Madness and Love Unexpected

Love isn't planned. It sneaks up on you, taking hold before you realize, unstoppable and powerful.

In the moonlight, Jack's room was filled with darkness, the pale glow from the moon casting eerie shadows across the space. His bed, barely illuminated, seemed to blend into the blackness, offering no comfort. Jack stood by his bedroom window, his silhouette stark against the dim light. His mind raced, lost in a maze of thoughts. Despite the late hour, his eyes showed no hint of tiredness or sleepiness. He kept replaying the old man's words in his mind, over and over, as if the night itself refused him peace.

He breathed in and out slowly, trying to shake the thoughts from his mind, but it was no use. The more he tried to dismiss them, the more they felt like a harsh reality closing in on him. His heart was heavy with worry, his mind filled with a gnawing anxiety that wouldn't let him rest.

I hope Mia is fine and sleeping right now, he muttered, a faint smile briefly touching his lips at the thought of her resting peacefully. Encouraged by this image, he tried once more to fall asleep, longing for the same peace he imagined for her.

He headed slowly to his bed, the cool sheets offering little solace. He climbed in and covered himself with the blanket, staring at the ceiling where the moonlight created faint patterns. I wish I could go to her right now, he whispered, his voice tinged with longing.

Just then, his phone rang again, piercing the quiet night. I can't fall asleep—first, I'm overthinking, and now someone is calling me? Aahhhh, he groaned, frustration creeping into his voice as he reached for the phone with his eyes still closed.


Jake, listen to me very carefully, the voice on the other end said, trembling with barely contained fury. If you don't like me back, I will commit suicide, and I'm not playing, the voice hissed with an unsettling intensity. It was Sara, her voice dripping with anger and desperation. The longing to be loved back had driven her to the edge of madness, her sanity hanging by a thread.

Jake's eyes snapped open, dread washing over him as he glared at the phone. He knew exactly who it was, but how did she get his number?! His mind raced, caught between anger and fear.

Who gave you my number? he demanded, his voice cold. If you want to die, please go ahead. Just leave me alone, he spat out, exhausted by Sara's endless threats and her twisted obsession. Die, die, he muttered as he hung up before she could say anything more.

On the other end, Sara was in a frenzy. Jake! Jake! She screamed as she stormed into the kitchen, her anger boiling over. Her movements were frantic, her mind consumed by the thought of forcing Jack to love her. She searched desperately for something—anything—to end her life but found nothing. The more she looked, the more her fury grew, feeding her madness.

Her eyes blazed with a terrifying intensity. Where are the damn knives? She shouted, throwing everything within reach to the floor. "I want to die! He won't love me! Aahhhhh! she cried, her voice breaking with both rage and despair.

Suddenly, a sharp, heavy slap echoed through the room.

Child, what is wrong with you, huh? her mother's voice trembled with both anger and fear. Her hand still stung from the slap, her heart racing as she looked at her daughter, who was now standing in stunned silence. Please, we love you. If he doesn't, it's his loss.

But Sara was beyond reason. Her eyes, now filled with a cold, almost inhuman determination, locked onto her mother. No, Mummy, I will make him love me—whether by force or willingly, she declared, her voice chillingly calm despite the sweat dripping down her forehead. Her mother took a step back, her own fear growing.

No, no, no, child, honey, her mother stammered, her voice cracking with desperation. She realized with horror that Sara had missed her medicine again—the medicine that kept her dark thoughts at bay. She missed her medicine, honey, she called out to her husband, panic seeping into her words. What can we do? Please, come out!

But in the back of her mind, Sara's mother knew that her daughter's fury wasn't just a danger to herself—it was a threat to Jack, the boy she claimed to love. The thought of what Sara might do to him sent a shiver down her spine. As Sara's father rushed into the room, they exchanged a look of shared terror, both knowing that their daughter was teetering on the edge of something very dark and very dangerous.

The house grew so quiet that Sara's parents felt a cold dread settle over them. They exchanged anxious glances, their hearts pounding with terror and worry. Sara walked toward their room with a smile, as if nothing had happened.

Dad, will you talk to Jake's parents as you promised? she asked, her smile wide and unsettling. Her parents stiffened, their breath catching in their throats. They tried to hide their fear, forcing shaky smiles that barely masked their deepening concern.

Y-yes, child, her father stammered, his voice betraying his unease. I'll call them tomorrow and arrange a meeting.

Sara's eyes gleamed as she patted her father's shoulder. Dad, you've grown old, she said softly, her tone almost playful. It's 3 in the morning. You can call them now, right?

Her mother swallowed hard, her hands trembling as she clutched the edge of the blanket. She forced a laugh, but it sounded hollow, unnatural. Deep down, both parents were desperately searching for a way to save their daughter from herself, but they had no idea how. The terror of their helplessness gnawed at them, even as they tried to maintain their facade of calm.

Jake couldn't sleep at all. Frustration and exhaustion weighed heavily on him, his eyes bloodshot and his jaw clenched tight. He turned to his video games, his face cold and distant, hoping to numb the turmoil brewing inside. But no matter how hard he tried to focus, Sara's presence haunted him. It was like she was always there, pushing back harder the more he tried to distance himself.

Each time he lost a game, his anger flared. His hands tightened around the controller, knuckles white with the force of his grip. Why is nothing going my way?! he roared, his voice echoing through the empty room. He slammed the controller down, the sharp crack of plastic hitting the floor doing nothing to ease the storm inside him. His chest heaved with each ragged breath, and his stomach churned with a sickening mix of anger and helplessness. The mere thought of Sara's name made his insides twist, bile rising in his throat as a wave of nausea hit him.

