The call

I will save them all, even if it's the last thing I do in my life.

The quiet, dark street, where few people walked, loomed ominously as Alex approached the hospital entrance. Anxiety tightened his chest as he scanned the area, his heart racing with frustration at not knowing where to find a women's shop. He glanced around, his eyes darting in every direction, desperate for some sign. Then, he spotted a young man who seemed to be a guard.

Relief washed over him, but it was fleeting, replaced quickly by nervous anticipation. Alex took a deep breath, his shoulders slumping slightly as he approached the guard. Hello, sir, he greeted, his voice carrying a mix of urgency and hope. Can you please help me find a women's shop nearby, if you know of one? His gaze locked onto the young man's, pleading silently for the help he so desperately needed.

The guard, unfazed, pointed across the street to a shop partially blocked by a bus. Without much emotion, he simply said, That one.

Alex's heart skipped a beat as he followed the direction of the guard's hand, a sense of both relief and apprehension flooding through him.

"Wait, why can't I see anything except a bus?" Alex blurted out, his voice trembling with frustration despite his efforts to stay composed. "Sir, I said I wanted a women's shop." His attempt at calmness faltered; his body language betrayed him as his brow furrowed and his jaw clenched. His hands remained buried in his pockets, his fingers curling into fists as he tried to keep his emotions in check. His cold stare bore into the young man, demanding a reply.

The young man's face hardened, clearly irritated by Alex's tone. "For real? I'm trying to help you here, and you're giving me attitude?" he snapped, his voice edged with anger. His posture stiffened, and the two locked eyes in a tense standoff, their expressions reflecting a mix of frustration and defiance.

The street around them seemed to grow quieter as the intensity of their exchange drew the attention of passersby. A few people slowed their pace, casting curious glances at the scene unfolding before them. Some whispered to each other, while others simply stared, sensing the tension between the two men.

"Hey, will you help me, or...?" Alex began, his voice laced with desperation, but the roar of a bus engine suddenly cut through the charged atmosphere. The noise jolted Alex out of his heated state, and he instinctively turned his head, finally spotting the women's shop he had been searching for. A wave of shame washed over him as he realized how he had let his frustration take over.

Feeling the weight of the onlookers' stares, Alex forced a laugh, hoping to diffuse the situation. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he looked back at the young man. "Thank you, really," he said with a sheepish smile, trying to lighten the mood. He nodded in appreciation, his wide grin a mix of apology and relief, before quickly heading toward the shop.

As he walked away, he could still feel the eyes of the crowd on his back, the brief but intense confrontation leaving a lingering tension in the air.

Man, I'm so stupid, Alex muttered through gritted teeth, a bitter laugh escaping him as he recalled his earlier behavior.

Hi, hi! I need some dresses. Please take me so I can pick some, he snapped, his voice sharp as he glanced into the shop, ignoring the admiring stares from the girls around him.

Suddenly, one of the girls stumbled deliberately in front of him, hoping to catch his attention. Alex's jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing in irritation as he watched her fall. Instead of rushing to help, he stood there, fists clenched at his sides, his patience wearing thin.

Young lady, he finally said, his tone icy, next time, walk slowly if you're new to wearing heels. His words were laced with anger, and he didn't bother to hide his frustration. Without offering her a hand, he stepped around her, his movements stiff and controlled, trying to keep his temper in check.

His mind was elsewhere, far away from the present moment. He found the dress he needed with mechanical precision, paid for it without a second thought, and quickly changed into a clean outfit. But even as he moved through the store, his thoughts were consumed by Mia—every step, every breath filled with the memory of her, fueling the storm of emotions raging within him.

Ha, today wasn't your day, baby girl! one girl sneered, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow mockingly. That one's taken. Haha, but at least you tried.

The lady who had faked her fall flushed with embarrassment, but the girl kept laughing, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Oh, let's go to work, she added with a smirk, casting a disdainful glance at the cashier, who was visibly tense from witnessing the awkward scene.

Another girl, watching from nearby, muttered under her breath, Hey, his girl is lucky.

No, someone else corrected, shaking her head with a mix of envy and admiration, she's blessed to have him...

He's so good-looking, another chimed in, her eyes wide as she stared after Alex. Hey, I think he's new here. Have you ever seen him before?

Alex caught snippets of their conversation, his jaw tightening in frustration. He could feel their eyes on him, their words grating on his nerves. Girls, he muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes. Without sparing them a glance, he hurried to leave the area, his footsteps quick and purposeful as he put as much distance between himself and the gossiping group as possible.

