Mental Breakdown

Teresa has been worried for the past few days.

She was worried because, ever since Alister stopped coming to the palace, Melisa always looked sad and daydreamed more than usual. Even Teresa's consolation no longer worked for Melisa. At most, Melisa would smile bitterly before the girl trapped in her thoughts again.

Melisa's condition was even worse than when the girl was adjusting to the strict life in Sigmund's Kingdom. Perhaps because this was the first time Melisa had fallen in love with someone, it was even more painful when she suddenly lost it.

"Your Highness!"

When Teresa saw the carriage that used to carry Melisa around the outer palace start to enter the girl's residence, Teresa immediately jumped up from her sitting position and went towards the front door in a hurry. Teresa had a bad feeling when she saw Melisa coming with a blank stare. Teresa tried hard to make sure that not many people saw Melisa's condition as she led the girl to her room.

"Your Highness, what happened to you? You made me worry by doing this."

For the first time since Melisa had lived away from her family, Teresa was worried about Melisa's condition to the point that the woman felt a little panicked. Teresa tried to shake Melisa's body gently. The panic was evident in Teresa's eyes, especially when Melisa did not immediately respond to her words as usual.

"Your Highness, please!"

When Teresa pleaded earnestly, Melisa finally showed signs that she was listening to Teresa's words. Melisa stared at Teresa before the emotions she had been holding back finally came out fully in front of the woman.

"Your Highness...."

"I... am I destined to be unlovable by anyone, Teresa?"

Teresa's heart felt like it was pierced by a thousand needles when she heard Melisa's soft words. Teresa hugged Melisa back tightly. For her princess, Teresa would do anything to see her smile like she used to.

"Please don't say that, Your Highness. As someone who has been with you since you were a child, I know that you more than deserve all the love in the world."

When Teresa saw Melisa crying bitterly, the woman also began to cry for her master. Teresa tightened her embrace with Melisa. When her mouth was not good at stringing words together, Teresa hoped that her actions would be well received by Melisa.

"But the person I was supposed to marry didn't love me at all, Teresa. Then, when I finally found someone I really loved, he had to marry someone else. I couldn't help it because I knew he wouldn't have a future with someone like me. As the future successor of his family, he couldn't possibly continue to have a secret relationship with an unloved future queen like me, right?"

For the first time, Melisa finally revealed her heart to Teresa. What Alister had told Melisa when she signed the agreement was true. Although Alexius promised to send her back to the Cyrille Kingdom when he was powerful enough someday, no one could guarantee when that would happen in the near future.

Melisa might be too old by the time she could finally return to her kingdom. Even worse, Melisa might not be able to return to her homeland until her family died one by one. Such images finally made Melisa feel scared for the first time. Melisa was afraid of having to live in a strange kingdom without her family. She was afraid that her life was not free in the Sigmund Kingdom, a place where she could not even be with the people she loved.

"Your Highness, should we leave this place? We still have a chance to return to the Kingdom of Cyrille. I'm sure His Majesty and Her Majesty will not be angry if we explain the reason why you cannot continue to be in this place."

Teresa's offer was indeed very tempting. But even if Teresa looked so serious with her words, all Melisa could do was shake her head reluctantly.

"Then, should I just let my kingdom crumble, Teresa? Our kingdom is already too tired to survive in this time of war. Without the help of the Sigmund Kingdom, our kingdom will probably be destroyed by other kingdoms until there's nothing left."

Melisa knew Teresa meant well. But every time Melisa looked at herself, she could only see a girl chained by fate. Melisa's freedom had indeed been taken away ever since she set foot in the Sigmund Kingdom. Now, even if she was afraid, Melisa could only continue to move forward for the sake of her kingdom.

Even if Melisa did have to witness the person who had just captured her heart getting married to someone else, all Melisa could do was offer her sincere congratulations to the man.

"Your Highness, there must be another path we can take. If we try, I'm sure we can-"

"Teresa, I just need a hug right now. Can you give it to me?"

As Teresa continued to talk about how Melisa could still escape from her responsibilities, Melisa cut the woman off with a soft voice. Teresa also stopped talking when she heard Melisa's unanimous decision. For Melisa, who loved her kingdom more than herself, allowing herself to be damaged must be much better than allowing her kingdom to be engulfed in an endless war.

"Of course, Your Highness. I will give you as many hugs as you want."

Only when Teresa no longer insisted on her opinion, Melisa finally gave a small smile. Melisa's tears fell again when she felt Teresa's warm embrace. In the cold Sigmund Kingdom, Teresa's hug was the warmest thing Melisa could get in that place.

"I know you just want me to be happy, Teresa. But even if I return to the Kingdom of Cyrille, I'm not sure I'll be happy if I have to watch our men go to war while the wives and children have to lose their loved ones on the battlefield."

As Teresa had expected, Melisa was too good for her kingdom. Teresa could no longer say anything after hearing Melisa's explanation. She could only gently rub Melisa's back when she finally gave the answer Melisa wanted from her.

"...I understand, Your Highness."

"I'm sorry, Teresa. Because of me, you will continue to be trapped in this hell for the foreseeable future."

"Even if this place is indeed hell, everything will be fine as long as I can be with you, Your Highness."

Teresa's answer was made without hesitation, and it made Melisa feel even more sad for Teresa. Even if Teresa was the most loyal person to Melisa, the princess felt she could only repay Teresa with torment for her life in the Sigmund Kingdom.

"...Thank you, Teresa."

Even so, Melisa knew that Teresa did not like her apology. Therefore, she replaced her words with a thank you. Sure enough, this time, Teresa smiled after hearing her words. Teresa took the initiative to break their embrace before raising her hand to wipe away the tears that were still on Melisa's cheeks.

"Your Highness, if you allow me, I can accompany you until you sleep tonight."

Melisa was glad that Teresa still remembered that Melisa was used to having someone with her when she was sad. Melisa nodded immediately after that. When she was heartbroken, what Melisa needed most was moral support from those closest to her.

"Please do that for me, Teresa."

Teresa nodded before she sat next to Melisa's bed to keep the girl company until Melisa could fall asleep after being exhausted from crying.