Moonlit Whispers,

Moonlit waves dance,

Silent whispers of time pass,

In the night's soft, endless trance.

Nick didn't mention what happened during the call, but he muttered questions under his breath, his eyes narrowing with confusion and frustration. Why didn't he answer? And who was she? The idea that he hadn't mentioned a girl before gnawed at him—no, nothing like that made sense.

James kept glancing at Nick, who seemed lost in a fog of his own thoughts. Jake pulled the car over sharply, the tires screeching as he did so. "Nick!" he called, but Nick remained distant, staring out of the window with a furrowed brow. The tension in the car was palpable. James shrugged helplessly, his hands up in surrender, signaling that he had no idea what was going on. But Nick had been off ever since that phone call.

Who had called? What did they say to him that had him so rattled?

Jake mumbled in irritation, got out of the car, and yanked open Nick's door, his movements sharp and impatient. He snatched Nick's phone and pocketed it before shaking Nick's shoulder. Nick, snap out of it!

They continued on to Jake's parents' house, but as they stepped inside, Jake froze. His breath caught in his throat, his pulse quickening as his eyes locked on the scene before him. There, in the living room, was Sara, dressed in a light blue dress, styled to perfection. The sight of her made his blood boil. His fists clenched at his sides, and his jaw tightened, the anger simmering just beneath the surface.

Sara and Nick didn't seem to notice Jake's seething expression, continuing their conversation as if nothing was wrong. But when they finally turned and saw the fury etched on Jake's face, their smiles faltered.

Before they could even ask, James started to speak, his voice trailing off as he said, She's… she's really— But he didn't get to finish. Jake cut him off with a blazing glare, his eyes burning with a mix of betrayal and rage.

The air in the room grew thick with tension, and Jake's heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to keep his temper in check. His mind raced, filled with questions and anger, each one fueling the fire that threatened to consume him.

Wait, wait, why are you giving me that look? I'm just saying she looks— James began, but Nick, his face tight with frustration, tapped his shoulder sharply and yanked him away.

As they left the house, James continued to argue, I didn't do anything wrong! She looks good, but why is Jake acting like that, huh?

Nick's grip tightened on James's arm, and his pace quickened. He dragged him out of the living room and into the garden, slamming the door behind them with such force that it rattled. The evening sky was deepening into a dark, moody blue, casting long, ominous shadows across the garden. The once tranquil space now felt suffocating, the thick scent of overripe flowers and damp earth adding to the oppressive atmosphere.

Nick spun around to face James, his chest heaving with pent-up anger. Are you normal or what? he snapped, his voice a harsh whisper, filled with barely controlled rage. Can't you see how upset Jake is? His parents probably called him here to propose marrying her! They think of him as their child, but they treat him like some damn business deal! His fists clenched, trembling with the effort to keep from losing his temper completely. They always want to use him!

James recoiled slightly, finally understanding the gravity of the situation. He swallowed hard, realizing how badly he had misjudged everything. His eyes widened with guilt and fear, his hands awkwardly fidgeting by his sides.

The silence that followed was thick with tension, the two friends standing by the doorway, bathed in the cool evening air that did little to soothe their nerves. They both knew that whatever was happening inside was bound to be a stormy confrontation, one they were both too afraid to interrupt. They remained outside, their eyes fixed on the closed door, bracing themselves for the fallout.

Inside, the living room was heavy with a tense, oppressive stillness. Sara and Jake stood frozen, locked in a silent battle of wills. The dim light cast long shadows across Jake's face, highlighting the fury that burned in his eyes. His fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles were white, and every muscle in his body was taut with barely restrained anger. Sara hesitated, trying to muster a smile, but the sight of it only deepened Jake's disgust. He could feel the bile rising in his throat, his heart pounding with a mix of betrayal and rage.

Their parents entered, chatting as if nothing were amiss, their voices cutting through the silence like knives. They paused, shocked by the scene before them—the charged atmosphere, the tension so thick it was almost tangible.

Jake's father cleared his throat, trying to break the tension, but only Sara reacted, rushing over to him with a strained smile. Jake remained rooted to the spot, his gaze fixed on the place where Sara had stood. His face was flushed with anger, and his body shook with the effort of keeping his emotions in check.

Without turning, he demanded, Why did you call me here, Mother?

Finally, he turned to face her, his eyes blazing. His mother hesitated, seeing the depth of his anger, and for the first time, she seemed afraid to approach him.

I asked you a question—why did you call me here? His voice was low but filled with a simmering rage that made everyone tense up.

His father frowned, stepping forward, and asked, Where are your manners? We have visitors.

But Jake ignored him, striding straight toward his mother with a face full of hurt and anger. His shoulders were hunched, his breathing heavy. "Mother, you called me for this?" He pointed accusingly at his father and Sara's parents, his eyes brimming with betrayal. Sara's mother opened her mouth to speak, but Jake cut her off with a sharp, dismissive hand gesture. "Madam, please take your daughter back. I will never marry her. Or do you both want me dead?"

