It is time to come home.

Sun Yang pulled him inside. "You need to write another letter." He said as he pushed aside a stack of papers on a table in his sitting room and then pulled out a sheet of parchment and a brush. 

"If Lord Skull catches wind of that auction, he will send someone to go and ask around. There's no way we will be able to keep out of it if that happens." Sun Yang said, again urging Li Jun to write another letter.

"It's probably already starting soon. I doubt you could get a letter there on time." Li Jun said. 

Sun Yang stood with his mouth agape. Everything he had built had come crashing down around him when he told The Grand Elder of the plot of Li Jun's life, and now his life at the sect was going to be over, too. If the Grand Elder, or worse, The Patriarch himself, got wind of him dealing with Lord Skull's stolen recipes, his life would be as good as over.