The Command

Let me stand by you. No matter how fiercely independent you are, I'll always be here, right by your side. I won't let you face anything alone.

The room was so dark that the sound of someone groaning in pain could be heard, followed by a sudden, eerie laugh. How stupid of me... why didn't I wake up sooner? a voice muttered in frustration. What time is it?

The lights suddenly flicked on, and Alex blinked in surprise. It was Mia who had turned them on. She let out a short, almost mocking laugh as she approached him. Alex found himself captivated by her face, unable to tear his eyes away. But as his gaze lingered, he noticed Mia's expression harden. She frowned, her eyes narrowing as she noticed his stare. Her posture grew rigid, and with a sharp turn, she walked past him, her shoulder brushing his as if to remind him of her displeasure.

Hey! she snapped, her voice icy and controlled, but there was an underlying fury that made Alex flinch. Stop staring at my face like that, unless you want to see the worst of me. Despite the calmness in her tone, her clenched fists and tense jaw betrayed her anger.

Alex's heart raced in panic. He stammered out a hasty apology, bowing his head, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He couldn't bear to meet her gaze again. Mia's lips twitched into a small, almost reluctant smile, but she quickly wiped it away, not wanting to show any softness.

His eyes, however, were still clouded with pain, his emotions unmasked and raw. Despite his attempts to stay composed, his shoulders slumped, and his hands fidgeted nervously. As he stole a glance at her, the worry in Mia's eyes deepened. She sighed, softening her stance, and raised her hands to gently cup his face. Her fingers trembled slightly as she tried to understand the emotion surging within her.

Did I hurt you? she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Alex's lip quivered, and a single tear escaped down his cheek. Mia's heart clenched at the sight. Without thinking, she leaned in and kissed the tear away, her own eyes stinging with unshed tears. Pulling back, she studied his face, now filled with confusion and concern. Don't you ever cry in front of me again, she murmured, trying to sound stern, but her voice cracked, betraying her true feelings.

Her heart was pounding so hard she thought it might burst from her chest, and she hated how much Alex could affect her like this. She turned abruptly, trying to hide her emotions, her movements sharp and deliberate as she headed for her room.

Mia! Alex called out, his voice cracking with worry. He took a step forward, reaching out as if to stop her, but his hand faltered mid-air. What's wrong?

Mia paused, her back to him. She took a deep breath, clenching her fists at her sides. Alex, just go freshen up. I'll make dinner, she said, her voice firm, but with a slight tremor that betrayed her inner turmoil.

Hmmm, Alex mumbled, his voice tinged with childish frustration. I thought you were going to leave me here. Sorry… I'm not always like this. I'm not soft, but you make me this way... His voice was quiet, almost petulant, as he scuffed his foot against the floor, like a child caught in a vulnerable moment.

Don't talk so much. That was nothing, Mia interrupted, her tone harsher than intended. She didn't dare look back at him, fearing her resolve might crumble. Go and come back in 10 minutes. I'll be done by then. Hurry up! she commanded, her voice sharp as she walked away, her steps brisk and deliberate.

But even as she walked, she could feel her facade cracking. Deep down, she knew Alex always stirred something in her heart that she couldn't run away from, no matter how much she tried. She hated it—how much he could make her feel—but at the same time, she liked the emotions he brought out in her, even if it made her angry. Her heart always seemed to betray what her mind commanded, leaving her caught in a battle between love and frustration.

Alex stared at Mia's back until she was no longer in sight. His hand instinctively rose to his flushed cheeks, the spot still tingling where Mia's warm, soft lips had touched him. The sensation had sent an electrifying jolt through his entire body, making his heart race. He stood there for a moment, lost in the memory, his fingers lightly brushing the spot where her lips had lingered. Confusion clouded his mind as his emotions waged a silent battle within him.

Unable to shake the feeling, he stared blankly at the empty hallway, his thoughts drifting back to Mia. A small, innocent smile—the kind that one might see on a shy child—formed on his lips as he imagined her figure once more. He started to walk toward his room, the smile still playing on his face, unaware that Mia was hiding in the shadows, watching him intently.

Mia's eyes narrowed as she observed Alex, her heart skipping a beat when she saw he hadn't wiped off her kiss. A fleeting moment of happiness warmed her, but she quickly slammed her hand against the wall in frustration, the sound echoing sharply in the silent hallway. Her expression hardened, her jaw clenching as she tried to rein in the emotions threatening to overwhelm her.

