I've been behind her, keeping myself out of sight while following her. Hazel walks into the girls' bathroom.

This will be hard. I waited a bit for anyone inside to walk out and anyone to walk in. No one did. By the side of the loo is a door leading to the janitor's room.

I walk inside, looking for a good sign. I found one. This will do. I stroll out of the janitor's room and stood in front of the door, holding a 'Do not use, under repair' sign.

I took a deep breath in and put the sign out, in front of the ladies' loo and walked in. This has to be the shittiest thing I've done but I need to talk to her. Not doing so is driving me crazy.

The sound of running water is the first thing I heard as I entered, then I saw someone. She was washing out something from her face. I didn't need to look twice to know it's Hazel. I look in the mirror and my eyes widened as I caught her reflection.

She's bleeding.