Take Charge

An oath to take charge," he vowed, his voice heavy with determination, a promise to protect at all costs.

Nick called out to Jake, Wait for me! I really don't think you should go alone. His voice was tense as he rushed to catch up with Jake. I'll accompany you, and this way, your mother will see that you're really busy, so she might let you leave early. Okay? Nick's worried eyes locked onto Jake's, but Jake just stared blankly ahead, his mind clearly elsewhere. The fading afternoon light cast long shadows across the street, making everything feel a little heavier.

Hey! Who are you planning to leave behind? James suddenly burst into the scene, his voice loud and carefree. The sound jolted Nick out of his concern, and he shot a frustrated glare at James, who was grinning ear to ear. We'll go together, alright? And we'll take the dogs too. Happy now?

Nick's anger bubbled over, his fists clenching at his sides as he turned sharply to face James. His jaw tightened, and his voice was edged with irritation. "Just stop messing around, James!" he snapped, his eyes narrowing as he watched James bounce around like a hyper puppy.

But James was unfazed, his excitement only growing. "Yes! This will be fun!" he shouted, practically dancing as he ran over to Nick. Without warning, James threw his arms around Nick, hugging him so tightly that it almost knocked the breath out of him.

Nick stiffened, his anger momentarily forgotten as he sighed deeply. The sun dipped lower on the horizon, painting the sky in warm hues of orange and pink. The beauty of the afternoon contrasted with the tension in Nick's chest, leaving him feeling conflicted. He glanced back at Jake, who was still lost in his thoughts, a hint of sadness in his eyes. The weight of the moment pressed down on them all, even as the peaceful afternoon unfolded around them.

I hope the one I love is okay and safe, Jake muttered under his breath, his eyes following a lady who passed by. His voice trembled slightly, revealing the depth of his worry. James and Nick overheard him, and a wave of sadness washed over them. They exchanged a look, both feeling a pang of hurt for their friend, who was clearly heartbroken over the girl of his dreams.

Nick, trying to shake off his own feelings, walked over to Jake and gently tapped his shoulder. We should go now if we want to get there soon, okay? Nick's voice was calm, but his eyes betrayed the concern he felt for Jake. He forced a small, encouraging smile, hoping to lift Jake's spirits.

But as Nick tried to comfort Jake, James felt a surge of anger bubbling inside him. He clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms. It wasn't fair that Jake had to feel this way, and James was determined to do something about it. Without saying a word, James pulled out his phone and, with a quick, almost aggressive swipe, made a call.

The phone rang once, twice, and finally, someone picked up. I need your help right now, James said, his voice low and edged with urgency. His expression was intense, his brow furrowed as he spoke. Find out who Mia is. I'll text you all the information I have. Make sure you get back to me before nightfall.

As he ended the call, James' eyes flicked back to Jake, softening with concern. But when he glanced at Nick, his expression shifted, and he forced a quick, almost mischievous smile, trying to hide the turmoil he felt. Nick caught the smile but raised an eyebrow, his face full of curiosity and a hint of suspicion. What was James up to? The question hung in the air as Nick tried to read his friend's expression.

James, sensing Nick's questioning gaze, quickly looked away, hiding his true intentions behind a mask of forced cheerfulness. He was happy to be doing something to help Jake, but a part of him was frustrated and angry that it had come to this. Meanwhile, Jake remained oblivious to the tension, still lost in his own thoughts, his face a mix of sadness and hope as they prepared to leave.

Meanwhile, as Alex carried Mia to the bedroom, he gently laid her down in a comfortable position, but the weight of his emotions bore down on him. He stared at her, a storm of frustration and longing brewing within him, remembering how stubborn she had been since their first meeting.

Oh, Mia, he muttered, his voice low and tight with restrained anger. You're like a red rose surrounded by thorns—so beautiful yet so unreachable. Reaching you causes pain and frustration, but even with the blood loss, it's worth it just to be near you.

