Chapter 19: The First Boss Fight (4)

Chapter 19: The First Boss Fight (4)

~Third POV~


Roaring out loud at the loss of his pack the Wolgarm began to hastily charge after the two using a [Dona] beneath Rem seeing her as the most dangerous between the two.


The ground began to shift and move swiftly uprooting the girl into the air. Being suddenly tossed into the air Rem reacted using the moment to aerial dodge away as Mash rushes forward with [Sprint].


Reaching faster the pack leader Wolgarm growled in contempt of the human in front of him not showing signs of weakness or fear.


One cut on its leg as the Wolgarm jumped up to avoid the incoming slash eyes clearly brought its attention to the boy. However, it would come to regret its choice as Rem began to use her [Water Magic] growling in anger at the Demon Beast, "Grr…! Rem shall make sure you pay for this! [Huma]!"


[Huma]. [Huma] is a basic water spell in which the user creates a shining water barrier that blocks other projectiles and magic. However, if the incoming magic is stronger than the shield it will get through it and cause damage to the user.

However, when casting magic intent is needed to determine the spell's effect. Similar to [Shamak] a low grade can make the user lose their senses to a degree there is a high-level version of the skill that allows a skill similar to teleportation…




Rem using [Huma] at a high level created a pressurized water blade at the Wolgarm surprising Mash greatly seeing it in the offensive thinking to himself, 'So that's what a high level of a [Huma] looks like?'

Grinning at this learning that even basic spells could be used differently according to the user his attention drifted to the injured Wolgarm as he rushed forward to kill it in one swift move.


Rushing forward and jumping Mash twirled his blade nearing the beast's neck. Inches ever so close and yet…



Suddenly the Wolgarm roared out loud exploding a white luster, blowing everything in its vicinity away causing Mash to be pushed back exclaiming confused, "What the hell…?! How the heck did the mutt push me back?"

Stumbling lightly to get on his feet Rem narrowed her eyes as she informed Mash what the Demon Beast did getting his undivided attention, "[Attack Hue]. Tch. Mash-kun be wary of the Wolgarm now it's in its attack state. Demon Beast can use [Attack Hue] to amplify their ferocity and bloodlust, rendering them several times more aggressive and dangerous. That burst of mana is used when they're in a corner."

Mash clicked his teeth annoyed by this. Charging his free hand for a [Minya] the Wolgarm growled charging straight towards him.

Leering at the Demon Beast using [Sprint] Mash quickly avoided the incoming charge attack. Till he got notified from his skills about a mental debuff attack sensing a large killing intent from the Wolgarm directed at him.


[Skill [Bloodlust] has been directed at the player!]

[Mental debuffs have been negated by [Indominable Spirit]!]

However, Mash merely smirked seeing that the Wolgarm's attempts to crush his spirits failed from the killing intent as he rushed to the side unleashing his skill [Minya] to ensure he got his target.





Managing to get in some blows from the side the Wolgarm was harmed freezing its time as Rem swung her Morningstar the cackling of the chains could heard.




Attacking from the other side Rem managed to cave the Wolgarm's head as it was stunned by the [Minya] spell leaving Rem for the opening much to Mash's dismay but accepted Rem for kill stealing.


The beast fell whimpering causing Mash to reach piercing his blade through the downed Demon Beast's skull taking his kill and muttering as he was covered in blood, "I hope to god you stay down you mutt."

Soon enough Mash smirked mentally at the notifications his been receiving. Enough to earn a level up to 5 but a change catching his attention mentally speaking to himself in a surprised tone, 'What? I got a skill card drop from the Wolgarm and…. After gaining 15 EXP and leveling up my stats changed but the EXP increased. Status.'


Name: Mash Bastion

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Spirit User

Level: 5 Exp: 6/15%

HP: 290/290

MP: 300/300

STR: 11 (+15)

AGI: 11 (+15)

VIT: 11

INT: 14

SEN: 11 (+15)


Stat Points: 15-> 20

Cash: 0


Not only that Mash immediately used his new skill card he got from the Wolgarm immediately checking his skill list in the process.


(Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Using the user's murderous intent releasing their malicious intent as several targets can be selected with the effects of 'fear' on them. The effects of cause all the target's stats to be -50% under the effects for 1 minute.


He could only grin at the skills he gained from this encounter. However, his attention drifts to Rem who remains quiet as he begins to speak to her, "Rem… sigh. Let's get out of here before any more Demon Beasts come, okay?"

She curtly nodded her head looking down as the two went out from the forest.


The two sat in silence taking a moment to stay at the village to rest. They already sent someone to retrieve Beatrice to undo the curses on them as the two remained silent the whole time.

Rem considered many things about the boy next to her looking down as his hands were shaking out of fear of getting out of the situation many things going through his mind. In that moment Rem held his hand.

Both held their hands till Mash finally calmed down looking at his hand asking a bit embarrassed scratching the back of his head, "Did I do this? Have I been holding onto you since…?"

Rem's face blushed a bit not experienced in dealing with people's emotions awkwardly replied in a nervous tone, "Erm, err, no, this is… I… was the one who held your hand. You looked like you were in pain, so… I did this. I didn't know what I could do for you when you were like that. So – I wanted to do what would have made me the happiest if I were in the same situation."

Holding hands Mash smiled genuinely happy for someone caring for him till Rem lowered her head down in shame, "I'm sorry Bastion-kun."

