Chapter 26

As the night wore on, Ana Sofia watched as the other performers took to the stage, their movements fluid and sensual. She couldn't help but feel out of place in her elaborate dress, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for Wesleynard's arrival. The room grew darker, the fire in the hearth dying down to embers. Still, no sign of Wesleynard. Ana Sofia was beginning to lose hope when she heard the sound of boots on the stairs. She took a deep breath and straightened her back, trying to appear calm and collected. As Wesleynard walked into the room, his eyes instantly locked on to her. For a moment, they just stood there, staring at each other across the crowded room. Then, slowly, he began to make his way towards her. His steps were purposeful, his face unreadable. Was he able to recognize her? Oh no this was a bad idea. Before he was able to approach her the brute tapped his shoulder.

"You're turn. You're up." She blinked her eyes as she nodded slowly.

She forced herself to stand tall, trying to ignore the pounding of her heart as she walked towards the stage. The crowd parted as she approached, their eyes following her every move. She climbed the stairs, her fingers trembling slightly as she adjusted her dress. The music started, low and sensual. Ana Sofia closed her eyes, trying to block out the noise of the crowd and the music. She focused on the feel of the fabric against her skin, the smell of the sweet oil in the air. Slowly, she began to move to the music, swaying her hips and undulating her body. As she danced, Ana Sofia could feel Wesleynard's gaze burning into her skin. She forced herself to ignore it, focusing on the movements of the dance. She twirled around, her skirts flying up to reveal a flash of bare leg before settling back down. The crowd seemed to by hypnotized as the music increased in speed, she hated to admit it, but she found herself having fun. Then men began to whistle and shout her praises as the dance came to an end, Ana Sofia felt a rush of relief wash over her. She took a deep breath, trying to slow her racing heart. The crowd erupted into applause as she bowed gracefully, her eyes still locked on Wesleynard. He stood there, a brooding figure in the midst of the cheering crowd. His eyes never left hers, a mix of emotions flitting across his face. As the applause died down, he started towards her, his stride purposeful. Ana Sofia forced herself to stay calm, her heart pounding in her chest. She tried to turn away and look for Natalia but, he grasped her arm and tugged her towards him.

 "Ana Sofia." His voice was low and rough, a stark contrast to the smooth, melodious tones he'd used before. "What are you doing here?" His grip on her arm tightened, and she could feel the tension in his muscles.

Ana Sofia looked up at him, her eyes a picture of defiance "I came to dance." She whispered.

She watched as his jaw clenched even tighter it wasn't long before people began to notice as they teased.

"Well, you certainly did that." He retorted; his voice laced with sarcasm. Ana Sofia couldn't help but feel her cheeks redden slightly at his words. "But why here? Why now?" He demanded, his gaze boring into hers.

 "I needed to get your attention somehow." She breathed. He was about to speak harshly to her when another patron interrupted the heated conversation.

"Ahh, Wes. Already trying to steal away the star of the night?" A young man approached them he had ash brown hair and was of similar stature. His eyes gleamed with amusement.

"I can see why you might be tempted, but I wouldn't recommend it." Wesleynard glanced over at the young man, his face impassive. "I'm here on business, Thaddeus. Nothing more."

"Oh?" Thaddeus responded quietly. He turned to Ana, "Have you've gotten yourself into trouble with this man?" He teased.

Ana saw a golden opportunity laid bare right in front of her "Trouble?" Ana laughed softly, the sound musical and light, "Oh, Thaddeus, you flatter me. I assure you; I am not in trouble." She looked back at Wesleynard, his eyes cool and unreadable.

"I came here to dance, nothing more."

Wesleynard's eyes narrowed, his body tense. He turned back to Ana, his voice low and dangerous, "And what about after you danced, hmm? You didn't plan on leaving with just anyone else, did you?"

Thaddeus chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "Wes do lighten up. Is he bothering you too much? Let me know and I'll make sure he doesn't." He flirted while grazing his eyes on her exposed body. He reached out to touch her long curled hair when Wesleynard grabbed his wrist hard.

"Touch her and I'll break your hand," he growled. Thaddeus raised an eyebrow in surprise but didn't argue further.