Hmmmmm. What can I do now? Mia's confusion and worry had reached a boiling point. The sterile hospital room seemed to close in on her, its white walls and harsh lighting only heightening her distress. The doctor's explanations made no sense, and her frustration erupted. She glared at him, her face flushed with anger. Repeat yourself. After two and a half hours of whatever you were doing in that operating room, now you tell me he's in a coma? How dare you! Her voice was icy, her eyes cold as she took deliberate, angry steps closer to the doctor, who visibly flinched under her intense gaze.

The doctor, visibly anxious, tried to calm her, his hands raised in a placating gesture. He's out of danger. It's a miracle we saved his life. We just need to wait for about eight hours, and he'll be fine.

Mia's lips curled into a scornful laugh. Hahaha, you want me to stay in this hospital while waiting for him? Go and make him well yourself!

As the heated exchange continued, Alex was heading toward the operating room when a nurse suddenly called out to him, her voice urgent and panicked. Help! Please!

He kept walking, a puzzled expression on his face. The nurse hurried in front of him, blocking his path with a look of desperation. Save our doctor from his friend! she pleaded.

Alex frowned, confusion deepening. My friend? You mean Jack?!

No, the nurse said, shaking her head frantically. She's a girl. She's gone crazy! She locked herself inside with the doctor and is forcing him to treat an old man who's in a coma. Please, you have to help!

Alex's eyes widened in shock as he processed the gravity of the situation. Without another word, he sprinted down the hallway, determined to resolve the chaos unfolding inside the room.

Do your job very well before I— Mia's voice cut through the room like a knife, her eyes flashing with a dangerous intensity as she brandished the sharp object. She planted herself on the floor with an air of unwavering authority. Be here until he wakes up, okay?

The doctor, visibly shaken, attempted to reason with her, his voice trembling. But I have other—

Eeeehhhhh, I know, I know, Mia snapped, her voice deceptively calm but laced with menace. Calm down, doctor. One question—are there other patients in a coma like him?

The doctor hesitated, his face pale and sweat forming on his brow. No, I—

No, I can't let you go, Mia interrupted, her tone brooking no argument. Everything is settled now.

As Alex burst into the room, his face was a mask of concern and determination. Mia, open the door! He demanded, his voice taut with urgency. His eyes widened in shock and concern when he saw her seated on the floor, clutching the sharp object tightly.

So, Alex, you're back! Mia said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Hey, you look good. Did you get a date?

Alex's gaze softened with a mixture of love and deep concern. His intense stare made Mia squirm, her discomfort visible as she tried to avoid his penetrating eyes. Despite her irritation, she felt the weight of the situation settle heavily upon her.

Alex addressed the nurses firmly, his voice brooking no argument. Please, step away. This is between Mia and the doctor now. Turning to the doctor, he added with unyielding resolve, Do as Mia asked. Just get it done.

The doctor, overwhelmed and sweating, nodded nervously and resumed his work. Alex sat beside Mia, his eyes never leaving her, and stayed true to his promise, waiting with her until the inspector finally emerged from the coma. The doctor's face lit up with relief, but Mia remained stoic, her emotions tightly controlled, her anger simmering just beneath the surface.

She stood up, her movements sharp and deliberate. I'll call him now. I wanted you to wake up before I did anything else. Mama is taken, and I need to find her. So, I have no other choice but to call him. He'll come after I call him, and make sure you don't stop me like last time.

Alex, sensing her urgency, handed her his phone. Yes, here it is, he said.

Mia dialed the number quickly and waited. Before anyone else could pick up, she saw the worthiness in the inspector's eyes and decided to hold off for a moment. Not now, she said sharply.

So... yes, hello? Come right now to the hospital, Mia demanded, her voice rising. And don't shout. Mia's voice cut through the tension in the room, making the doctor, Alex, and the inspector turn their heads in alarm. Come or not, his fine. And another thing, I need your help. My mother has been taken by some unknown people. I don't have time to sweet-talk you, okay?


Okay. Mmm. Bye. Mia hung up abruptly, her face a mask of frustration.

The room fell into a heavy silence. Mia walked past Alex, handing him the phone. Thanks, she said curtly.

Doctor, come out now! she commanded, her voice leaving no room for hesitation. She continued her way out, her anger palpable. The doctor, worry etched on his face, followed her with Alex in tow, who, despite his concern, knew he had to comply.