You could have been killed

"Kidnapped?" Master Zhu asked. The conversation took a drastic turn as Shen Yun explained what she had seen in the town. "This is the first I've heard of someone being kidnapped. You're sure they said it was one of our disciples?"

"The lady recognized my robes." Shen Yun said with a thoughtful expression. "Maybe it was an outer court disciple?"

"Perhaps." Master Zhu said, but she didn't appear to be all that worried about it. 

"You said she was in the market square?" Master Zhu asked. "I wonder if she is there often? Perhaps I can ask what the person looked like or what kind of robes they were wearing."

"I'm not sure she would be the right person to speak to." Shen Yun said. "She seemed a little delirious."

"She has every right to be if it's true that her son has been abducted." Master Zhu reached to pour another cup of tea, but the teapot ran dry.