Chapter 34

Advisor Mallorca's eyes widened in surprise at her sudden outburst. "Note? My queen, I'm afraid I don't understand what you're referring to." He said, clearly confused he glanced at Ethan with a worried expression.

Ana furrowed her brow, "It was a few months ago! I can understand that you may not remember but, I recall your signage on the note it said.....Uprising." She turned to Ethan as well, "Don't you recall Ethan? Wesleynard dispatched you to gather data and you were the one that brought the message?"

Ethan became easily flustered with the sudden pressure placed on him his eyes darted across the ceiling as he put on his best show trying to actively recall the memory. Being put on the spot was never his strong suit, "Forgive me, Your Majesty, it appears my memory is faulty I don't recall any-"

Ana turned, "That is alright! I should have the note in the suit I was wearing. I-" She also paused too much had happened since that day it would be highly unlikely that she could retrace her steps and search for the gown she stuffed the note in until she remembered, " Ah! Wesleynard was there will you go fetch him immediately?

"Of course, my queen." Ethan bowed and left the room to find Wesleynard.

She paced around the room as memories continued flooding back to her, there were so many small details and quick occurrences it must have slipped her mind. After a few moments, Wesleynard entered the room, his expression grim. "What is it, my queen?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.

Ana Sofia turned to him, her eyes shimmering with determination. "Do you recall the message that came through the lines a few months ago? While we were in the forest?" Wesleynard glanced at the two men in the room, he straightened his back there was a moment of silence before he responded, "Your Majesty can we speak a moment in private."

"Of course," Ana Sofia said, nodding to Advisor Mallorca and Ethan. They both bowed and left the room, closing the door behind them.

Once they were alone, Ana Sofia turned to Wesleynard, her hands clasped tightly in front of her. His face was etched with worry as he approached her and caressed her shoulder, "Are you alright?" his eyes glazed into hers they were bright pools of clarity that seemed to look deep under past all the layers she expertly hid.

Her brows and lips knitted into a frown, "Don't tell me you've forgotten too?" Wesleynard hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching hers. "Forgotten what, my queen?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ana Sofia took a deep breath, her chest heaving slightly. "The uprising in Forsythia," she said, her voice trembling.

"No of course not Ana but, we weren't warned of any uprising it was an ambush, there was no note." He said as if soothing a weary mind that couldn't separate fact from fiction. 

Ana Sofia laughed thinking he must be having a jest to toy with her, "Wesleynard are you also saying that you forgot our kiss? We were interrupted by Ethan remember?" Wesleynard smiled, "Of course not but Ana, Ethan and Mallorca seemed concerned they believe your injuries must've led you to create false memories. They worry for you it could cause an issue were to go around speaking of this without any real evidence to support your claim. Don't you see?" he asked gently.

Is he being serious?

"Wes. They aren't false memories I can recall those events as clear as day. Why would I make something like this up?" She responded with a rather stern look.

She pushed his arm away as she walked over to Mallorca's desk, grabbing through the books and parchments and shuffling through the papers, "There should be a record of that message in here, give me a moment and I'll set it straight."

As Ana Sofia rummaged through the papers on Advisor Mallorca's desk, Wesleynard watched her with a mixture of concern and confusion he wasn't sure why she was being so greatly compelled to look through a man's work, "Ana those are private documents, you can't do that."

She slammed her hands down as if angry that he questioned her actions, "I am the Queen, I can look through any documents I choose." Wesleynard sighed he loved her dearly, but he couldn't allow her to act with no consideration, "I understand Ana, but it is a matter of you not trust Advisor Mallorca?"

What? No that's not I-

Ana stopped as she thought to herself, why was she the only one that seemed to remember that warning? When she finally looked up from the mess, she made on Mallorca's desk a cold chill overtook her body. Was she losing her sense? She stepped back in shame, analyzing how she left the papers in disarray. They were strewn about they were once neatly organized, and the books had distinct markings that Mallorca was working on.

She trembled as she tried to put everything back to how it was, "I...." Wesleynard pursed his lips together, "Don't worry about it I will help him put it back to the way it was, okay?"