He spun on his heel and stormed out of the house, the door slamming behind him, leaving everyone inside stunned and speechless.

Outside, Nick and James watched as Jake marched toward the car, his body rigid with anger. They exchanged a quick glance before hurrying to follow him. But before Nick left, he turned back and shot a venomous glare at Sara, then at Jake's parents. His eyes burned with disappointment and fury as he shook his head slowly, the anger rolling off him in waves. Without another word, he turned and stalked away, the evening shadows swallowing him as he followed Jake to the car.

Jake's mother hurried after James, her eyes wide with worry and fear. "Is my child okay?" she asked, her voice trembling.

James turned to her, his expression softening. "Mother, don't worry. He's with someone we all feel safe with, so rest assured. But if he had been here, things wouldn't have ended peacefully. Father, make sure you don't repeat what you did today, or else you might lose your child for good." He turned to leave, but paused at the doorway, catching the confusion and concern in Jake's mother's eyes. "Don't worry, he won't hate you. He's just upset right now. He'll come to you soon."

James' words were like calming music to Jake's parents, who smiled through their tears, thanking him. "Take care," they called after him as he disappeared into the night.

Meanwhile, Jake was wandering through the woods, his footsteps heavy with frustration. The night air, instead of being cool and refreshing, felt oppressively hot, adding to his irritation. Nick trailed a few steps behind, giving Jake space but never letting him out of sight. Though he kept urging Jake to return home, he stopped when he realized Jake was walking farther away, deeper into the woods. Eventually, Jake slowed, his energy spent, and collapsed onto the ground.

Nick approached cautiously, sitting down beside him in silence. The darkness around them was thick, the trees casting long, shadowy fingers across the forest floor. The only sound was the rustling of leaves in the breeze, which did little to cool the simmering anger that Jake still felt.

Jake let out a deep sigh, his eyes fixed on the inky black sky above. "Do you know you're as stubborn as this crazy night, Nick?" he muttered, the words tinged with a mixture of irritation and grudging affection.

"Hmmm," Nick replied, his eyes never leaving Jake's face, trying to gauge whether his friend was calming down or still on edge.

Jake's face was a mix of emotions—anger, hurt, and sadness all battling for dominance. His hands were clenched in fists, his body tense as if ready to spring up at any moment. The moonlight cast a pale glow over his features, highlighting the deep lines of frustration etched into his brow. But beneath all that, there was also a hint of vulnerability, a trace of the boy who was just tired of fighting battles he didn't choose.

Back at the house, the atmosphere was equally charged. James was back inside, confronting Sara, who was pacing the room like a caged animal, her eyes wild with anger. The dim lighting in the room only added to the tense mood, shadows playing across the walls as if mocking the chaos within.

"Sara," James began, his voice low but firm, "You've caused enough trouble tonight."

Sara whipped around to face him, her face twisted in a sneer. "Trouble? Hahaha, you think this is trouble? You have no idea."

James held her gaze, unflinching. "You need help, Sara. This madness has to stop." His voice was calm, but his body was coiled tight, ready to act if she made another move.

Sara's mocking laughter filled the room, echoing off the walls. "Help? From you? Don't make me laugh." She began to walk in a slow circle around James, her eyes never leaving his. "Jake will be mine, no matter what you or anyone else says."

James shook his head, his patience wearing thin. "Not if I have anything to do with it."

Outside, the woods were growing darker, the night deepening as Jake and Nick sat in the oppressive silence. The air was thick, almost stifling, and Jake could feel the anger bubbling up again, his fists clenching in the dirt. But then, as he glanced at Nick, who sat quietly beside him, he felt some of the tension ease. The night was dark and the path ahead unclear, but at least he wasn't alone.

Jake stood frozen, his fists clenched, and his whole body trembling with rage. His anger surged through him like wildfire, burning hotter with every second. "How dare you, Sara? What do you think of yourself, huh?!" His voice roared through the house, echoing off the walls with a fury that sent shivers down the spine of anyone who heard it. The raw pain in his voice was unmistakable, cutting through the air like a knife.

His mother, desperate to soothe her son's distress, started forward, her eyes wide with panic. But Jake's father grabbed her arm, his grip firm and unyielding. Don't, he ordered coldly. He has to marry her, whether he likes it or not. That's final. His voice was chillingly detached, as if Jake's suffering meant nothing to him.

Jake's mother wrenched her arm free, her face contorting with a mix of fury and despair. Okay, fine! she spat, her voice cracking under the weight of her emotions. Let me die then, before my child does! She stormed into the kitchen, her footsteps echoing with determination. When she returned, she was clutching a knife, her hand shaking but her resolve unwavering. You only care about your business, not your son's happiness! So, go ahead, enjoy your profits. But let me die first!

