
Why did I listen to him?!

Mia was full of questions, but she obediently sat and waited for Alex to come and get her. The smoke seemed to have dissipated, but when he finally came out, she was long gone.

As Alex approached the doorway, he was met with a dark and upsetting sight. A haunting piece of art was taped in front of the door, the drawn face covered in tears and dots. The moonlight cast eerie shadows on the drawing, making it almost come to life. A single flower was placed upright, supported by a stick, as if it were the last piece of Mia left behind.

Alex didn't see Mia, but the sight of the flower and the way the moonlight hit into the drawings made his blood boil. His face twisted in anger, his body tense with fury.

He aggressively kicked the air in frustration and shouted, No! Why can't she listen for once? Ah!

He stormed through the house with such force that the door broke off. He didn't care and continued to his room, but this exit was through his own bedroom window.

Meanwhile, Mia was on her way, the night dark and unforgiving. As she passed by a next house, she noticed the lights were dim, and the wind cut through her soaked clothes, making her shiver violently. Desperate to escape the cold that she hated so much, she took some clothes hanging outside to replace her wet ones. The cold wind still bit at her, but at least she was no longer drenched as she continued on her path, leaving Alex far behind.

Jake only wanted to get home.

We're going home right now. His face was dark with anger, but there was a strange mix of obedience in his tone, as if he was forcing himself to hold back.

James, the playerful one, was the first to take a seat beside the car, sensing the tension. Nick, with his usual firm attitude, slid into the driver's seat without hesitation and closed the door in front of Jake, making it clear he wasn't going to let him drive. He didn't care if Jake was upset—there was no way he'd allow him to take the wheel in that condition, even if it was his car.

As Jake stood by the car, his anger simmering beneath the surface, he glanced around. The dark view of the car, silhouetted against the night sky, was framed by the shadows of trees and the soft outline of garden flowers. The night seemed heavy, the trees swaying gently, as if in tune with the tension in the air. The garden flowers, barely visible in the dim light, seemed to add to the unease, their once comforting presence now a silent witness to the storm brewing inside Jake.

Meanwhile, Mia, with her striking new appearance, walked briskly towards Alex. Her short white hair contrasted sharply with the black suit she wore, which was paired with a crisp white shirt. The change in her look made her almost unrecognizable in the dim light.

But Alex never got the chance to identify her. Just as she came close enough for him to notice, Mia quickly hailed the first cab she saw and slipped inside, vanishing before Alex could react. He stood there, confused and frustrated, as the cab disappeared into the night, leaving him with only the lingering suspicion that he had just missed something—or someone—important.

As Jake sat in the car, he could only think of Mia, dreaming of her on the way. Meanwhile, Alex's heart ached, as if punishing him for his stupidity. He stood on the street, filled with anger and fury, desperately wanting to run to Mia, but he didn't know where she had gone.

As a bus, which had been blocking his view, pulled away, Alex noticed a man dressed in black standing ominously on the other side of the road. A wave of fear and worry crashed over him—was Mia okay? The sight of the strange man filled him with a sense of dread.

The man caught Alex's eye and, with a cold, calculated motion, used sign language to convey a threatening message: I will kill you if you don't stop. The meaning was unmistakable, and Alex knew the sign well. His heart pounded with fear, his mind racing with worry for Mia's safety.

Tempted to cross the road and confront the man, Alex's fury rose, but in the blink of an eye, the man was gone. Alex stood frozen in place, unable to react, the chilling threat echoing in his mind. The fear, worry, and anger twisted inside him, leaving him feeling helpless and desperate.

I think I felt her presence here. Was I mistaken? Is she okay? Why can't I shake off the thought that I saw her?

Alex's mind was a total mess. His emotions swirled in a chaotic storm of anger, sadness, and frustration. As he stood there, the thought of Mia weighed heavily on his heart. The memory of her—her voice, her smile—played over and over in his mind, leaving a deep ache in his chest. The night around him felt colder, darker, as if the world itself was echoing his sadness. He clenched his fists tightly, as he tried to suppress the fury boiling inside him. His face twisted with pain and anger, his eyes narrowing as if he was fighting back tears.

Finally, unable to bear the turmoil within him, Alex let out a frustrated sigh and slowly composed himself. His steps were heavy with exhaustion as he headed towards his friend, who had once been his bodyguard.

The bodyguard watched Alex approach, noticing the way his shoulders slumped and the sadness that clouded his usually sharp eyes. He could tell that Alex was struggling, his anger and pain barely contained beneath the surface. As Alex drew nearer, the bodyguard's expression softened, a mix of concern and quiet understanding on his face. He had seen Alex in difficult situations before, but this was different—more personal, more deeply wounding.

When Alex reached him, his tough exterior crumbled, revealing a more vulnerable side. In a sudden, almost childish gesture, Alex threw himself onto his friend's lap, his body tense with unresolved emotions. The bodyguard, taken aback but understanding, gently placed a hand on Alex's back, offering silent support.

Alex buried his face in his friend's lap, his shoulders trembling with the weight of his sadness and anger. It was as if, in that moment, Alex sought comfort in the familiarity and safety of his friend's presence, needing someone to ground him as he battled the storm within. The bodyguard, feeling the depth of Alex's pain, remained quiet, his gaze somber as he looked out into the dark night, sharing in the silent grief of his friend.

Mia... she was taken too? Why? Why?

Alex's face turned deadly red with fury, his emotions spiraling out of control. He clenched his fists so tightly that his nails dug into his palms, the pain barely registering through the blinding rage. His breathing was harsh, his chest heaving as he tried to process the reality of Mia's situation. The thought of her being in danger made his heart ache, a mixture of anger and helplessness consuming him.

The bodyguard, noticing the storm of emotions brewing in Alex, dismissed all the other workers without a second thought. His usually firm and authoritative demeanor softened as he focused on Alex, almost like a parent trying to calm a distressed child. He stepped closer, his eyes filled with concern, and spoke in a gentle tone that contrasted with Alex's fury.

Let's do one thing—you have a meeting at 9 PM. Go, and let me handle Mia's situation, the bodyguard said, gently tapping Alex on the back, trying to offer comfort.

But Alex was far from calm. He shook his head violently, his eyes glistening with unshed tears of frustration. I can't... I want to save her, he mumbled, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and desperation. His emotions were raw, making him feel like a child lost in a world too cruel and overwhelming.

In a sudden, almost childish outburst, Alex threw his hands up in the air, pacing back and forth like a caged animal. His face twisted with pain, his anger making it hard to think clearly. He wanted to punch something, to scream, to do anything that would release the unbearable tension inside him. But instead, he found himself collapsing back into the arms of his bodyguard, seeking the comfort and safety he so desperately needed.

The bodyguard, understanding Alex's inner turmoil, wrapped his arms around him, holding him tightly. He could feel the younger man's body trembling with a mix of rage and sorrow. We'll find her, he reassured softly, though his heart ached seeing Alex so broken. Alex, for once, allowed himself to be held, the fight momentarily draining out of him as he leaned into his friend's embrace, his anger slowly giving way to a deep, aching sadness.