Meanwhile, Sara was in her room, completely oblivious to the chaos she was causing in Jack's mind. She hummed joyfully as she twirled in front of the mirror, her face glowing with excitement. Each time she thought of Jake, her heart fluttered wildly, her cheeks flushed with a deep, rosy hue. She pulled out her most beautiful dresses, holding them up to her body as she imagined Jake's adoring gaze.

Jake is mine, all mine, mine alone!" she sang, her voice filled with pure, unrestrained joy. She spun around, her dress swirling around her as she hugged herself, imagining Jack's arms around her. Ooh, Jake is all mine! Yeee!" Her eyes sparkled with love and determination, convinced that Jake belonged to her, and only her.

But while Sara was lost in her fantasy, Jake was being torn apart by the reality of it. His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides, his whole body tense with barely contained rage. He felt trapped, suffocated by Sara's relentless obsession, and the thought of her name made him feel like he was going to be sick. He ran a hand through his hair, pulling at it in frustration, his breath coming in harsh, uneven gasps.

The sound of voices and footsteps echoed around Alex as he walked through the corridor, heading toward Mia, who stood motionless, anxiously waiting for any news from the operating room. It had been two and a half hours, but no doctor had come out, and the red light above the door was still lit, signaling that the inspector was still fighting for his life.

Mia stood straight, but her head was bowed, silently praying that the operation would go well. Fear, guilt, and terror gnawed at her as she whispered to herself, No, he will be fine. Mia, don't think like that.

Hey, drink something. You need strength, and he needs you, Alex's voice broke through her thoughts, offering comfort. Mia lifted her head to look at the young man who was taller than her. Her face, pale and strained, wasn't something she wanted anyone to see, but she straightened up and squared her shoulders.

She reached out to take the drink he offered, downing it in one go. Thanks, but I didn't get your name, she said, her eyes locking onto his. Neither of them broke the gaze.

Oh, sorry for my bad manners. I'm Mia, she introduced herself, extending a handshake. Her hand was smeared with blood, but she didn't look away.

Hmm, I'm Alex. Mia, right? Alex replied, his voice gentle as he took her hand. His fingers were warm, and he gave her a small, reassuring smile. The subtle curve of his lips softened his face, highlighting the kindness in his eyes. Mia, who was about to head to the operating room door, paused, captivated by the sudden warmth in his expression. Her breath caught in her throat as she found herself staring at him, her anxiety momentarily forgotten.

Why did you smile? she asked, her voice barely a whisper. There was a vulnerability in her question, as if she was searching for something in that smile.

Alex's smile widened just a fraction, a glimmer of understanding in his eyes. Sometimes a smile can make all the difference, he replied softly.

Mia stood frozen, still holding his gaze, her heart pounding. She had intended to move closer to the operating room door, but instead, she found herself entranced by Alex's quiet confidence and gentle beauty. His smile, though small, seemed to have a calming effect on her, easing the tension she hadn't even realized she was holding.

After a moment, Mia blinked, realizing she had been staring. She muttered something incoherent under her breath and finally tore her gaze away, moving slowly toward the operating room door. Alex watched her go, his expression thoughtful, but he said nothing more. His eyes followed her every movement, sensing the weight of her worry and fear.

Alex's Pov:-

She's still wearing that raggedy dress. 'Alex, you're just obsessed with this whole love thing,' I said, chuckling. 'Let me go get her a proper outfit to wear.'

As Alex headed out, he couldn't help but wonder, 'Why on earth he got all worked up over someone he know nothing about? His just being ridiculous, or is this what love and confusion look like?

He remembered Jack's words at the pool and realized that he hadn't understood what Jack had said.

Love isn't something you can force or plan. It sneaks up on you, catching you off guard, often when you least expect it. You might not even realize you've fallen until it's too late, and your heart is already entwined with someone you've just met. It doesn't matter whether you know them deeply or if they're practically a stranger—when love comes, it sweeps through like a force of nature, unstoppable and undeniable. Nothing can block its path or diminish its power.

Alex glanced back at Mia, who stood facing the operating room, her silhouette framed by the harsh hospital lights. A warm, soft glow spread through him as he realized he understood what Jake had meant. If this is what love felt like, he vowed to make her his forever—his and his alone. His heart ached with longing at the thought of her not returning his feelings, but he promised himself he would still be there for her, offering support and friendship. Just being near her made him feel an overwhelming sense of joy and contentment, a happiness he had never known before. He reached out, gently touching her shoulder as if to anchor himself to this newfound revelation. If it wasn't love, he would cherish her and protect her as a dear friend for the rest of his life. Alex smiled warmly, feeling a deep sense of peace and determination.

End of Pov.

'Hey Mia, I'm heading out to buy something,' Alex said, his voice steady but his eyes betraying a flicker of emotion. 'I'll be back before you know it, okay?' He tried to maintain a serious expression, but his lips twitched with a hint of a smile. He quickly composed himself, hardening his face before Mia could catch the tender look.

Mia looked up, her eyes still glistening with worry, and gave a simple, 'Yes,' her voice barely a whisper. She then turned back to face the operating room door, her shoulders tense and her heart heavy.

Alex took a lingering glance at her, his own heart aching at the sight. He could see the strain etched in her features and felt a surge of protectiveness. With one last, deep breath, he made his way down the hallway, each step echoing his resolve and unease.