Chapter 33

 That evening the two of them had a private dinner in her chambers she instructed the cooks to use ingredients that promoted relaxation and calmness. She wanted Wesleynard to destress and to get a good night's rest. They sat in front of the cozy fireplace lazily sipping on some wine. Ana Sofia glanced at Wesleynard his hair was loose and pulled back from his face his expression no longer held the tension she felt from the days training earlier. If anything, his eyes were half lidded and growing hazy from the alcohol. She rested her head against his shoulder. He wrapped a soft fur blanket around her and gently kissed her forehead the warmth from his kiss seeped into her temples like a sweet nectar.

"I'm glad you're here," she murmured, her voice soft. "I don't know what I would do without you, now" He smiled, his gaze warm and comforting. "You'd manage, my queen. You're stronger than you know." She shook her head in earnest, "No, I wouldn't."

"You know Wes I've never known true comfort even somedays with you I....question if this has a true destination." She paused realizing she was saying too much she glanced at him his eyes seemed to bare no judgement, so she continued, "Does that make me a horrible lover?"

"No, it makes you human, and I find that to be beautiful." Ana Sofia astounded pulled back in disbelief, "You do?" 

He gave her a boyish smile in return as he pulled her back into his warm embrace not saying much, Ana Sofia felt her heart light up, seeing him smile was like a promise that swore to never break, "You are truly an interesting man. Now I want to know all about you." 

Wesleynard chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ask away." he teased. Ana Sofia did not hesitate to pry deeper into his life, "Tell me everything."

Wesleynard took a sip of his wine before beginning to speak. "Well, I was born in a small village in the kingdom in the north Hevadal. My father was a blacksmith, and my mother was a healer. They were simple people who loved each other deeply." He paused for a moment, lost in thought.

"Go on." Ana Sofia encouraged softly the sound of his voice vibrated in her spine she never realized that the simple sound of your lover's voice would cultivate such feelings within her.

"As I grew older, I realized I had a knack for weapons. My father taught me how to forge them, and I spent most of my time in the smithy, honing my skills." He said with a smile. "The town's lord seemed to take interest in my skills and asked me to join his guard. I was not interested until..." he paused as if an uncomfortable memory resurfaced, "Until what?" Ana Sofia asked softly, placing a comforting hand on his knee.

"Until my father was killed in a raid by bandits. They set the smithy on fire, trapping him inside. I couldn't save him." Ana Sofia watched as his face contorted into what looked like a small child reliving his darkest memories.

Ana squeezed his knee, "I am so sorry Wesleynard." She wrapped her arms around his neck, and she felt him shift uncomfortably. It was like he was trying to hide his hurt but with this newfound knowledge she realized why he was so adamant on protecting her and the people he cared for. They sat in silence for a while, the fire crackling softly in the background.

"I joined the lord's guard after that, hoping to make a difference. Little did I know, it would lead me here." He said finally, his voice hoarse. "To you." She let him pull her closer his grip tightening around her waist, he planted a chaste kiss on her lips, he inhaled her vanilla scent as he pressed his nose into her silky hair.

"What happened to your mother?" she asked wanting to know more off his childhood, "My mother remarried after father's death. She moved to the nearest town with her new husband. We kept in touch, but they were distant. I haven't seen her in years." His voice held a tinge of sadness, but he didn't dwell on it. "How about your family, my queen?"

 Ana Sofia took in a deep breath, she felt comfortable around him seeing how well he held his vulnerabilities inspired her and decided she could open up a little, "Well, let's see," she began, her fingers playing with the wine glass stem. "I come from a long line of royalty. My mother was Duchess of Elynor before me, she carried a deep history of royal ties and blood and her mother before her was the same. My father was a courtier, but I lived a life of privilege." She paused before continuing, "My mother was a kind soul, always trying to help the less fortunate. She was often seen visiting the sick and needy in the nearby villages." Ana Sofia's eyes glistened with memories of her mother. "My father, on the other hand, was a bit more distant."

Wesleynard listened intently as Ana Sofia spoke about her family, his eyes never leaving her face. He could see the sadness in her eyes when she spoke of her father, but he also noticed the fondness she held for her mother. "It must have been difficult growing up in such a high-profile family," he said thoughtfully. 