Feeling like it was his fault Mash tried to lift Rem's spirits using his free hand open, "Oi! Ooi! Lift your head. I'm fine and everyone managed to get through this."

However, Rem shook her head noticing a scar wound on Mash's arm being bitten looking away from him, "But the scars will remain because of my ignorance. But in your heart as well."

Confused by her words Mash merely grinned and pointed at himself in a proud tone trying to cheer Rem up, "It's no biggie. Scars are medals of honor for a man after all, and where scars in the heart are concerned, I'm a tough, guy you know? Even though you look pretty calm you're actually neither calm nor composed, right Rem?"

But in her moment of weakness memories deep within Rem's head began to emerge feeling guilty about herself. About her inner weakness of being inferior to her older sister as the trauma emerged recalling her vulnerability allowing him to get harmed.

Rem trembled lightly as tears began to fall on her face as the recent incident ignited her inner turmoil muttering out loud, "I understand… the situation. That I am the red-headed stepchild of the demon race. That is why I cannot reach my sister's level. I'm just a failed substitute – why – was I the one who kept her horn? Why was nee-sama the one to lose her horn? Why did nee-sama only have one horn to begin with? Why – Were nee-sama and I born as twins?"

Mash seeing Rem's vulnerability calmed his nerves as he replied in a calm tone trying to encourage Rem's confidence, "… You know you always go overboard when placing your elder sister on a pedestal though. Even when you guys invited me over for Emilia's request. She is physically weaker than you, her cooking is inferior to yours, she skives on the job, and she has a sharp tongue. I suppose she's a little… considerate though?"

Rem however continued to sob lightly shaking her denying his words and replying to her sister's perfections, "You're wrong… you're wrong. You wouldn't say that if she still had her horn…"

Seeing this Mash pondered a bit before replying lifting a finger in a proud tone surprising Rem greatly with his words, "Actually where that horn is concerned… you should acknowledge that you have what Ram lacks. You are kind, diligent, and always do your best – and your breasts are bigger than Ram's."

Rem blushed being complemented subconsciously holding her chest with her free hand as Mash continued to compliment Rem gratefully, "It's thanks to your efforts that you managed to save more people that are breathing right now. Not just because of your sister, but also because of you being here."

Rem tears began to run down her face trying to deny the kind words being offered to her lightly shaking her head in denial, "… If it were Nee-sama at her true potential she could've done it better…"


Clasping his free hand over Rem's hand holding his Mash replied smiling genuinely happy around Rem's presence, "That's probably true, however – you were the one who was there for me here. For them. I'm glad that you were there for me. Thank you."

Rem was momentarily stunned by his words trying to deny his kindness and gratitude of praise, "I am… I've always just been a substitute for nee-sama…"

Mash sighed seeing her depressing state encouraging her to be positive of herself esteem grinning at her, "Stop viewing yourself in such a lonely way. I haven't heard in detail about how she lost her horn though… so if you don't tell me about it, I won't be able to fully understand it. But if I were to talk as though I do understand it all…"

Mash freed his free hand pointing at his forehead for Rem to see as he explained to her in a happy tone, "Can't you just be the replacement for Ram's lost horn? Seeing how close you are to each other can't you just be a demon together? There's nothing stronger than the beautiful love between sisters, right?"

Rem gasped at his words tears continuing to roll down her face as Mash eyed her face to face with a grin in an optimistic tone, "Besides, even if you were to treat yourself as a substitute doesn't that mean Ram has no substitute for you? If you were no longer around, what would Ram do without you…? Can you imagine it? I know a guy once said that demons laugh when you talk about what will happen next year. So… laugh Rem. Please don't cry. Laugh."

Rem was confused about what Mash meant as he continued grinning happily holding her hand, "Let's laugh while talking about the future. Instead of wasting time looking back, let's look ahead and speak of the future from now on. For now, let's start with talking about tomorrow."

Rem finally responded confused but glinted in her eyes hopeful, "… Talking about tomorrow?"

Nodding his head Mash continued speaking in a soft kind tone directed towards the maid encouraging her, "Yeah. Anything about tomorrow is fine, you know? For instance, what to cook for breakfast. Even trivial things. No matter how dull the topic seems, anything about tomorrow that we can talk about is fine, because there is a tomorrow. How about it? There is yet joy beyond your sorrows."

Holding hands tightly Mash reaffirms his words to Rem trying to make her happy and blushing lightly honestly speaking through his heart, "… I am extremely weak. So, I will surely end up relying on others. People like you. Isn't that fine? I'm weak as well, and stupid, and am bad at facial expressions, and can't pick up social cues…"

Mash stopped talking about his insecurities before blushing embarrassed he revealed that much responding to Rem in an embarrassed tone, "Just talking about it myself makes it seem overwhelming, but… we can move forward if I'll do what you can't do, and you do what I can't do. Let's stand together, laughing, and talk about the future. I've always wanted to talk about the future while laughing with demons. I guess I'm demon-pos-sessed, eh?"

Making a bad joke Rem laughed at his attempt cheering him up. But laughed all the same feeling warmth from her heart from Mash's presence and words.

Beatrice was observing the view of the two shaking her head annoyed at a far distance away from them, "Sigh… I swear that boy is going to be quite bothersome but… he has a talent for comforting someone who needs it. Although I wonder how he'll handle that clown I suppose.

Beatrice could only shake her head leaving him with Rem a bit longer calming the Oni down gaining her trust and more…