"Fine," he said, releasing a sigh of mock surrender. "I'll leave you two alone."

Ana tried to protest but Wesleynard began to drag her up the stairs into the sleeping quarters. She could barely keep up with him as she tried to get him to stop but it was if her words could barely reach him. He pushed her into a room and slammed the door shut, turning to face her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded, his voice vibrated through his heaving chest. Ana swallowed hard, trying to keep her fear from showing. "I... I came to talk to you," she said, her voice shaking slightly. "I needed to explain myself."

He seemed to freeze, "Explain yourself for what?" He spat.

She shuddered at his anger she had never seen him so stressed and aggravated, "You kept ignoring me! I-i had-d no Choice-e!" She stuttered she knew she sounded like a child throwing a tantrum.

He let out a deep breath, his hands straining at his sides, "You could have come to me directly," he said, his voice low. "You didn't have to go to such lengths." He took a step towards her, their faces only inches apart.

"Why did you really come here?" he asked directly.

She stepped forward and took his hands in hers he stilled, and he flinched, "I needed to talk to you! To discuss how we left things." She cried 

"And what exactly did you want to discuss?" he asked, his voice cold. "Were you going to beg me to take you back? To accept your apologies?" He sneered, pulling his hands from hers. "Because I'm not interested in hearing any of it."

 At his response she also grew in anger, "You think too highly of yourself Sir! you are the one that agreed to strip me of my power! You should be the one to apologize!" She wasn't going to back down. Although he was a kind good hearted man, he still had arrogance the needed to be checked.

Wesleynard's eyes flashed with anger, but he forced himself to calm down. "I did what was necessary to protect our kingdom," he said, his voice almost shaking. "You were making irrational decisions, and I couldn't allow that to continue." He turned away from her, shaking his head.

She followed him, "Again with that argument! At least tell me the truth of your feelings! Not what you want to hear or what makes you look better! You were once supportive of me! what changed!?" She grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face her.

At this point they were inches apart. She searched his stormy eyes, they were like the raging sea, dark and tumultuous. "I didn't change," he said finally.

"You did." He paused, looking away for a moment before turning back to her. "When we were out there. I vowed to love you and serve you but, now that I returned, I scarcely recognize you! He turned to face her his frame towering over her and for a split-second Ana felt fear. 

 He continued his rage consuming him, Ana Sofia stepped back, "I hear of your costly spending! of your lax attitude towards your people that isn't the Queen I've grown to love. You made no effort in trying to speak to me these past few months you..." He faltered as he stared at her.

"And here you are so beautiful and alluring, captivating all eyes. It seems you've moved on without me. Why even try to save this doomed relationship?" He turned away from her, his emotions a tangled mess, "Leave." He commanded he couldn't bring himself to look at her any longer for fear of falling apart at her feet.

"No! I will not! you stubborn man. Look! don't you see this is all for you!" She felt hot angry tears spill from eyes as she continued her shouting.

"Yes. I did grow lax I was devastated don't you realize? but then I began to enjoy life. A life without suffering was it so wrong of me to indulge for a little while?" She sobbed. 

Wesleynard turned back to face her, his eyes filled with pain and confusion. "I never wanted you to suffer," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I can't deny that I'm jealous of the men who made you smile again. And it hurts me to see you like this."

"I made myself smile Wesleynard. My heart has always been yours and it will continue to be." She declared softly. 

He stared at her for a long moment before approaching her and removing the mask from her face. His thumb traced her lips as he studied the colors on her face. The darkness around her eyes made her eyes look smoldering and accentuated their shape. Her hair was loose in dark soft waves the fell past her knees. He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, tentatively at first. She hesitated for a moment before softening into the kiss, her hands finding their way around his neck. The kiss deepened, their tongues dancing together in a familiar rhythm. As they pulled away from each other, he could see the uncertainty in her eyes. His lips trembled as he held back from devouring her

 "I love you more than you could ever possibly imagine Ana. " He spoke quietly. His eyes searched hers for a moment she gave him a slight smile while she returned the kiss it wasn't long before their bodies became a heated frenzy.