
I wish I could bury the pain for the rest of my life, but it claws its way back. 

The weight in my chest, the ache in my soul—no smile is strong enough to hold it all. 

A young teenager leaped out of the car before it even parked, her heart racing with excitement as her legs moved faster, making her hair bounce wildly. Her body was full of energy, her hands twisting in the air as she called out Alex's name, her voice filled with both longing and pain. "Alex!" she screamed, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she ran even faster, her whole body vibrating with anticipation.

As she turned a corner, two bodyguards, dressed in crisp black suits with matching ties and earpieces, stood on alert. One had a strong, bulky frame, while the other was lean and sharp-eyed. They tried to warn her to be careful, but she stumbled and fell hard on her knees. Her hair, a striking mix of black and red, spilled over her face and back, catching the light in a way that made it look even more captivating.

Before the guards could reach her, she shot to her feet with a surge of adrenaline, ignoring the sting of the wound on her leg. She pushed herself to run again, but sharp, unbearable pain coursed through her leg, forcing her to slow down.

Her face, however, lit up with pure joy when she saw her long-lost big brother asleep on their uncle's lap. Her excitement froze her in place, her body trembling as she gazed at him with deep affection. Tears began to pool in her eyes, but she hesitated—knowing that if he saw her now, it could upset him. The timing wasn't right for their reunion.

Quickly, she ducked behind a column, hiding just before their uncle glanced toward the door. Her heart pounded as she stood still, her body filled with both excitement and nervous tension. Her face resembled her brother's, but her large, expressive eyes gave her a softer, more delicate appearance.

The girl was dressed in blue shorts, her legs trembling as she took in the scene before her. From her hiding spot behind the doorframe, Nawe could barely make out Alex's figure, curled up and asleep on their uncle's lap. Her fingers dug into the wood as she strained to listen, heart racing, catching the soft sound of Alex mumbling in his sleep. Their uncle's voice, calm but troubled, muttered something about a meeting, barely above a whisper.

Her breath hitched as their uncle shifted, his eyes scanning the room before locking onto her general direction. Nawe's stomach dropped. She crouched lower, biting her lip to steady her shaking body. His heavy sigh echoed in the stillness, and for a moment, the crease in his forehead deepened, revealing his worry.

Nawe, standing just behind their uncle, shifted uncomfortably. His sharp eyes flickered toward the doorframe as if sensing something was off, but he said nothing. His presence added to the tension, his silence heavy and foreboding.

Nawe's chest tightened as their uncle began to move toward her hiding spot, each of his footsteps ringing louder in her ears. She held her breath, body rigid with fear, her mind racing for an escape. But as he neared, his gaze softened, distant, and he walked right past her, unaware of her presence. Nawe's eyes lingered on the spot where she was hidden before following their uncle, his expression unreadable. Her knees almost buckled in relief, but she remained frozen, stunned, her heart hammering against her ribcage.

Nawe turned back, her eyes immediately locking onto Alex. Her heart softened, and a wide smile spread across her face as she thought of wrapping him in a big hug, wanting to offer him the comfort and love he needed. But just as she was about to take a step toward him, her smile faltered. Her gaze fell on his sad, scared, and restless face.

Alex sat alone, his shoulders trembling as silent tears streamed down his pale cheeks. His eyes, filled with a deep, unshakable worry, seemed to carry the weight of the world. Nawe's chest tightened at the sight, her own tears threatening to spill over. But seeing him like this stopped her in her tracks. Her arms fell limp by her sides, the urge to comfort him clashing with the realization that he was battling something much deeper than she had imagined.

Alex wiped his face with the back of his hand, his movements slow and unsteady. After a few moments of quiet resolve, he took a deep breath and stood, though his legs were still shaky. His face, though paler than before, was set with determination as he walked toward another door, choosing a different way out. But his eyes betrayed him, filled with anxiety and fear he couldn't shake.

Nawe, still standing nearby, had watched the whole scene unfold, confusion and anger swirling within her. She had thought their uncle had said something harsh, something that had caused her beloved brother to break down. Her heart ached at the thought, but the anger flared quickly, ready to protect Alex at all costs.

