Lies and Emotions: The Real Impact

Feelings should be expressed, not hidden. A lie is a lie; its impact depends on intent and use.

So... what should we do next?" Nicky asked as he entered the sitingroom rooting out two beautiful white and black dogs. Hey, cuties, come to me! Kneeling on one knee, he opened his arms, welcoming the dogs with a warm smile. I missed you a lot. Alex is so selfish; we only see you when he's not around.

The dogs licked his face and rolled on the ground, their eyes sparkling with delight. The late afternoon sun filtered through the windows, casting a golden glow over the scene. Nicky laughed, a sound full of genuine happiness, as the dogs playfully nipped at his fingers and wagged their tails.

James sat on the ground, taking in the serene moment. The gentle rustling of leaves outside and the soft chirping of birds added to the peaceful atmosphere. He watched as Nicky lay back, allowing the dogs to clamber over him, their joyous barks filling the room. The sight of Nicky's carefree laughter and the dogs' boundless energy brought a smile to James's face.

For a moment, he imagined joining them, feeling the warmth and love that radiated from the trio. But his lingering fear of dogs held him back. Instead, he stood up slowly, taking one last look at the beautiful scene. Nicky's eyes met his, and they shared a silent understanding.

Enjoy, Nicky, James said softly, giving a small wave as he stepped outside. The fresh air filled his lungs, and he felt a sense of peace wash over him. He might not have been part of the playful moment, but witnessing it was enough to lift his spirits.

The sound of her phone ringing made her turn from her cooking. Panic flashed across Mia's face as she hurriedly called out, Mum, can you please help me? It might get burnt, and I have to take this. Please help me, Mia pleaded with a smile that masked her rising anxiety. Mia's mama blinked and took over the cooking, her calm demeanor contrasting Mia's stress.

So, who called? Is it Sara? her mama asked, concerned, her eyes following Mia, who stood frozen, trying to stay calm but clearly anxious.

Mia turned and forced a smile. Mama, let me check first, okay? She laughed nervously, trying to ease her mama's worry, though her own heart pounded in her chest. Seeing the unknown number, a wave of dread washed over her. She hesitated, her eyes lowering as sadness crept in.

Hello! Who is this, please? Mia asked, her voice trembling with a mix of stress and anticipation.

Mia, it's Rita, came the familiar voice on the other end, instantly relieving her stress and bringing joy.

Oh, Rita! Thank goodness, Mia exclaimed, her heart lifting with joy. Her mama, noticing the change in Mia's expression, sighed with relief and smiled softly.

For a moment, the stress and sadness dissipated, replaced by the joy of hearing from her friend.

Wait, did you think I was Sara? Hahaha! Rita laughed on the other end, making Mia cough and worry Rita. Are you alright, Mia? she asked with concern.

Wait, Mia, I have some news. Someone is looking for you, and he's so cute," Rita said playfully, trying to ease the tension while waving her hands around excitedly.

W-who is looking for me? Wait, you said he is a man? Mia's face was a mix of worry, confusion, and a hint of curiosity.

He's someone you knooow, Rita teased, her voice filled with playful excitement. And trust me, he's totally adorable!

Stop being childish. Say his name, Mia's voice was full of anger and frustration.

Jack. Jack Hope. You know him. He's been asking everyone if they have your number. He's—

Why! Mia cut off Rita and hung up the call in a rage, her face flushed with anger and confusion. She couldn't understand why Jack, of all people, was looking for her. Her heart raced with a mix of emotions she couldn't quite place.

Turning to find her mama focused only on her, Mia forced a smile. Mmm, Ma, it was R—I mean Sara. She called to say she was busy, that's why she didn't phone yesterday and today. She said sorry.

Mia headed to the sink to wash her hands, stealing glances at her mama, who seemed at ease. But Mia knew she had lied to make her feel better. She thought to herself, Mama, I'm sorry, but Sara doesn't deserve your love and care. She is someone I will never let you meet, not in this life or the next. Mia's heart ached, but she tried to hide it well, wearing a sweet, warm smile.

Her mama teased, Wait, you're smiling as if you're up to something. Go do mischief, play a little.

Mia's eyes sparkled with playful mischief as she ran, laughing. Catch me if you can, Ma! she called out, darting around the kitchen. Her mama, chuckling, gave chase, her worries momentarily forgotten.

The house filled with their laughter, creating a joyful melody that resonated through the walls. Mia's heart swelled with a bittersweet joy, knowing that her lie had brought this happiness. As she ducked and dodged, she caught glimpses of her mama's smiling face, the lines of worry smoothed out for now.

Mia felt a tear threaten to escape, but she blinked it away, determined to keep the moment light. You can't catch me, Ma! she taunted playfully, her voice filled with genuine delight.

Her mama finally caught her in a gentle embrace, both of them breathless and giggling. Got you! she said, her eyes shining with love and joy.

Mia leaned into the hug, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. The heart always hurts when a loved one is in pain, so Mia lied to make her mama happy. She cherished this sweet, fleeting moment, even though it was built on a lie.

I'm so glad you're happy, Ma, Mia whispered softly, her voice tinged with emotion.

Her mama kissed her forehead. I am, Mia. And it's because of you.

Mia smiled through the ache in her heart, feeling the weight of her lie but also the warmth of her mama's happiness. It was a delicate balance, but one she was willing to maintain for her mama's sake.

