The Mark (1)

"Your Highness?" Tarah called out once more when the Prince didn't answer her. 

His nose against her skin and his warm breath tickled her, and made her feel foreign sensations burning inside, ones that she shouldn't have!

"Your smell… It's intoxicating. I can't help but think if this damn dragon was referring to this scent," he growled in annoyance.

Tarah's face fell as she scorned, "Why don't you let it take over for a while and confirm if it's really me?"

Ezekiel backed his head up to look straight into her eyes. "I can't let the dragon take over," he firmly stated. "It will kill anyone who has the Dragonrider's blood. You're my Seer, and no, I will not let anyone dare lay a finger on you…" 

Ezekiel finally released Tarah from his hold, allowing her to eventually breathe properly.