Who You Really Kissed

Greta didn't know how many times she forced a smile during dinner. She walked her father and mother to their carriage in silence.

"Hmm, it looks like we have to organize a ball at our residence instead," her mother, Eunice, commented.

"I guess so. I'm sure our daughter here will find another suitable match to her liking at that ball," her father remarked. He put his arm around her shoulders and added, "Don't sulk too much, Greta. You're still young, and I'm sure there's someone out there destined to be with you."

Greta pursed her lips. She didn't need to tell her parents her feelings at all because she was an open book to them. They could easily tell that Ezekiel was her first love.

"Your father is right, Greta. I will arrange a grand ball so every noble family in our kingdom will see how you have changed a lot and grown up to be a beautiful young woman," her mother encouraged.