Long Night and a Bright New Day with New Beginnings.

Sunlight and Laughter: A Heartwarming Morning on the Doorstept.

Time passed slowly as the wind blew against Mia's uncovered body, making her shiver in the cold night. She was consumed by both anger and an overwhelming guilt for unknowingly causing suffering to the one she had vowed to protect. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to shield herself from the biting wind with her hands.

In the restroom, her mama was trying to calm down, but the guilt gnawed at her relentlessly. She sat on the cold, tiled floor, water running over her trembling body. The relentless rain outside mirrored the storm within her. She slapped herself repeatedly until her cheeks turned red, each slap a desperate attempt to punish herself for her perceived failures. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions—shame, regret, and sorrow. She dug her nails into her arms, leaving marks, trying to alleviate the suffocating guilt she felt for not protecting Mia better.

She cried out in anguish but muffled her sobs with her hands, afraid that Mia might hear her. The thought of her daughter suffering because of her broke her heart. She was haunted by the memories of her mistakes, each one stabbing at her conscience. The rain continued to fall, making the night even colder, adding to her sense of despair. Exhausted from the emotional turmoil, she collapsed onto her bed. Her mind was a chaotic mess, and despite her attempts to stay awake, she eventually succumbed to sleep, drained from her self-inflicted pain and relentless thoughts.

Outside, the rain continued to pour, making the night even colder. Mia, also exhausted, finally fell asleep in the frigid darkness, her thoughts fixated on her mama, wishing she could somehow make everything better. The cold and rain seemed to be a cruel reminder of their suffering, both physical and emotional, as they drifted into a restless sleep, each tormented by their own guilt and sorrow.

Sara, I hate you! I hate you even more now! Fuck off and leave! Jake shouted with anger and disgust, his whole body heating up with rage. His face contorted as if he wanted to spit. She stood in the rain, thinking he could go down and talk to her. Hahaha, in her dreams, Jake muttered, his voice dripping with contempt.

He slammed the door with such force that Sara blinked several times, both because of his actions and the rain falling on her face, making it hard to stay and watch every step he took. The cold rain felt like torture, each drop adding to her confusion and hurt. She stood there, shivering uncontrollably, not ready to leave, while Jake seethed with hatred on the other side, refusing to open the door or welcome her into his house.

Sara's mind was a whirlwind of pain and bewilderment. She felt torn apart by Jake's intense anger. She walked away in a messy, unsteady manner, her heart heavy with sorrow and her body drenched by the relentless rain. Each step felt like a struggle, her emotions as chaotic as the storm raging around her.

Jake was tormented by the night because of Sara's presence. He paced angrily around his room, fists clenched, his face contorted with rage. Meanwhile, Sara stood outside in the pouring rain, her agony deepening with every harsh word from Jake. The cold rain felt like torture, adding to her confusion and pain.

Inside another room, Alex was filled with happiness, blushing from the excitement he felt deep in his heart. The romantic slow music playing softly in the background made the room feel more pleasant and lovely. He saw the night as perfect to shout out his feelings to the world, forgetting that not everyone shared his joy. He thought about calling Jake but didn't want to spoil his good mood.

Instead, Alex played some more relaxing love songs and leaned back in his chair at the study table, staring at the ceiling with an endless smile. A cold breeze blew gently through the open window, making him blush even harder.

Mockingly, he said, I'm really in love... wait, no, I have fallen for her! Hahaha!" He laughed, remembering how he had only seen her from afar and then again in that cold ocean. Was she really swimming? It didn't seem like she knew how to swim," he thought, tapping his forehead in excitement. His heart raced as he replayed the memories, his smile growing wider with each passing second.

Let me stop and go to bed, Alex said, still blushing hard. His heart fluttered with anticipation at the thought of their next meeting. Unable to contain his excitement, he twirled around the room, a dreamy smile on his face. He couldn't wait for the next time they would meet. He danced his way to bed, singing a love song loudly, his voice filled with joy. Finally, he tapped his chest, feeling his heart race, and shook his head at his own madness, laughing softly. As he lay down, he hugged his pillow tightly, his mind filled with thoughts of her, and drifted off to sleep with a contented smile.

The cold night passed by as Mia slept on her mama's doorstep. With the arrival of a bright new day, sunlight began to stream through the mirrors, hitting her face and causing her to squirm in her sleep. She turned away from the annoying sunlight, trying to shield herself from its intrusion.

Suddenly, the door knocked into her still-sleeping face, making her moan in pain. Ah, ah, ahh, Mama, I'm still sleeping! Don't open the door, I want to sleep more! she complained in a groggy voice.

Her mama, in a state of panic, pushed the door open even more, pressing Mia down on her stomach. "Mamaaaa, I'm in so much pain!" Mia moaned, twisting around in discomfort. Her mama hurried out of her room, finding the whole situation unexpectedly amusing. The sight of Mia, struggling and wincing, made her mama laugh uncontrollably.

Despite Mia's discomfort, her mama's laughter was infectious. The joy of seeing her mother so happy and amused made Mia feel a warm, kilig sensation. Even though she was in pain, the sight of her mama laughing so hard, her cheeks flushed red and her body shaking with mirth, brought a smile to Mia's face. The mix of pain and happiness created a uniquely funny and heartwarming moment between them.

Hahaha, daughter, why did you sleep on my doorstep? Hahaha! Oh my God, you're still so childish! Was your bed not enough? Are you crazy? Her mama laughed warmly while helping Mia up and playfully pulling her ear. The sound of her laughter was like music to Mia's ears, and it made her smile deeply, her eyes sparkling with contented happiness.

I'm so happy, even though I can't always show it. My heart is at peace knowing my mama is laughing so joyfully. God, thank you, Mia said, her voice filled with genuine gratitude as she looked up at her mama's beaming face.

I'll sleep at your doorstep every day if it makes you happy. I'll move my bed here, Mia said simply, her tone full of sincerity. She gazed into her mama's eyes, which had softened as she processed Mia's heartfelt words. Her mama's laughter faded as she walked over to Mia, enveloping her in a warm, tight hug.

My foolish baby, you can do anything for Mama, she whispered, her voice tender and filled with love. She gently tapped Mia's back, her touch full of care and affection. The words and actions touched Mia deeply, causing her to cry even more, her tears of joy mingling with the warmth of her mama's embrace. The love between them was palpable, a profound connection that reached both their hearts and filled them with a sense of peace and happiness.