He clenched his fists, the tension visible in his jaw as he struggled to suppress his feelings. I want to know you, Mia, he repeated, his voice filled with both desperation and affection, his eyes locked onto her peaceful face.

Suddenly, Mia stirred in her sleep, her body turning slightly away from him. The movement broke the spell, and Alex realized how close he had come to losing control. With a deep breath, he slowly backed away from the bed, trying to calm the whirlwind of emotions inside him.

Quietly, he left the room, closing the door behind him with a soft click. His shoulders were tense, his mind racing as he retreated to his own room, the echoes of his unspoken feelings lingering in the air.

On the road, as the afternoon sun cast long shadows on the ground, a dog kept staring at the car's window. The warm 3 PM light filtered through the leaves of trees lining the road, giving everything a golden hue. Nick, lost in thought, suddenly remembered he needed to call Alex to check on how his work was going. Quietly, he retrieved his phone from his pocket and dialed Alex's number.

The phone rang, but no one answered. Nick sighed in confusion. It wasn't like Alex to ignore a call; he was the kind of person who always answered, even if it was from someone he didn't like, just to find out why they were calling.

Meanwhile, in Mia's room, the curtains were drawn, allowing only a sliver of the afternoon light to peek through. The room was dim, with shadows playing on the walls, creating an atmosphere of quiet tension. The phone continued to ring, vibrating on a nightstand near the bed. Mia, lying restlessly in bed, was stirred from her light sleep by the persistent ringing. Her brows furrowed in frustration as she mumbled in irritation, her sleep disturbed.

Aaaaah... Whose phone is this? Why is it here? she snapped, her voice thick with annoyance. Her hand shot out, grabbing the phone with a sharp, angry movement.

Who are you? Don't call again! If someone doesn't answer, it means they're busy. Got it? I'm so annoyed! Don't you dare call again. Got it? Mia's voice was laced with anger, each word spoken through gritted teeth, her eyes flashing with frustration.

She didn't give the caller a chance to speak before abruptly ending the call, tossing the phone back onto the bed with a huff.

Oh God, I can't even sleep in peace, she muttered, her hands clenching the sheets in anger. The room felt stifling, her irritation simmering in the dim light as she tried to calm herself down.

Wait, so he brought me here? Aaah... Mia checked herself over, running a hand through her short brown hair and sighing in relief. Oh, I'm okay. I'm okay.

She climbed down from the bed, she moved, and headed to the bathroom. As she looked at herself in the mirror, Alex's words echoed in her mind. She had to admit, she did look disheveled, almost like a madwoman or a beggar. Oh, I'm really stubborn, she muttered to herself. I don't care about my appearance, but how is my mother? And the inspector? I hope he reached him already—that crazy man...

With a shake of her head, Mia continued with her warm, refreshing bath, trying to clear her thoughts. Meanwhile, in the living room, Alex slept like a baby. It had been a long, exhausting night and a crazy morning. He was so tired that he didn't even feel Mia tapping on his shoulder.

Mia looked at him, a questioning expression on her face, but when he didn't stir, she quietly stepped out of the house, leaving Alex asleep inside. As she looked back at the house, her face was filled with worry. So many questions swirled in her mind. This man had risked his life to save hers, and she couldn't just ignore that. She closed the door slowly, her thoughts still racing.

As she stepped outside, the door suddenly opened, and the inspector called out, You're late again! Go find Mia right now—she's in danger. I know she can protect herself, but she still needs you!

He directed the man who had just arrived to a seat. The man walked slowly to the seat, his expression serious, and then spoke with determination. I promise to protect Mia with my life.

The inspector smiled, a look of gratitude softening his stern face. Thank you. You've made her strong. She didn't shed a tear until I was out of danger. She's not that little kid anymore—she's grown up to be a strong woman. But make sure you don't show yourself right now. She'll be confused.

His face was serious and filled with gratitude as he finished speaking, the weight of the situation clear in his eyes.