Chapter 39

She sat atop her horse and glanced over at Ethan and Natalia having them there with her comforted her. The cool crisp air whipped against her cheek, it felt refreshing to be outside again after months of being confined to her castle. They would take a different route to Forsythia it was less traveled meaning they wouldn't be as easily detected but it was far more dangerous the terrain, they had to cross over consisted off mountains and dense forests. The journey would take weeks, and she knew that time was of the essence. She had to reach Forsythia before anything could happen. The first three days of travel were uneventful they were still in the Elynorian plains, and she could relax slightly as these were her lands and there would be practically zero threats. At the end of the third day, they came across a large stream where they could rest by the shimmering water made her realize her parched her throat was