Lady Vanessa

The next day, although Melisa no longer looked as sad as before, the girl still worried Teresa by overworking herself afterward. Even if Melisa didn't have much to do yet because her position as crown princess was uncertain, the girl would keep herself busy by socializing with the noble girls.

Every day, Teresa witnessed how Melisa smiled and laughed even when her heart was sad. Melisa always said she was fine even if she heard the news about Alister's arranged marriage from other noble girls. Teresa knew better than anyone that Melisa still cried silently at night when no one was watching her.

The days continued to pass until Melisa's weight loss was noticed by those around her. Melisa received urgent care after it was noticed by the servants in her palace. Even if Melisa refused to eat, the girl still had to eat to prevent her from becoming the subject of gossip from the nobles, who kept looking for her weaknesses.

Just like the previous days, Melisa again held a tea party in her palace. And at that event, she invited several noble girls to have tea with her. The existence of a noble girl was still considered unable to exert any influence in the Sigmund Kingdom. Therefore, there was nothing forbidding even if Melisa invited a different noble girl to meet her almost every day.

"May health and prosperity always be with you, Your Highness."

"Thank you. May health and prosperity be with you as well."

As usual, whenever noble girls visited her, Melisa would return their greetings politely, not forgetting to smile to show her good intentions. Melisa allowed her guests this time to sit down after she sat down first. When tea was served by the servants, Melisa's gaze fell on one of the most radiant-looking girls there.

"Lady Vanessa, I am truly delighted that you are willing to honor my invitation to come to this event."

Arriving in a beautiful jeweled gown, a young girl from Alison's family had the opportunity to attend Melisa's invitation this time. It was the first time someone from Alison's family had been able to come to her invitation. Since the Alison family was famous for being almost as popular as the royal family, Melisa could consider herself lucky for being able to invite one of their family members.

Although the girl was only a distant cousin of the current head of the Alison family, her presence alone had already made a huge difference in the way people looked at Melisa. Now, people were even more reluctant towards Melisa. Even the noble girls, who did not fully respect her before, could now only smile politely and keep quiet when Melisa greeted Vanessa, who also smiled at Melisa's words.

"I heard a lot about you from Lord Alister, Your Highness. After hearing his stories, I have always looked forward to our meeting."

Melisa tried to smile, though her heart ached a little when she heard Alister's name spoken by Vanessa, who seemed like a perfect girl. Vanessa was the girl rumored to be Alister's wife. Although Melisa had heard that it was just a rumor among the nobles for now, after hearing Vanessa's words, the rumor she had heard seemed to be not just a rumor anymore.

There was a special reason why Alison's family members, who had always refused Melisa's invitations before, were willing to come this time. Melisa smiled bitterly as she was forced to bury all her emotions in order to look perfect in front of the others.

Melisa's purpose in inviting different noble girls was to expand her influence. Even if it was someone who was going to marry the love of her life, Melisa would still welcome her with the same smile as the others.

"I don't know what Lord Alister can talk about me. However, I hope you will not be disappointed when you see me in person, Lady Vanessa."

"No, I'm not. Instead of being disappointed, you're looking even better than I expected, Your Highness."

Melisa did not know what Vanessa meant by her words. But Melisa just smiled, as smiling was the only way for her to hide what she was feeling and thinking.

"Then I am truly honored that you would think so."

Thanks to Vanessa's kind words, the other ratings went up even more for Melisa. The effect of Vanessa's words was no joke. Because of Vanessa's words praising Melisa, the other noble girls began to actively praise her as well.

The tea party went smoothly, thanks to Vanessa, who controlled the behavior of the other girls. Melisa benefited a lot from Vanessa's presence. Melisa felt quite satisfied until it was finally time for the girls to return to their respective residences.

"See you later, Your Highness."

"See you later."

One by one, the noble princesses boarded their respective horse-drawn carriages until only Vanessa was left, who chose to return last among all the noble girls.

After only Melisa and Vanessa were left in the place, Vanessa finally looked at Melisa again while waiting for her carriage to arrive. Vanessa took a step towards Melisa until Melisa finally noticed Vanessa's movement and turned her head to look at the girl.

"How can I help you, Lady Vanessa?"

Vanessa gave a small smile. In a soft voice, Vanessa began to speak to Melisa, who was still waiting for her answer.

"Beforehand, please be aware that marriage is mostly just considered a duty by Alison's family members, and there are only a few of us who can truly love our spouses for the rest of our lives. I also feel the same way. Even if I have to marry Lord Alister, it's all I'm doing just because it has become my duty to do so."

Melisa's expression stiffened when she heard Vanessa's honest confession. Vanessa said everything straightforwardly and confidently. Honestly, even if Melisa tried hard to control her emotions, the girl still felt a sense of anger because she could not believe that the person destined to marry Alister was a girl who did not have feelings for him, like Vanessa.

"Therefore, please do not take what I am about to say next as my jealousy over your closeness to Lord Alister."

Vanessa ignored the change in expression on Melisa's face as she continued.

"Even if you and the crown prince are not in love, you should not openly show your love for Lord Alister. Even if your palace has been protected by the power of the Crown Prince and Lord Alister, the palace itself always has a way of telling people the truth."

This time, Melisa was really surprised when Vanessa suddenly spoke with a serious look on her face. Melisa's heart raced as she finally realized that Vanessa might have known everything before she came to see Melisa. Melisa had heard that Alison's family always had a way of protecting the royal family. And for the first time, Melisa saw for herself how those words were not just rumors.

"You'd better stop trying to find another man when you're about to become the crown prince's spouse, Your Highness. I'm saying this for your own good."

Vanessa ignored Melisa's blank expression as she revealed her final warning. Alison's family carriage arrived at the right moment after that. Vanessa was about to board the carriage. But before actually getting on, the girl took the time to look at Melisa for one more time.

Vanessa sighed when she saw Melisa looking devastated after hearing her words. Although she felt sorry after seeing Melisa in person, as Alison's family, it was her duty to ensure that stability remained in the kingdom she was protecting.

"I hope you listened to my warning, Your Highness," Vanessa said before she got into her carriage and left Melisa's residence.