The Mark (2)

At Castle Helion, Kingdom of Helion


Devon roared as he strangled the neck of the messenger in front of him. Everyone inside the throne hall cringed as they watched their king run amok, venting all his anger to the poor servants around him.

Different shades of crimson splashes all over the floor and walls were not a new sight in Devon's throne hall. Some bodies of the humans and other creatures whom the Demon King had killed out of rage were still plastered all over the place, and his temperament became even more wroth due to the absence of his favorite mistress.

"Make sure to send more capable spies inside Ebodia Encampment!" Devon roared at them with gritted teeth, his veins bulging out of his skin in fury. He still couldn't believe that Ezekiel managed to root out all his eyes inside Ebodia. "I want eyes on the Seer of Ebodia at all times!"