Determined, Nawe had begun the long walk toward their uncle, each step painful, her face set with the fierce determination of a lioness protecting her cub. But now, seeing her brother so broken, the fury drained from her. Instead of confronting their uncle, she turned her attention fully to Alex, her heart aching to find a way to ease his pain.

Alex's movements toward his car were sluggish, his legs heavy, like he was dragging the weight of his world behind him. But the moment he reached the guards, he straightened up, forcing his body to move with purpose. His steps were sharp and deliberate, but inside, his heart felt like it was being ripped apart. His mind raced with thoughts, each one more painful than the last.

Nawe's chest tightened as she watched him. She could feel his pain, the way it radiated off him like a suffocating cloud. Her hands balled into fists, nails digging into her palms as tears blurred her vision. She hated seeing him like this—so broken, yet pretending to be strong. It reminded her too much of the past, of the moment their mother died in his arms. His face, his forced strength—it was the same then, and it was the same now. 

Her breath hitched, and something inside her snapped. Anger and pain twisted her face into a mask of fury. Why?! She screamed, clutching her head and pulling at her hair in wild frustration. Her legs trembled as the memories of that day flooded back, and before she knew it, she was tearing at herself, yanking her hair until it felt like it would rip out. 

The guards noticed and rushed to stop her, but she moved faster than they could react. Her body became a blur of fury as she struck them—kicks, punches—every move swift and violent. She roared as if releasing all the pent-up rage and grief that had been buried inside her for years. Within minutes, every guard lay on the ground, writhing in pain, groaning. She stood there, breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her fists clenched and shaking.

Only one guard remained standing, but Nawe's eyes were hollow, her gaze cold and dead. Her lips twisted into a dangerous grin as she dropped into a fighting stance. Her foot swept the ground, preparing to deliver a deadly kick, her body moving with a lethal grace. But just as her leg swung through the air, something stopped her—a sudden gust of wind or perhaps an invisible force.

Nawe, stop it now! Do you want to kill all my men? a commanding voice echoed across the yard.

Nawe's head snapped toward the source of the voice. Her breathing was ragged, her face still twisted with anger, but when she saw the man standing there, her expression faltered for just a moment. 

"Uncle," she spat, her voice laced with a bitter edge. She wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand, her body still trembling with adrenaline. She smirked, tying her disheveled hair back in a messy knot. 

She glanced at the guards with disdain. Let them go, she ordered, her voice soft but filled with menace. They scattered quickly, stumbling over each other as they fled. Nawe laughed cruelly, her voice echoing in the night. Hey, don't run so fast—you might fall! Haha! Her laughter was sharp and mocking, like she found joy in their fear.

She turned back to her uncle, her smirk still lingering. So, you know both of us so well, huh?" she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She rose from the steps and sauntered toward him, her body moving with an almost childish defiance, like a child daring to break a rule.

Her expression darkened as she stood in front of him. Her eyes narrowed, her lips pulled into a pout, but the fury beneath it was palpable. What brings you here, Uncle? she asked, her voice sweet but dangerous, like a child pretending to be innocent while holding a knife behind their back.

Her eyes flickered with something darker. "Why was my brother crying? Where were you sending him? Why does he look the same as when Mother died?" Her voice dropped, and she tilted her head, her hair falling over her face like a curtain. Her hands trembled, barely holding back the storm raging inside her. 

Her voice was low, almost a whisper, as she added, Uncle, I trust you… I respect you… But if you did something to him… She paused, then lifted her head, her expression turning deadly serious, her eyes locking onto his with a sharp, cold intensity. I won't forgive you.

Her face twisted into a sadistic grin, her stare so empty it felt like staring into an abyss. I mean it, she hissed through clenched teeth. 

Her uncle held her gaze for a long moment, his face unreadable, before turning away. Without a word, he motioned for her to follow. 

Nawe stood still for a moment, her hands still shaking, her eyes still burning with fury. She glanced at the guards one last time, a wicked smile curling her lips, then followed her uncle, her footsteps light, yet filled with purpose.