Ana Sofia gazed into the fire, "It was. I was forced into marrying King Edmond he was essentially my elder cousin from the kingdom Tuvindid. I was terrified in that moment I realized I had no allies; I was merely a woman with a high title that would strengthen Elynor." She scoffed as she recalled her memories after his death, "I cut ties from that blasted corrupt place do you remember the uproar it caused?"

"Oh yes, I remember it well. The king's death left a power vacuum in the kingdom, and many were vying for control. Your decision to cut ties with Tuvindid was seen as a bold move, but it was also a sign of strength." Wesleynard said, his voice gentle and reassuring.

The two sat in a quiet silence, although the memories they brought up were ones filled with sadness it allowed them to grow a little bit closer to each other. She gazed up at him and settled herself on his lap, he welcomed her and wrapped the blanket around her tighter as if swaddling an infant. She closed her eyes as the position alleviated her anxiety slowly, her heart began to slow down, and her breathing became steady. She felt safe and protected in his arms.

"I've enjoyed this conversation." she whispered; her voice barely audible. "Me too, my queen," he replied, his voice equally hushed, "We should share things with each other more often, I want to know you more."

Wesleynard looked down at her, his eyes softening. "I'd like that too, my queen." He brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his fingers grazing her cheek. "But if we do, promise me one thing."

"What's that?" She inquired unsure of what he was proposing her eyes widened slightly as a small anxiety filled her.

"That you'll let go of some of that responsibility you carry around with you. You can't be everything to everyone, Ana. You need to learn to let go sometimes."

Ana Sofia looked up at him, surprised by his request. "I understand what you're saying, but it's not that easy for me." He took both her hands in his as he pulled them to his face and pressed a gentle kiss on them, "Try for me?" Ana Sofia felt a warmth spread through her chest at his request. She had grown accustomed to being the responsible one, the leader, but she would indulge him a little longer.

"Alright, I'll try." she murmured his face made it difficult to say no.

 The two fell asleep in a drunken state of bliss and tonight was the first night Ana could sleep no dark thoughts plagued her she actually dreamt of something she never imagined. A child, Wesleynard's child. 

The next morning Ana took a break from wedding planning the air was still hot despite fall expected to start in a few short weeks, she walked to Advisor Mallorca's private office, she had a trail of knights behind her including Ethan she stole a quick glance at him and motioned for him to walk next to her. As they approached the door, Ana Sofia stopped and turned to Ethan, her eyes full of concern. "Ethan, how are you?" he shifted slightly as he noted she was referring to yesterday's training. 

"I'm fine, my queen. Just a bit sore, that's all. Don't worry about me." He said with a reassuring smile. "If you're sure, then let's continue." She nodded; her brows furrowed in worry.

As they entered the office, Advisor Mallorca looked up from his desk, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of the queen and her entourage. "Your majesty, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" He asked, his voice calm but tinged with curiosity. 

"I came to see my favorite council member!" She teased she was keeping up the energy of last night's conversation. Speaking candidly with Wesleynard gave her a newfound zeal.

"You flatter me, my queen. But please, sit down. What can I do for you?" Advisor Mallorca said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. Ana Sofia sat down in one of the chairs opposite his desk, Ethan stood quietly in the background.

"I wanted to discuss any updates with Daeth it seems like this stalemate will last forever." She inquired. 

"Unfortunately, that's correct, my queen. Daeth has been relentless in their attacks, and we've had no luck breaking through their defenses." Advisor Mallorca sighed, running a hand through his graying hair.

She dramatically sighed as she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples her mind ran through the past few months as she recalled her travels, she glanced at the map behind Mallorca her eyes glossing over the landscapes and texture reading all the numerous names of villages and small towns. They didn't get very far she noted the whispering woods and the harrowing encounters she had before she befriended Natalia, her eyes then scanned over a familiar word Forsythia. Her face paled; the memories of that town came rushing back she shot up from her seat.

Startling the two men, "Mallorca do you recall the note you sent me?"