Queen Regent

Dana sighed deeply as she watched her son sleeping soundly on his bed. He had passed out on his way to his bedchamber. Glancing at the servants who had helped clean Ezekiel and settle him into bed, Dana dismissed them with a grateful nod.

"His body needs time to recover," Lurio informed her. "Though he didn't sustain any major wounds from his fight with Devon, the exhaustion has taken its toll. He used the maximum amount of his inner and divine energy."

Turning to her husband, Dana said, "Stephan, you should go and reassure Mineah that everything is fine. I'll stay with Ezekiel for a while."

Understanding the situation, Stephan left to attend to Mineah and her husband, who were visiting for a few days of vacation.

"Tarah," Ezekiel murmured in his deep slumber.