Just then, Jack walked in front of Rita, causing her to bump into him. Realizing it was her mistake, she acted as if she got injured. Ahhh, she groaned dramatically, her eyes sparkling with playful mischief.

Jack mockingly laughed. Ha, stop acting. Give me Mia's number, crybaby, he said, his tone teasing yet earnest.

Rita giggled, feeling a kilig moment herself. Oh, Jack, you really want her number that badly? Maybe you should ask her yourself! She winked, enjoying the playful banter.

Rita ran off from Jack, calling out, Hey, see you in three weeks! We have a holiday. Hope you don't miss Mia too much; you'll fall sick! Hahaha, love sick! She turned back and added mockingly, Oh wait, you're already lovesick, aren't you, Jack? Hahaha! Her laughter echoed dramatically as she finally reached the train station. Jack felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment because she was so shameless.

A lot of people had spotted them, and Rita continued to tease him in the crowd, which made some girls mumble.

Why are all the cute men already in love or taken? one girl whispered.

Another young lady added, He's in love. He's so cute. His cheeks are so pink—oh, he's blushing a lot! She covered her mouth with her fingers, giggling.

Jack's face was indeed bright red, and he tried to hide his embarrassment by looking at the ground. The afternoon sun cast long shadows on the bustling street, where people hurried by, some stopping to enjoy the warmth. The air was filled with the sounds of cars, distant laughter, and the occasional bird chirping.

An old man shook his head and said, Young man, if you're in love, don't shout it to the whole world. Go and tell her. It might be too late if you take it so playfully. Run to her now. He tapped Jack on the shoulder and added, Love is a sweet thing, but it needs those who will go to any extent to get what they want. So, you choose: stay here standing on the road or run to her and express your feelings. I know I have no right to say this, but I speak from experience. I lost the one for me because I took too long to tell her.

The old man looked down, his eyes filled with a hint of regret, and a young lady came running over. Hey, sir, sorry, my grandpa is not well. Please don't feel hurt by his words.

Jack simply nodded, but the old man's words still echoed in his mind, filling him with a mix of fear and worry. He stood in one place for some time, deep in thought. The street around him was alive with activity, the sun casting a golden hue over everything, but he felt a weight on his chest.

Should he tell Mia how he felt? What if it was too late? His emotions were a whirlwind of confusion and longing. Finally, he stopped a cab and went back home, lost in his thoughts, the old man's words and Rita's teasing ringing in his ears, making his heart race with anxiety.

Sara's condition was a breaking point that made her whole family worry. She didn't eat breakfast or come out of her room, only sobbing uncontrollably. Her father entered to try and talk to her. She said, through her tears, that the one she loves doesn't even want to see her face, and she truly loves only him.

Sara sobbed even harder, clinging to her father. No one else will ever take his place. I can't love anyone but Jack. It hurts so much, Dad.

Her father, with a pained expression, gently tried to console her. My child, it's okay. Life is full of twists, but you can't force someone to love you back. You will find the one for you. The world is big, and you'll go on a journey. I can't bear to see you like this. He teared up and cried with her.

Sara's heart was breaking, and confusion clouded her mind. I don't want anyone else. I only want Jack, she insisted stubbornly. The pain was overwhelming, and her sobs only deepened as she struggled to comprehend her feelings and the situation.

Okay, my child, tell me about the boy's family. I will talk to them and see what I can do for you. I will do my best to speak with them, but if they agree, you'll need to find a way to make him see how much you care. As parents, we want the best for our children, and if he agrees, I will be happy for you. But if he disagrees, know that I will always be here for you.

He paused, his voice cracking with emotion. I know it hurts deeply right now, but life is full of challenges. It's tough, and it might seem like the pain will never end, but you have to keep believing in yourself. You are strong and capable, and you deserve happiness. I believe in you, and no matter what happens, I'll be here to support you through this.

He stood up and went to his study room to calm down. Sara's mother rushed into her daughter's room, her face etched with sorrow. She enveloped Sara in a tight hug, tears streaming down her face. Her heart ached seeing her child in such pain. My sweet girl, it breaks my heart to see you like this, she sobbed, her voice trembling. We'll get through this together, and no matter what happens, you are loved beyond measure. We'll find a way to help you through this, one step at a time.

Together, they held each other, their shared grief deepening their bond as they faced the uncertain future.

The view of the office showed everyone busy with their work, phones ringing, keyboards clattering, and hushed conversations filling the air. It was clear they had had a very long day. Everyone was quiet, walking to and from their offices, all dressed in white and black. The atmosphere was tense, the pressure of deadlines palpable.

As Alex entered, his presence was immediately noticed by the guard, who respectfully greeted him and passed on the CEO's message.

Hello, young master Alex. The CEO said to wait for him in his office. Do you want me to do anything for you, young master? The guard's face was filled with terror, as if he were facing death or danger that could strike at any moment. Sweat flowed down his forehead. He tried to stay calm, but it seemed he couldn't breathe as he spoke, his voice quivering.

Alex shifted his gaze to the guard, his expression unchanged, his hands in his pockets. Mm, mm, thanks. I'll show myself to his office. Turning, he walked to the CEO's office. His footsteps made the whole area go silent, the busy atmosphere abruptly pausing. No one dared to move until Alex was out of sight. Only then did the workers and the guards breathe again. The guard, still terrified, supported himself with the help of the wall and managed to sit in his chair, catching his breath, his eyes turning red.