Mother-in-law, stop your drama, okay? Sara's voice cut through the tension like a blade, her tone dripping with mockery. She let out a cold, heartless laugh. Jake is mine, whether you live or die. You're not important. Hahaha!

Jake's father froze, his eyes wide with shock as Sara's cruel words sunk in. Before he could react, Sara picked up another knife, hurling it toward Jake's mother. But James, who had been watching the escalating chaos with growing concern, sprang into action. He lunged forward, grabbing Jake's mother and pulling her out of harm's way just in time.

Sorry for calling you beautiful earlier, James said with a bitter laugh as he set Jake's mother down gently, his tone laced with sarcasm. He bowed his head slightly, his expression suddenly shifting from playful to deadly serious. Make sure she's safe, he instructed Jake's father, his voice cold as ice, before turning his attention back to Sara. His eyes narrowed, and a dangerous smile played on his lips. So, where were we?

James stepped forward, positioning himself between Sara and Jake's parents, his body tense and ready for action. Hahaha, you're my future husband's friend, Sara taunted, her voice dripping with venom. She began pacing back and forth like a predator sizing up its prey. I can't hurt you.

Oh, is that so? James replied, his voice low and dangerous. But you made a mistake. First of all, I'm not like Nick, who just gave you a death stare. I'm here in person, and I want to know what you want from my friend. His smirk widened, his eyes gleaming with a fierce, almost reckless energy.

Sara's parents, clearly terrified of what was unfolding, quietly called the hospital, their hands trembling as they dialed the number. Her father rushed towards James, trying to whisper a warning into his ear. Hey, act normal. Keep her away from you, or she'll kill you. Whatever you do, don't let her get close.

James' expression hardened, his demeanor turning icy. So, she's sick?

Yes, Sara's father admitted, his voice barely a whisper. She's deadly sick.

Wait, and she's not hospitalized? James asked, his tone filled with disbelief.

Sara's father stammered, Sorry, sorry. It was our mistake. But she was fine, I don't know what went wrong…

Sara's head snapped toward her father, her eyes narrowing into slits. Wait, did you backstab me, Father? Why? Am I not your loving child? Huh? Am I?! OR NOT?! Her voice rose to a shrill, hysterical pitch, her fury radiating off her in waves. Everyone in the room felt the temperature drop as the tension escalated, her parents shrinking back in fear.

James remained unfazed, watching her with a calm detachment. Hey, hey, he said casually, his voice cutting through the chaos like a knife. Don't shout. It's noisy. And yeah, you're sick.

Sara's eyes blazed with rage, and she demanded to know where Jake was, her head jerking from side to side in a disturbing, unnatural way. But James didn't flinch. He looked at her with cold indifference, his eyes flicking dismissively over her as he continued eating his snacks.

You wanted my son to marry this… thing? Jake's father finally spoke, his voice trembling with horror as the realization of what he had been trying to force on his son hit him.

Hey, you! Sara snarled, advancing on Jake's parents with murder in her eyes. Who are you calling a thing, huh?!

Jake's father recoiled, but James was faster. He stood up, shaking his head slowly. Don't you dare, he warned, his voice dangerously soft. In a blur of movement, he grabbed Sara's hand, twisting it behind her back, and within seconds had her securely tied up. His actions were swift, precise, and executed with a chilling efficiency. If I ever see her near my friend again, I'll kill you, he hissed at Sara's parents, his voice laced with a deadly promise. The playful, carefree James was gone, replaced by someone far more terrifying. The fear in their eyes confirmed that his threat had hit home.

James then gently guided Jake's parents to their bedroom, offering them water with a childlike smile that only made them fear him more. His sudden shifts in demeanor were unnerving, leaving them questioning whether he was sane or just as dangerous as Sara.

Don't worry, I won't hurt you, James reassured them softly. I'm only like that when someone hurts my friend. His tone dropped to a deadly whisper as he locked eyes with Jake's father. Even if it's you. The threat hung heavy in the air, unmistakable. But then, just as suddenly, he softened again, his voice light and easy. But don't worry, I'm leaving now. I only came back to talk to Sara. Now that's done, I can go.

No one dared to speak as James made his way to the door. But just as he reached it, Jake's father called out, his voice trembling. I will never force my son to do anything. Don't worry.

James paused, a small, genuine smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He turned back and waved, his tone warm and sincere. Thank you. And with that, he walked out, leaving a silence so thick with relief and fear that no one dared to break it.

Back in the house, James finally turned away from Sara, leaving her seething in the living room. As he walked down the hallway, the walls seemed to close in on him, the air heavy with the weight of what had just transpired. He knew that tonight wasn't over yet, but at least for now, he had done what he could to protect his friend. He left the house with a deep sigh, his thoughts on Jake, hoping that somewhere in the darkness, his friend was finding some peace.