These are beast cores!

The long serpentine tail sticking out of the hog's rear end had a mouth and sharp gnashing teeth. Its poison burned through the snow and scorched the surface of the rocky mountain below. 

The hog charged forward, its tail acting as a long whip, lashing out as it prevented Li Jun from approaching.

'How am I supposed to deal with this?' He thought as he pushed off the ground and used phantom steps to get the upper hand. 

He zipped along the snow as a blur of light, quickly appearing behind the hog to try to deal with the tail before killing the beast's main body. However, the snake's eyesight seemed better than the main body's, and it lashed out towards him before he could even attack. He had to retreat. Using his beast skill, he jumped back, almost stepping into the army of beasts that Xun's presence held at bay.