Morning's Rage: Echoes and Lies

Friends are friends no matter what. Even if they think differently, they will always be there.

Mama, I love you, Mia said while tightening the hug and crying as she buried her face in her mama's embrace, sobbing. Her mama, dressed in a floral dress that fell gracefully over her curved body, smiled and told her to calm down, or she would go back and lock herself in her room. Mia panicked, pushed away, and let go of the hug, laughing in embarrassment.

Mama, I'm going to take a quick bath. I'll see you when I'm done. Promise you won't go back to your room, she said, waving the back of her hand, which made her mama chuckle and shake her head.

Haha, I see myself in my daughter. Damn, I was that stubborn, she mumbled while heading to the kitchen, her face full of joy. The morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow that made the kitchen look vibrant and inviting. The smell of flowers filled the air, blending perfectly with the fresh morning breeze.

Her mama began to dance around the kitchen, shaking her legs and twirling, her floral dress swaying with her movements. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure Mia didn't see her in such a childish and embarrassed state and then laughed heartily at her own antics.

Thanks, daughter. I'm only still happy and here because of you, my child, she mumbled, starting to prepare breakfast. The sunlight made the kitchen view so fresh, and she loved the smell of flowers. Oh, brand new day, I am so grateful, God, for this new day.

Outside, the flowers seemed to shout towards her dress, as if admiring how well it complemented the morning's beauty. Her joyful expression was infectious, and she felt a rush of happiness as she danced around the kitchen, savoring the simple pleasures of the new day.

I'll make her favorites, Mia's mama mumbled extictment filled her.

Hmmm Mmmm Mmmm yeah! Who thought of.... Mia was in such a good mood that she sang her heart out in the bathroom. Her phone rang, but she didn't hear it; she was in her own world. Hmmm mmm Ah Ah.... she continued, lost in her music.

Her mama called out, and Mia rushed, wrapping a towel around herself to dry off. Mama, I was just finishing, she said, her eyes searching for a reason why her mama had called her. I'll come soon, just give me a minute, she added, smiling and excited.

My daughter, her mama called again while checking her phone, Why hasn't Sara called or texted you? Is she okay? I'm worried. Can you call her when you're done bathing?

Mia's body froze, her heart sinking as panic set in. Hurting memories of past arguments and misunderstandings with Sara flooded her mind, causing a lump to form in her throat. She tried to hide her face behind the shower door, but her mama's worried tone made it impossible to ignore.

Mmmm, I... I'll call her. Let me finish first, she stammered, her voice trembling. Tears welled up in her eyes, mixing with the water droplets on her face. She felt a tightening in her chest, a combination of fear, guilt, and confusion.

Mia's breath became shallow and rapid. Why now? I forgot about her for a few minutes. I forgot Mum loves her a lot, she thought, her mind racing with stress. The memories of Sara's last harsh words echoed in her head, amplifying her anxiety.

She laughed bitterly, trying to shake off the overwhelming emotions. Now I can't even tell what she did time ha ha ha mama. She sat on the toilet seat, her body tense, as she struggled to collect herself. Her mama had already left the room, but Mia remained frozen, clueless and stressed about what to do next. The tension in the bathroom was palpable, the air thick with worry and unresolved feelings.

A peaceful morning was abruptly disrupted when Alex's watch alarm went off, souring his mood. Frustrated, he reached out to silence it, fitting his hand over the pillow to sleep more. Suddenly, his phone rang. Infuriated, he crushed the urge to yell at whoever was calling. What the heck! Who calls at this hour on a peaceful morning? I hate it. Who the hell is it?!

His face twisted with rage, his eyes glaring daggers at the phone near his watch. Tossing and turning, Alex finally hurled himself out of bed, yanking the sheets off with violent force. As he reached for his phone, his anger surged. He threw his blanket aside, his breath becoming rapid and shallow. For a moment, he smirked, but his eyes flashed dark red before returning to a deadpan expression.

Hello, what the hell are you calling me at this hour for?! It had better be very important, Sir. His voice was cold and menacing, his face a mask of fury. He stood rigidly, the tension in his body palpable, as he listened to the caller.

Mmmm... mm... mm. Why?! No, I won't go. He lowered his eyes, his jaw clenched, listening intently. When?! What... Today. What...

The person on the other end interrupted his objections.

Ok, I'll be ready in a few minutes. He hung up and threw the phone across the room, letting out a primal yell, How dare you command me! Wait until you see me! He smirked evilly before storming into the shower, slamming the door behind him with such force that the wallpaper peeled off, falling to the floor with a loud rip. His heart pounded with rage as the water began to pour, steam rising like the intensity of his anger.

Three cars arrived to pick up Alex, but he had already slipped away on his big bike, leaving his bodyguards waiting in the apartment parking lot. His face was covered with a mask, which he only removed at the checkpoint, ensuring he wouldn't be spotted in the crowd. He hid himself well, wearing a black suit that fit his body so perfectly that everyone, young or old, turned to gaze at him.

