Li Jun, Son of Li Wei.

The dagger reached his throat and sliced into his flesh, then it stopped. As if it had hit a stone wall, the dagger bounced off Li Jun's skin and dropped to the floor. 

Li Hong's face grew pale as he felt a blast of spiritual energy, way too powerful to be coming from Li Jun. He slowly turned his head, and his blood ran cold. 

"Let's stop with this foolishness. We're all family here." An old man sat on the golden throne with a cold expression. His long red robes indicated he was from the Li Family but the lack of spiritual energy coming from his body showed that he had reached the core refining stage at the very least, perhaps he was stronger.

"Father!" Li Hong ran to the foot of the staircase and bowed his head. "Father, please allow me to take care of this insufferable child. He has hurt my wife and beaten my child beyond reason." 

The old man looked at Li Jun and saw the faint mist of spiritual energy around him. His expression was impossible to read, but Li Jun immediately recognized the old man as his grandfather, Li Zhang.

"You have grown." Said Li Zhang, ignoring his son's begging.

Li Jun didn't say anything. He had learned his lesson, and he wouldn't offend anyone he couldn't afford to again. His heart still pounded against the inside of his chest. He really thought that it was all over for him.

Li Zhang's face remained unreadable as he stared at Li Jun momentarily.

"It's an incredible achievement for you to become Lord Shen's student. I intended to send your father to him for training when he was young, but Lord Shen refused me." Li Zhang said, hoping Li Jun would say something, but he didn't.

"Do you wish to leave my Li family and throw away your family name? If you do, I promise no harm will come to you." Said Li Zhang.

Li Hong bit his tongue; he was furious that his plans had been ruined, but he could do nothing. His father was strict, and his word was law among members of the Li family; those who broke his laws were cast out and disinherited from the wealth and influence. 

"Yes," said Li Jun. He didn't want to be associated with the family that had thrown him out and stolen the belongings he had rightfully inherited from his father.

The room fell silent once more. Li Cui had recovered from her fall, but not even her arrogance dared to interrupt Li Zhang from his thoughts.

"Very well." He said after a long pause. "You will, of course, be compensated for all the times you have been wronged by my Li family, but starting today, you are your own person. And I will make it known that under no circumstances will any member of my family seek you out or provoke you."

Li Jun's stomach churned. He didn't want to turn his back on the family that his father loved so much, but he felt he had no choice. He just wished that his mother was still here to hear the words his grandfather had just spoken. It would have made her happy to know they were now free from the Li family for good.

"So, how should I address you now that you have cast aside your family name?" Li Zhang asked.

"My name is Li Jun, as given to me by my father. But I no longer have any relation to your Li family," He spoke clearly as he eyed Li Hong.

Li Zhang grinned slightly at his words. If Li Jun had dishonored his father's memory and truly threw away his name, he would have had second thoughts about what he was planning to do.

"Ok then Li Jun, Son of Li Wei." Said Li Zhang. "Allow me to return the property my Li family has stolen from you."

With a wave of his hand, a universe bag appeared as if it had materialized in his hand. He then tossed it toward Li Jun.

Li Jun caught the bag and felt his heart drop into his stomach. 'This is everything my father owned? Weapons? Techniques?' He thought as his mind raced endlessly. If he had grown up with his father's wealth, he wondered what kind of a life he would have lived so far.

"With this, I presume all the grudges between us will end here?" Li Zhang asked as he carefully watched Li Jun's expression.

Li Jun glanced at Li Cui, who clutched her whip's handle so hard that her knuckles had turned white. He then turned to Li Hong, who wore a dark expression and looked as if he would explode with anger at any moment.

"We will see." Said Li Jun and turned to leave, assuming that the conversation was now over. But before he could go, Li Zhang called out.

"Wait. One last thing before you go." 

Li Jun turned with a feeling of dread. He thought that his grandfather was about to go back on his words, but as he turned, he saw Li Hong and Li Cui were both kneeling with their heads bowed.

"I apologize for all the trouble we caused you." Li Hong said through gritted teeth. It seemed his father wasn't going to let him off for the years he and his wife had stolen from and bullied Li Jun and his mother.

Li Cui repeated the words her husband had said and finally released her whip with a look of defeat in her eyes. There really was nothing they could do to Li Jun anymore. If Li Zhang ever found out they still schemed against him after this, then everything they worked hard to build within the Li family would have been for nothing as it would have been taken from them by force. 

"Can I leave now?" Li Jun asked with an indifferent expression. He didn't care for an apology; the damage was already done. He just hoped that they really would leave him alone from now on.

Li Zhang finally nodded his head, and the doors to the hall flew open. Without waiting any longer, Li Jun quickly walked out and back down the staircase to where his uncle was pacing impatiently. 

"Is everything ok? What happened?" Li Tang asked as Li Jun approached him.

However, Li Jun said nothing and walked straight past him and out of the Li family estate. The guards eyed him cautiously, but they hadn't received any orders to stop him from leaving, so they stood and watched.

Li Tang felt nervous as he looked up to the top of the staircase. If Li Jun left unharmed, then that meant something had happened to Li Hong. He quickly rushed to the top of the staircase, hoping to see what had gone on, but upon making it to the top step, his eyes opened wide with surprise, and he ran into the hall.