Chapter 18: First Boss Fight (3)

Chapter 18: First Boss Fight (3)

~Rem POV~

Because of me, one-chan's horn was broken, and she lost her strength. From here on onee-cha-nee-sama's work will have to be done by me.

Nee-sama would surely have done it like this. Nee-sama would be able to do it better.

If it were nee-sama –

If it were nee-sama –

Nee-sama is more amazing. I'm only following in the footsteps of Nee-sama. A me who cannot be satisfied with even that is worthless.

It wouldn't be enough even if I do overdo things to my limits. Because no matter how hard I try, it won't be enough.

The path that nee-sama should have walked, the one that had been snatched away. Is the one which I will stake my life to open. All of this is for her sake of atoning for the thoughts I had during that fiery night.

Because all I am is an inferior version of nee-sama because I am nothing more than a backup copy. Thinking about it reminds me of the scent that man has around on his clothing allowing me to search for him.

What is with this person? That insincere laugh the lingering scent of that witch that wafts from him. That miasma makes me think of that fiery night. This man cannot be trusted.

We should keep him at a distance as he might cause us harm. It will be too late to do anything the time anything happens.

He's not a capable person. However, … I wonder why he is so willing to risk his own life. With a look that shows his self-awareness of his powerlessness. With a face that shows his understanding of his insufficiencies.

Why – does he not give up on fighting, despite all that?

Why –

Why –

Why –

Before I could react Mash reacted calling out my name when his eyes landed on mine with a grin not faltering even against the odds, "Rem! Take the girl and run leave this to me!!"

Not even giving me the chance to respond he threw the girl at me with great strength. He tossed the girl in my arms as the leader of the Wolgarm began to change into a pack leader known as the Juggernaut.

The Juggernaut are large wolf-like creatures with brown and black hide, protruding razor-sharp fangs, a set of spikes jutting out of their backs, red eyes, and a single spike-like horn on their snouts. They are around one meter in length, weigh 30 to 40 kg, and move in packs.


I managed to grab the girl unconscious but still alive. But soon my expression changed into concern as the ground began to change drastically my eyes widened realizing this change from the earth.



The ground soon began to change. I felt the shifts of the dirt and earth changed blocking my way to help Mash as I detected Earth mana being used.

Oh no… the pack leader of the Wolgarm can use [Earth Magic]!

My first thought is to rush in using my demon power but… holding the girl in my arms I can't leave her by herself. But Mash wanted her safe while he took care of the Demon Beast but even he –

Biting down my lips I quickly grabbed the girl hurrying to the villagers. Then I'll rush in to save Bastion-kun. Just please be alive…

You must fulfill your promise! Aren't you a man of your word?!

Please just hold on enough for me to save you…


~Mash B. POV~



Hmm… [Observe].

[Wolgarm Lv.1 Demon Beast]

[Wolgarm Lv.1 Demon Beast]

[Wolgarm Lv.15 Pack Leader]

Witnessing the bald mutt change into his real form is quite intimidating seeing the creature growling at me. Not gonna lie that this feels pretty fucked up.

Especially since I gave the damn pack leader time to use his magic to change the area around me to cut Rem off from helping me. Not bad for a wild mutt…

I grinned while holding my katana in one hand and readying my attack spell. I've been training with Beatrice on the concept of Mana and Od theories.


Soon enough I counted 20 of the Wolgarm's in its pack. All of them are level 1's and their leader are level 15.

However, this fucker chose a really bad time to fuck with me. Grinning I began to use some new skills I was able to do as I compressed the Mana around me. Heh. I then launch a spell activating with purple flames, "[Minya]!"





With my back against the walls of the earth by the mutt, it gave me the perfect cover to protect myself from the other Wolgarm's attacks.

And the best part is they all came from the front or to my sides if I have given them the chance. If I allowed them of course. [Mana Reinforcement].


[+1 EXP] x4

Feeling my body get stronger for the brief period I saw that my [Minya] took down 4 that felt unlucky to get blasted in the face splattering their guts and blood into the air. That leaves 16 to go and 1 leader to put down.

I quickly checked my MP bar to show I have about [175/250 MP] remaining. I gave myself a boost for 1 minute. The training with Beatrice has been fruitful and showing off my [Minya] spell for offensive magic has been useful. 20 stakes to count when using that spell.

Beatrice said I'm more than able to produce more but without any practice with my Mana it would be a fool's errand getting my Gate to be quickly damaged. Instead, she helped me practice my [Mana Manipulation] given the 2 days I had.

