
As requested by Ezme, Atlas traveled with her to Wright Manor inside the carriage. The manor was situated in the eastern part of Ebodia near the Capital City so they aimed to arrive in time for dinner having departed early before dawn.

Ezme gazed at Atlas's sleeping form inside the carriage. "He's been working so hard," she murmured, nuzzling her face against his neck. 

Despite the bumpy road, Atlas remained sound asleep, exhausted from his increased workload since Ezekiel defeated Devon. Ebodia was providing aid to the freed kingdoms upon Ezekiel's orders, and Atlas was overseeing this effort in addition to his usual duties.

"This Ezekiel should wake up soon so I can have more of your time," she sighed softly. The burden on Atlas had doubled since Ezekiel's victory since Ezekiel was still unconscious. Ezme felt how busy Atlas was with his going on fieldwork often, leaving her alone inside his office to assist him with some of his pending document works.