Mia's Heartfelt Confession and Anger towards Sara

I let out my anger, but in the end, I'm the only one in pain! Why?!

Mia's anger got the best of her, and she stormed out of the VIP karaoke room. With heavy breathing and a heart full of mixed emotions, she tried to catch Sara to give her a piece of her mind. Her heartbeat was so rapid that she didn't care about her messy appearance; her thoughts controlled her.

As she approached Sara, the memory of their shared laughter and stolen glances flashed in her mind, causing her heart to ache. The hurt from Sara's betrayal mingled with the remnants of the thrill she once felt, leaving Mia torn between sorrow and longing.

Relationships without purpose are the devil! Hahaha. Sara, it wasn't your fault—I opened my own door to the devil. I didn't listen when Rita and others warned me about you! I turned a blind eye to all your flaws. How foolish of me! You treated your own blood-related sister like garbage, and I expected you to treat me like a fairy? Hahaha.

Mia's tears fell down. You didn't add anything to my life. To think of it, you always took what belonged to me! How dare you even try to take my life? Who gave you the right to push me? Who?!" Mia's outburst made the entire karaoke bar go silent. I asked you a question, you piece of garbage.

Sara froze in her steps. She turned and looked at Mia's bloody face. Have you lost your mind? Huh! Don't dare shout at me, bloody cat, you piece of shit! She continued moving through the crowd with a smirk on her face.

Hey, and make sure you don't show your face in front of my apartment, you dirty thing. Sara's face was full of disgust at Mia's appearance. Mia's face was covered in blood, her hair was messy as if she were a beggar, and her clothes were disheveled.

Sorry, guys, about my messy appearance, but a friend—no, a close friend turned enemy—turned my life upside down. It's crazy, right? Mia explained to the crowd while walking around them, still holding back her tears.

Listen, Sara, before you leave, I have something to share with you. Before that, guys, I would like to use the stage and sing to my fake friend…

Before she could finish, the crowd carried her to the stage, gave her a microphone, and started the music, but Mia refused. She told them she wanted Sara to hear each and every word she sang.

Sara, this is for you.

♪♮♪Hmmmmmm, I used to tell you everything

Now I don't even wanna to say hello!

Guess this is how it goes

When you break all your walls and build your world around

Someone you think you know.

It hurts to find out

You don't.

Hmmmm, I just wanted to love you

So I missed all of the signs.

Hmmmm, if I knew

What I know now,

I would never let you close.♮

Mia's face was covered with her black hair, her voice was so beautiful, smooth, and full of emotions, sadness, and regrets. She stood in one place and sang the entire song facing Sara. This made Sara so upset that she tried to leave, but no one gave her a way out, so she turned again and listened to Mia's singing.

♪♮♪I hope you're happy with your friends

Who only want you at your best…♮

Sorry guys am completely done! Mia said and also added. Songs can heal a broken heart, but I don't think there's a song that can mend mine. The memories and feelings are still so raw, and every note seems to hurt just a little bit more. They bring a bittersweet smile to my face, one that's just a facade hiding the pain.

Sara, you're truly a devil. One day, what you did to me, you will surely feel my pain one day or another. I'm not wishing bad upon you, but that's karma… history repeats itself. You will realize what I have said today when you're in the same situation I am in now. Guys, I'm tired, let her go.

Mia's head was down the entire time she stood on stage until she went off. Thank…

"Mia!" Sara called out from the end of the hall. You're really a drama queen! Enjoy. I'm off, loser." Her mocking laughter followed her out.