Alex navigated through the airport like a game of hide and seek, skillfully avoiding attention while his appearance still drew countless eyes. His eyes roamed around as he thought, Haha, I can't even move in peace, even when I'm disguised as a bodyguard. He caught his reflection in the mirror at the checkpoint and thought, "Ahhh, for real, I look like this? No wonder they are all staring at me. It is weird. Why am I so eye-catching even in these low-class clothes?"

He sighed, internally arguing with himself. Why did I dress to kill when I wanted to dress to hide? He tapped his forehead hard, moaned a little, and continued in line, frustrated by his inability to blend in despite his efforts.

I hope she went, Jack muttered to himself while checking his window and inhaling deeply. Drawing his curtains, his phone rang.

Hello, Alex. What's going on? It's so early for you to be calling me, Jack said mockingly. Did you miss me?

Cut the crap, Jack. I'll be out of town, so make sure you take care of my dogs. They'll soon reach your house. Don't make them wait, Alex said bluntly and hung up, leaving Jack in a state of confusion and annoyance. Alex always did this; he either left people confused or hung up after saying what he wanted. Jack shook his head, his expression showing a mix of disappointment and irritation, and went to open the door for the dogs.

This man only knows how to command. How did we even become friends? I'm like his slave. I hate you, Alex! Jack finally yelled at the open door. The dogs, disciplined and well-trained, looked back at him, their expressions showing a mix of confusion and concern, as if wondering why he was shouting at them while they sat obediently, waiting for his command to invite them inside.

Jack chuckled, gazing down at the dogs. Ha ha ha, he laughed softly, moving aside to let them in. They all entered, and he closed the door behind them.

Hey James, come to my home right now, Jack said pleadingly while James was playing video games.

Haha, why? I'm busy. I have a wife who won't let me come over. Call Nicky, bye... James replied.

Come to my house or I will come to yours and break that fucking video game. Grow up, man! Hurry up, I give you ten minutes. I'm counting right now, Jack commanded. And don't dare me, you know what I can do. He sighed.

James panicked. This crazy man doesn't joke around. Why am I friends with them? God, why did you punish me like this? he thought while putting on his shoes and closing the door behind him. Man, I didn't turn off my game, I'm going to lose! Jack, you jerk! He ran to catch a cab, filled with sadness and worry that his game would be lost.

The doorbell rang at Jack's house. Haha, it always works, Jack muttered, typing on his computer. James arrived, looking frazzled.

Make sure you feed Alex's dogs, Jack said as he passed James like lightning.

Jack turned, lowering his eyes to stare into James's scared and confused eyes. And don't let them wait... hahaha, you won't like it. Jack playfully waved. Also, you should order their food. Byeeee.

Huh? Huh? Jack, you set me up! James exclaimed, dramatically falling to the floor. Hahaha, this son of a bitch did me dirty. How will I survive? Wait, if I have to die, I'll die with someone. I fear dogs! Ahaha, Nicky, Nicky will help me.

James's phone rang. He picked it up.


N-N-Nicky, Jack committed suicide because of Mia. Now he's on the brink of death, and Alex is out of town. Hurry, we are the only friends he has, James sobbed dramatically.

Nicky's door clicked shut as he rushed to help. James hung up, smirking evilly with his eyes lowered. Mmm, I'm clever. he will have to help me. He cleaned his shoulder, feeling proud of his acting skills, and entered Jack's apartment.

Within a few minutes, Nicky burst into Jack's house, calling out his name. Feeling weak in the knees, he collapsed in the doorway. When he rose, his voice was breaking and low—it seemed he had cried the whole way to Jack's house. His chest felt broken as he held onto the wall and muttered, Why did you have to do that, you bastard? Why?

Nicky's shout and sorrow made James, who was standing in the kitchen, feel a deep pang of guilt. He had made an unpleasant joke, and now his friend was devastated. He wanted to laugh, but the weight of what had happened stifled any mirth. Jack had committed suicide because of James' cruel prank. The realization hit him like a tidal wave, and he couldn't even try to talk to Nicky. Instead, he hid himself down by the cooker, tears streaming down his cheeks. Blaming himself, he thought, Why am I so good at lying? Now no one will believe me ever again.

James felt broken, knowing Jack's fate was sealed by his own foolish actions. His thoughts were interrupted by Nicky's tap on the shoulder. Hey, why are you crying? Nicky's voice was thick with emotion as he wiped his tears. You should grow up. We're not kids anymore. If you need my help, tell me straight. Don't make drama. I also know how to act, but I didn't like it at all. Make sure you never joke like that again.

Nicky's eyes were dark with anger and sorrow, and he grabbed James by the collar. If you ever do something like this again, I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your life, he hissed. The threat hung heavily in the air, and James knew he meant every word.

After a tense moment, Nicky's grip loosened, and he took a deep breath. He saw the remorse in James' eyes and knew that his friend was truly sorry. Nicky's eyes softened, and he let go, pulling James into a tight hug. Let's make sure Jack's memory is honored, he said quietly, his voice trembling. No more lies, no more jokes. We owe him that much.

James nodded, his heart heavy with guilt and grief. They stood there, embracing in shared sorrow, knowing they could never undo the past but hoping to find a way to move forward together.