No, Mia, no falling in love, she whispered fiercely to herself, her voice trembling with barely restrained anger. You have to focus on your mama. Her eyes darkened with determination, but there was a flicker of sadness deep within them, a reflection of the pain she tried so hard to bury. She turned away, her steps brisk and purposeful as she forced herself to push aside any lingering thoughts of Alex.

In the kitchen, Mia's hands moved mechanically as she prepared food, her mind elsewhere. She chopped the vegetables with quick, almost aggressive movements, her frustration evident in the way she handled the knife. The memories of how she and her mother used to cook together surfaced unbidden, causing her to pause. Her hands trembled slightly as she set the simmering pot on the stove, the comforting aroma filling the air. But instead of bringing her peace, it only deepened the ache in her heart.

With a heavy sigh, she slumped down into a chair, her shoulders sagging under the weight of her emotions. Her eyes stared blankly at the floor, the light in them dimmed by the sadness she felt. She knew she needed to be strong, but in that moment, she felt more like a lost child than the determined woman she was trying to be.

Outside, the wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it the scent of autumn. A tall, older man stood near the edge of the neighborhood, his figure partially obscured by the shadows. He stretched his arms above his head, his fingers brushing against a low-hanging branch, as if testing its strength. His gaze was distant, focused on something beyond the reach of mere sight, as if he were lost in thought—or perhaps in memories of his own.

Mia sat in silence, her mind swirling in a storm of thoughts, completely oblivious to the world around her. She stared blankly into space, her hands resting limply on her lap as the smell of burnt food began to fill the kitchen. Thick smoke curled up from the stove, and the room gradually darkened with the haze.

Suddenly, the piercing shriek of the smoke alarm jolted the silence, followed by the hiss of sprinklers activating. Water sprayed down from the ceiling, drenching Mia's face and body, soaking through her clothes. Her hair clung to her face in wet strands, and cold rivulets of water ran down her cheeks, mingling with the tears she hadn't realized were there. The sensation broke her from the pool of thoughts that had held her captive.

Blinking rapidly, Mia slowly stood up, her movements sluggish as if she were still half in a daze. She turned to face the kitchen, her eyes wide with realization as she recalled she had been cooking. The sight of the charred, smoking mess on the stove sent a surge of panic through her. The food… Alex… she muttered under her breath, her heart racing as she rushed forward to turn off the gas.

But just as she reached out, Alex's voice rang out, sharp and commanding. Mia, don't!

Mia froze in her tracks, her hand hovering over the stove. She turned to face Alex, confusion and frustration battling in her wet, wide eyes. Water dripped from her hair, her soaked clothes clinging to her body, making her shiver. The cold air hit her wet skin, sending chills down her spine, but it was Alex's tone that truly struck her.

Before she could react, Alex closed the distance between them. His expression was a mix of concern and anger as he swept her into his arms. Mia's breath hitched, and for a moment, she stiffened in his grasp, her stubborn nature flaring up. She hated being treated like she was fragile, like she couldn't handle herself. But the look in Alex's eyes—so intense, so filled with fear for her—made her swallow her protest.

Alex carried her outside, the urgency in his movements undeniable. He set her down gently, but his hands lingered on her shoulders, his gaze scanning her from head to toe, checking for any sign of harm. His breath was ragged, and his eyes burned with a mix of fear and anger. "Don't move a step," he commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Mia stood there, dripping wet, her clothes clinging to her like a second skin. The cool night air bit at her exposed skin, but she barely noticed, her mind reeling. She stared at Alex as he rushed back into the house, her heart pounding with a mix of anger and confusion.

Did he just… command me? she whispered to herself, her voice trembling with disbelief. Her fists clenched at her sides, the wet fabric of her sleeves squishing under the pressure. She hated how he'd just taken control, how he'd made her feel helpless, like a child in need of saving. The anger bubbled up inside her, mixing with the fear she refused to acknowledge.

No one commands me… not even Alex, she muttered, her stubborn streak flaring up as she glared at the door he'd disappeared through. But as much as she wanted to march right back in and prove she could handle things on her own, something held her back. A deeper, more dangerous feeling—the fear of losing him, the fear that maybe, just maybe, she needed him more than she wanted to admit.