Chapter 37

The wedding procession began in the chapel the structure was transformed into a romantic atmosphere that promised new beginnings. The ceremony included all the nobility and a few hand-selected townspeople. The bride, Queen Ana Sofia, walked down the aisle in her stunning crimson wedding gown, adorned with intricate beadwork and embroidery. Her eyes met those of her groom, Sir Wesleynard, as they exchanged vows amidst the soft glow of the rising sun. As they sealed their union with a kiss, cheers erupted from the crowd, echoing through the grand hall. The celebration continued long into the night, with feasting, dancing, and merriment. Ana and Wesleynard were dancing amongst the backdrop of the full moon and twinkling stars, they were both drunk on love.

The pair seemed to shine like angels as the guests took in their traditional dance. "You look radiant, my queen," Wesleynard said softly, his eyes never leaving her face. Ana Sofia smiled up at him, feeling her heart swell with happiness. "You're not so bad yourself, my knight." She laughed, interlocking her fingers tighter in his palm. 

As the night wore on, the revelers grew more raucous, with music and laughter filling the air. Ethan, Wesleynard's long-time friend and trusted confidant, made a toast to the newlyweds, raising his glass high in the air. The couple clinked their goblets together, taking a sip of the finely aged wine that flowed like liquid gold. They exchanged glances, their hearts filled with love and anticipation for what the future held. Sir Ralthone, the regent in her absence, watched them from a distance. His face seemed to hold the couple in pleasant regard but, there was something amiss in his eyes. Ana Sofia looked out at her guests, and she wanted this moment to last forever. As the night wore on Ana and Wesleynard left early to officially consummate their marriage although they knew each other's bodies as if they were their own it had to be done for legal reasons. If Ana and Wesleynard were to become a governing body they needed witnesses. The next morning, as the sun rose over Elynor, the newlyweds awoke, their bodies entwined. They shared a tender kiss, their breaths warm against each other's skin. Ana Sofia was the first to awake she glazed at Wesleynard and took in the structure of his features She traced his jawline with her fingers, feeling the stubble under her fingertips. He stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open. "Good morning, my queen," he murmured, his voice rough with sleep. She smiled softly, leaning in to place a tender kiss on his lips. "You can call me your wife now" she smiled, "Looks like you're the winner.

Although the other contestants didn't have a fair chance." She teased referencing the tournament that brought them together. He raised an eyebrow and put on a face of mock hurt, "Why are you still thinking of the other contestants?" Ana laughed and rolled her eyes, "Well, you know how it is. A girl's got to have options." She playfully slapped his chest, and he grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer to him. "You're stuck with me now," he said, his voice low and seductive. "I've got no way out?"

"Not unless you want to face the wrath of your new husband," Ana teased, running her fingers through his messy hair. He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I think I can handle that," he said, pulling her closer to him once again.

"Come in," Ana Sofia called out, sitting up in bed. The door creaked open to reveal a servant girl carrying a tray laden with fresh fruit, yogurt, and warm bread. She bowed her head respectfully as she placed the tray on the bedside table. "Thank you."

"The council also wanted me to let Sir. Wesleynard knows his crowning ceremony will occur in a week. So, if you could report to the throne room every morning no later than noon."

"Yes, I understand," said Wesleynard, nodding his head. "Thank you." The servant girl bowed again and left the room, closing the door behind her. Ana Sofia looked at Wesleynard, a small smile playing on her lips. "Well, it seems we have an exciting week ahead of us."

 "Are you ready to be king?" she asked as she took in a spoonful of the breakfast soup that was delivered. Wesleynard chuckled and took a sip of the warm tea from the tray. "I'm not sure I'm ready for all that comes with the title, but I am ready to stand by your side and support you in any way I can." He gently squeezed her hand, their fingers intertwined. "Good answer." She teased

They continued to enjoy their breakfast, discussing plans for the upcoming week. As they finished, they dressed in their royal attire and headed to the throne room for their first council meeting as a united couple.

The council members greeted them with glee, "Ahh! if it isn't the future of our kingdom!"

 "Thank you, councilors," Ana Sofia replied graciously, taking her seat on the throne next to her new husband. "We appreciate your warm welcome and look forward to working together for the betterment of Elynor." She glanced around and saw the familiar faces she had known for the past ten years her eyes stopped when she noticed Ralthone. She watched as his face seemed to be pained; he was most likely disappointed in giving up his position as king regent. Having Wesleynard by her side strengthened her claim as Queen. It wouldn't be as easy to try to point out her leadership as inadequate solely because she was a woman "My lady," one of the councilors spoke up, clearing his throat. "We have gathered today to discuss the ongoing conflict with Thaloria. As you are aware, King Thalor has been unresponsive to our requests for negotiation, and his army continues to grow stronger."

"Yes, now that the wedding ceremony is over, we must focus on resuming gathering intel. I believe I know the next few would involve going back to Forsythia."

The council stilled "Forsythia?" Sir Ralthone asked, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Are you sure that's the wisest course of action? With Daeth now occupying Thaloria, their forces have undoubtedly shifted focus to consolidating their gains."

Wesleynard also interjected, "That is too dangerous Ana." 

"I agree that it is a risky move," Ana Sofia acknowledged, "but there is something I must confirm for myself and with my own eyes."

"Your Majesty, it's just.... Sir Wesleynard has not been coordinated yet. If you both were to leave it would put the throne at risk." he urged. The rest of the council spoke in agreement as they muttered quietly amongst themselves. Ana glanced at Wesleynard his mouth formed a thin line as he was listening to the conversation, she couldn't tell what he was thinking but she could see a small amount of regret in his face almost as if he realized that him taking the crown carried a heavier burden than he anticipated.

"That is precisely why we must put this aside for now." he hummed as he urged her to listen to reason he reached out and placed a gentle but firm hand on her shoulder as if silently begging her to listen to their concerns and to stop being stubborn. 

Ana's gaze jumped to Ralthone he looked bored and uninterested he was toying with his quill she remembered his words back when they shared a quiet moment in the library. He knew something and she wasn't going to let him slip from her grasp that easily. 

 "You are right, of course," Ana Sofia acknowledged, her heart heavy with the decision. "We must ensure the safety of our kingdom first and foremost." She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the difficult words she was going to say. "We will continue to gather information and build alliances," she said decisively, "And" she continued as she shot a look the man opposite of her.

"Ralthone will accompany me to Forsythia."