sofia's heart leapt with hope. Natalia continued, "However, most evenings he stays at a local inn...." She hesitated.

"What are you not telling me?" Ana Sofia asked, her brows furrowed.

"Well, I was hoping you'd do the honors, Your Majesty," Natalia replied with a sly grin.

Ana Sofia raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"And what might that be?" She questioned.

Natalia leaned in close, her voice barely above a whisper. "I believe it's time to pay him a visit, Your Majesty."

Ana Sofia's mouth gaped open, "Natalia!" her friend shushed her and pulled her into a secluded area.

"Your Majesty. Think about it? Up into now he's been rejecting your advances because it is easy for him to run away and hide. With you outside the palace walls it puts you..." She hesitated.

Ana cut in and finished her sentence, "In danger." Natalia nodded, "Exactly. If you go to him at this inn, it will force him to confront you and hopefully, open up about his feelings. You can't keep running away from problems, Your Majesty. Sometimes, they need to be faced head-on."

Ana Sofia looked at her friend with an incredulous look she wanted to wallop her for such a suggestion, "And how do you suggest I disguise myself? Let alone put myself in danger?"

Natalia's grin grew wider, "By dressing you as a lady of the night." Instantly, Ana Sofia felt her stomach drop.

"What?" she asked, horrified. "I can't do that! I'm the queen!"

Natalia shrugged, unfazed. "I didn't say you had to do it, Your Majesty. I'm simply suggesting it as an option."

Ana Sofia took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She knew Natalia was right. She couldn't keep running away from problems, especially when it came to Wesleynard. "Alright," she said finally. "I'll do it."

Natalia clapped her hands together excitedly. "Excellent!" she exclaimed.

 Natalia began to drag her back to her chambers, "My queen, do you know how to dance?" she inquired. Ana Sofia almost groaned her dear friend's plots would be the death of her.


Ana Sofia gazed out the carriage window she tried to focus on the passing lights instead of the fabric pressed against her skin. She could barely recognize herself when Natalia was done with her. The dress she wore was a deep black the shone brightly. The cut between her cleavage was so deep it brushed against her pubic area. Her breasts were pressed tightly against each other they were bigger than she had ever thought possible. She couldn't believe Natalia had convinced her to go through with this, but here she was, on her way to the inn where Wesleynard stayed. The thought of seeing him again made her heart race, but she tried to remain calm. As they pulled up to the inn, Ana Sofia took a deep breath and stepped out of the carriage.

Natalia approached her as she fixed the cloth mask that hung under her eyes. This would protect her identity. She also applied lotions and salves of a sweet scent she had become every bit a seductress. They walked into the dimly lit inn, the air heavy with the smell of ale and smoke. Ana Sofia's heart was pounding in her chest as they made their way through the crowded common room. She could hear whispers and the men saying obscenities as she walked by. Natalia also wore a disguise that made her into a different person. The inn was large and crowded but it still had some luxury to it. It wasn't a commoner's inn but one that catered to the knights and other nobility. They made their way up the stairs to the second floor, Ana Sofia's steps faltering slightly under the weight of her dress. Natalia discretely placed a hand on her back to steady her. They stopped at a door, knocking softly.

 A man opened the door he was large and brutish, he looked the two women up and down.

Natalia smiled at him as she parted her lips, "Tonight's entertainment." She declared.

The brute grunted in response, stepping aside to allow them entrance. As they entered the room, Ana Sofia couldn't help but gasp. It was a lavish chamber, adorned with silk drapes and plush furniture. A fire crackled in the hearth, casting flickering shadows across the walls. There were several men and woman laughing and drinking their wines and ale. She glanced around trying to spot Wesleynard as the man led them to the dressing area for the performers. 

Natalia whispered to her, "He's not here yet, but he should be soon. Relax and try to blend in." Ana Sofia nodded, trying to control her nerves as she waited for Wesleynard to arrive.