He approached her and pulled her into a deep hug, "Do you want to go back to the room?" She shook her head no, "I would like to go to the library." He reaffirmed her suggestion and had Ethan escort her to the library, when they arrived Ethan offered her some privacy and she thanked him.

When the large doors shut behind her, she released a deep sigh and strained her eyes shut. 

I know I'm not losing my mind.

 Ana Sofia sat down at a large wooden desk in the library, her eyes scanning the shelves of books that reached up to the high ceilings. She pulled out a small notebook and began to write down everything she could remember about the uprising in Forsythia. She recalled the events piece by piece, but the task proved to be difficult she didn't realize how many holes were in her memory. The blood curdling screams of the villagers and the explosion that sent her flying almost to her death and the raging river that wanted to seal her sentence for good. The truth she discovered.... but what was it? A few hours passed as Ana Sofia sat in the library, her mind racing with memories and questions. She had tried to piece together what she could remember about the uprising in Forsythia, but there were still gaps in her recollection. She sighed heavily, frustrated with herself for not being able to remember more clearly. She looked at her notes she was lost in a mirid of technicalities when she heard a large thud, she yelped in fear whipping her head towards the direction of the noise. It was just a book that had fallen off the shelf, landing with a loud thud on the floor. Ana Sofia sighed in relief, realizing how jumpy she had become. She gathered her things and stood up, stretching her tired muscles. It seemed like she would have to continue this line of questioning when she had the chance. She gazed at the window and realized the sun was beginning to set, she decided to gather her books and return them to the shelf if she left them out it would raise suspicion. For now, she had to keep her findings a secret.

The library itself was grand there was multiple staircases leading to higher levels. She always wondered was at the top, she glanced at the staircase and made her way up, her boots echoing against the marble steps. As she climbed, she felt a strange sensation, like she was being watched. She paused mid-step and looked around but saw no one. Shaking off the feeling, she continued up the stairs. She was amazed at how many books were actually stored in Castle Ceneda the colors raging from vibrant reds and blues to muted earth tones, when she finally reached the top, she was astounded to see there was an open space, with a large desk and sitting area.

What is all this?

As Ana Sofia continued to explore the top of the library, she discovered that it was actually a hidden study area. She wondered how long it had been here she walked further towards the window and was in awe at the view, "Wow," she whispered. The window looked out over the entire kingdom, the mountains and forests in the distance, and the glinting ocean beyond that. It was a breathtaking sight that took her breath away. She ran her fingers along the edge of the window, feeling the cool glass beneath her fingertips.

"It's stunning, isn't it?"

She whipped around to find Ralthone standing by the desk, startled she clamped a hand to her mouth.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to startle you. I was admiring the view too," Ralthone said with a small smile. He walked over to her, his footsteps echoing softly on the marble floor. "This is quite the hidden gem, isn't it?"

She cleared her throat and straightened her dress; she hadn't seen him since that day at the chapel it was well past the feeling of awkward, she struggled to control her breathing. He walked over to the view continuing to speak, "This is where I work when I want to be away with the company of my own thoughts."

"It's quite beautiful," Ana Sofia replied to fill the empty sound surrounding the two of them, still a bit shaken by his sudden appearance.

She moved closer to the window, taking in the stunning vista. "I didn't even know this place existed. How long have you been coming here?"

"For the past few months, I found it by accident and decided to claim it as my own," Ralthone said with a smile, "Looks like my secret is out now," he grinned as if attempting to tease her.

Ana didn't know what to feel it was strange being alone with him, they weren't fans of each other, and he has made it very clear that he doesn't care for her but, why did he save her that day?

"It seems so," Ana Sofia replied, her voice slightly shaky. She glanced away from him, feeling a bit uncomfortable under his intense gaze. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude upon your solitude." She added quickly.

"Oh, no need to apologize." He shrugged nonchalantly. 

She clamped her fingers down at her sides, trying to fight the urge to run away, she noticed he looked more casual than usual and the way the light shone upon his face highlighted his sharp features, in that moment he looked like a regular handsome man incapable of harboring ill intent, she mulled over whether she should bring up the incident at the chapel.

"Well, my queen, you seem to be in a reflective mood. Is there something on your mind?" Ralthone asked, his eyes narrowing slightly as he studied her face.