Chapter 38

Ana clenched her clasped hands and her throat went dry, she knew that this would not go well with her new husband. Wesleynard was glaring at her, but he kept his shocked expression controlled he forcibly clamped his mouth shut it was obvious he was trying to control his growing anger. Her eyes flickered to Ralthone he was also equally shocked, but he also had a slight smirk on his face as if he foresaw this day coming, and a prophecy was coming to fruition. 

Ralthone cleared his throat, nodding his understanding. "Of course, my lady. I am at your service." He stepped forward, his eyes meeting Wesleynard's for a brief moment before he turned back to the queen.

The council members murmured amongst themselves, some expressing their concerns about the potential danger of the mission. She reached out to cup Wesleynard's hand he flinched slightly; panic began to rise in her chest the tightening sensation gnawing at her, how angry would he be?