The first few were simple exercise examples. One was [Mana Reinforcement] to grant my body and every cell to be channeled with Mana for better performance and reaction time according to her.

The second was how to expel my Mana in private. The easiest way to expel my Mana faster and proficiently is using the [Minya] spell to unleash my faster and refuel my Mana reserves while having an easier time with my Magic casting speed in the process.

Currently, these are the two skills that I have created given my time. Simple but effective as hell for me.

Witnessing the Wolgarm taken down they all began to pounce on me. Needing time to charge – ack!


Suddenly the wall of earth from behind me pushed me forward as the Wolgarm managed to take some bites from my arm. I flinched seeing my HP fall quickly since I didn't have [Mana Skin] on.

I needed to preserve some MP, so I didn't have it active. I felt pain shoot through my arm getting bitten but fortunately, not enough to tear through because [Mana Reinforcement] kept my cells stuck together tightly.

I saw my HP fall drastically getting bitten seeing other notifications of me being cursed and seeing my HP fall to [120/240 HP]. But when it nearly took half my HP another pop-up showed up as I backed off the Wolgarm…


[For showing your resilience through sheer willpower withstanding pain a skill has been created!]

[Skill: is learned!]

Skill List!


(Active) Lv.7/100 Exp: 0.0%

MP Cost: 25

Description: Using [Yin Magic] to create stakes made of crystallized mana covered with light purple flames. They freeze and shatter the time of a target by crystallizing them, which makes them a kind of instant-death magic that negates any defense, sentencing the target to death with even a scratch. Any stakes in the air explode and release smaller stakes that fly in all directions which then rip targets apart.

(Active) Lv.9/100 Exp: 0.0%

MP Cost: 50 MP/Min.

Description: Users can utilize Mana that are based on and/or take control of reinforcement, allowing them to perform magical feats such as hardening one's body and the environment around them, giving them an extra layer of defense.

-This skill boosts STR, VIT, SEN, and AGI by 10%.

-Every 10 levels increase boost by 5%

(Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: When the user's HP reaches 50% or less the user takes -50% of the damage taken.


Booyah. Seeing I'll take half the damage through my bleeding arm I began to switch my attention to the remaining Wolgarm as they were close to my arm biting trying to tear through my flesh…


One quick swift of the blade of my katana I decapitated the heads of the Wolgarm. And surprisingly enough the blade cuts through them like butter. Then again Subaru managed to pierce one through a spike from the log so they must not be that tough by themselves. In the pack is a whole different story.

[+1 EXP] x3

13 to go. 1 leader to kill. Gaining the EXP I focused my attention on the other remaining group as they all decided to pounce again. [Minya].





Shooting multiple mana spikes projectiles pierces through the Demon Beast with ease. Despite their size, they can still be hurt and pierced like any other creature.

[+1 EXP] x3


That left with the remaining 10 left and 1 leader. With the level up I feel refreshed and healed feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Yet… why do I feel like Boss Music is about to begin?

Ehh! I felt a shiver as my senses told me to move away right now! MOVE!



And to answer my question Rem suddenly slammed into the ground. But she was different as she had a dangerous aura compared to her normal self. Her horn glows brightly absorbing the Mana from the air. Re…m…!?

No, this is a demon as Rem began to look at the sky looking drunk on her power, "Aha! Demon Beast! Demon Beast! Demon Beast! Demon Beast! Demon Beast! Demon Beast! WITCH!! AHAHAHA!!!!"





No mercy as she began to slaughter them all with a feral grin on her face. And her weapon using Morningstar… is it wrong to think is beautiful how she easily decimates her enemies like that?


But my eyes widen seeing one of the Wolgarm manages to sneak past her attempting to bite at her mid-section as I rushed forward using [Sprint] taking the bite and managing her to snap out of her state slamming my fist and killing the Wolgarm.

[+1 EXP].

I gritted my teeth in pain as I saw my HP bar fall to [235/265 HP] left. Rem manages to quickly give me a concerned look, "Bastion-kun!"

Exhaling using my [Breathing] to calm my nerves halting the blood flow lightly grinning at Rem thanking her for the save, "Whew… I'm fine Rem. And thanks for coming back on time but…"

Turning my eyes towards the growling pack leader remaining I saw his pack fall like flies. At least with the Shaman gone leaves just one big mutt to put down. Rem manages to get what I mean by having a conscious mind at Wolgarm.

Readying our weapons just readying our boss to fight. I feel a fire in my spirit. Glaring at the beast expressing a taunting but smirking grin.


It didn't take my smug grin as accepting. Good.