Shattered: Echoes of Heartache and Yearning

If pain could be removed, I would do anything to take it all away. Yet, here I am, helplessly watching as it lingers, mocking my every effort to find solace"

Mia walked past Sara, their eyes locked the entire time. Sara tried to laugh to lighten the mood, but it was in vain. Mia turned off the music with such force that Sara stepped back, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and confusion.

Now, Sara, tell me why you pushed me. And don't lie; it will be for your own good, Mia demanded, her evil smirk intensifying the tension in the room.

Oh! I forgot something. I like your phone's lock screen photo; it's nice. Mia tilted her head, studying Sara's emotions with a predatory gaze. So, Sara, I loved all the videos. The view was so nice. Mia's eyes welled with tears she fought to hold back, forcing a smile on her trembling lips. Sara, please tell me why you did all this, Mia continued, placing the phone in front of her and tilting her head again. Hmm, tell me!

Mia! Mia! Mia! Even the sound of your name makes me want to vomit. That's how much you bother me, Sara replied with dead eyes, her face void of emotion but her voice laced with bitterness.

Listen, from my first day, I hated the sight of you! It made me feel sick to my stomach, hahaha. But I hated you even more because everyone acknowledged your presence. Like, what is so special about you that everyone wanted to be close to you? Sara's voice cracked, the weight of her words heavy in the air.

Mia's face was a mask of shock, struggling to comprehend the betrayal. "BUT! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TRY AND KILL ME FOR SOMETHING LIKE THAT?" Mia's voice broke, her eyes searching Sara's for an explanation, her spirit visibly crushed.

Mmm, you know, an enemy of my enemy is my friend! Did you get me? Ah, it's okay. Let me explain. I found three of your classmates in previous high school who also hated your ways, and I joined them. We became friends. One day, we played truth or dare, and I picked dare. They gave me a task to befriend you and try to kill you for $4000. Can you believe it? God gave me a chance to remove the person I hated the most and be rewarded with money!?Sara's voice was filled with a twisted excitement, her eyes gleaming with a cruel satisfaction.

It was torture to be close to you. You're an idiot because you had a weak spot for me, and I had a wicked plan to kill you after a year. Hahaha, your stupidity made my work easy. Some people tried to warn you that I was bad, but you fought with them for me. You couldn't be more foolish. Hahaha, I hate that stare.

Mia's eyes filled with tears, the betrayal cutting deeper than she thought possible. "Don't look at me like that. I'm not a monster. I'm Sara, your closest enemy," she smirked, reveling in Mia's pain.

I'm still talking, so please don't react now, oh my dear. I even made a to-do list, like, how could I win your trust and favor? I appealed as your friend, but deep down, I had a burning flame towards you.

Mostly, before killing you, I wanted to kill your influence over people. I only befriended you to destroy you, dear. God was first on my side because everything was working in my favor. I became your friend—no, I mean your bestie. You shared that you didn't know how to swim. My heart jumped up and down when they informed us that we had a beach camping trip. I died of happiness in that moment because I only had one job to do, then you would be dead.

You thought I wanted to show you the stars that night. Ha, no! I lied that I was going to get some more drinks and came back without you noticing and pushed you.

Your screams were music to my ears, so I loved how you called out for help, and I was there just watching. I didn't want to forget the view, so I took 10 photos and a few videos—like 13. She smirked.

Mia, on the other hand, couldn't take what was being said to her, so she fell to the ground.

Hey! Easy, I'm still sharing what happened next! I was paid, wooooo, but you always destroy my happiness. Like, you didn't die! How?! Who helped you?! I think about it, and I can't tell who might have come into my plan and saved you?! Aaaah, that's history. He or she must be a loser like you, hahaha. You're crying, my dear. Please don't cry. Sara tried to dry Mia's tears with her hands, but Mia shook her hand away before it reached her face.

Don't you dare touch me with your dirty and bloody hands, Mia sobbed. Why? I did nothing to you, so why did you hate me like that?

So you did all that because of hatred and money. I won't lie to myself anymore—the truth is you never wished me well. Everything was just a plan for you to get your money and make your heart happy. You found me when I was full, happy, and at peace, and you planned to leave me when I am depressed and broken. Wow, nice plan. You're really clever because you were successful in all your plans, and I was blinded by the love and trust I had in you.

Mia sobs so hard that she starts to beat the floor, and she begins to bleed. This makes Sara stand up and move away from her because blood starts to spray all over the area.

Sara sickly says, So you're putting on a show now! Hahaha, okay, if you wish to, I'm fine with it. She takes a seat in the corner and watches Mia.

Mia laughs bitterly in the room. No, it's not a show, my dear closet enemy, but my stupidity for never knowing your plans. She sits straight and asks Sara, "So will you try to kill me again? She forces a smile on her bloody face.

Oh! No, no, you're already broken, so it's no use. You're as good as dead! Sara moves gracefully, leaving Mia there alone.

Lastly, Mia said, Stay happy and peaceful. I wish we never cross paths again. Mia's heart seemed to be totally destroyed because she had to let the anger out, but she didn't know how to do it.

Wise decision, that's what Sara simply replied and left.

Mia's surroundings seemed to be getting colder, the ground shaking constantly beneath her. The oppressive silence in the room only intensified the ache in her heart. With her head bowed, she felt a deep, aching sadness, wishing for an escape from the pain. The thought of dying crossed her mind, but it was swiftly pushed aside when her mum's image flashed in her mind. Tears welled up in her eyes, a mix of love and heartbreak. "Mum," she whispered, her voice trembling with longing and hurt.