Invitation for a Global Summit

Another morning came, and Katelina kept yawning while Asura helped her undress for a bath.

"Did you not sleep well last night?" Asura asked.

"I didn't," Katelina confessed. Her encounter with King Ezekiel had swirled through her thoughts all night, his aggressive and intimate movements replaying in her mind.

"What's that? Wait… That's a hickey!" Asura exclaimed as she inspected Katelina's neck. Katelina's face reddened, and she quickly covered the mark with her hand, but it was too late; Asura's piercing gaze had already caught it.

With a teasing grin, Asura asked, "You two already advanced like that after just meeting yesterday?"

Katelina couldn't refute her friend's teasing. She had spent her day only with King Ezekiel. "I think the two of us were in a romantic relationship while I spied on him under Devon's command," she muttered.