Xun, do you see anything?

His fingers instinctively gripped the edge of the cliff as the sudden blast of wind caught him off guard. If he was still at the third stage of body refining, he would have fallen to his death. 

However, his newfound strength allowed him to stay exactly where he was, at least for the moment. As the wind passed, he pushed himself backward and scurried away from the ledge. Sweat trickled down his face as he lay flat on the rocky floor beneath him. 

"I thought I was dead for a moment. Where did that wind even come from? It seemed so calm a minute ago." He sighed in relief and glanced around, half expecting the wind to push him toward the edge again, but it didn't. 

Li Jun remained flat on his belly for a few minutes as he glanced around. He was in some kind of overhang, and the sharp, jagged rocks above him would make it impossible to climb. As he glanced around, another gust of wind blew over his head. Luckily, he was low enough that it didn't impact him.