Chapter 20: New Skills

Chapter 20: New Skills

~Third POV~

Returning home to his mansion Roswaal holding Ram on his lap asked her for a status report of events, "By the way Ram… have you found the objective of the parent who was controlling those Demon Beasts, I wonder?"

Ram shook her head as she explained to Roswaal in a blank tone to her master, "… Roughly. But the obstacle has already vanished. There was one child who nobody in the village knew – she disappeared the next day."

Roswaal leans on his chair looking at the moonlight sky replying in a serious tone holding Rem on his lap, "Seems like we're getting tangled in the skein of royal election politics agaaain. An odd collection of candidates has formed."

Placing his hand over her head fueling Ram with Mana as she expressed euphoria upon receiving the power he continues to explain his goals in a serious tone, "We must prevail in this royal election no matter what. For the sake of my goal to kill the dragon. For the sake of that day."




Swinging his sword in the night practicing his skill Emilia soon appeared seeing Mash focused asking, "Oh? Did I appear at a bad time?"

Briefly pausing his eyes turned towards Emilia greeting the elf girl with a grin twirling his katana, "Oh? Hello Emilia. Did my practice bother you?"

She shook her head explaining herself in a calm tone expressing a light grin on her face, "No I can see what you were doing. Am I bothering you?"

Expressing some concern and hesitation Mash decided to call it off for his physical training for today as he shook his head putting away his weapon, "No. Not really, I just finished today. I'm just about to begin my Mana technique practices."

Blinking at this Emilia asked in an innocent tone wishing to watch Mash perform his daily routine, "In that case, you don't mind me watching right? I still want to properly thank you for saving me today again."

Mash blinked at her claims confused as Emilia further elaborated to him as she approached him, "Even though I brought you to the mansion to reward you for saving me, instead, you've gone and saved us again. Thank you very much!"

Blushing feeling a bit embarrassed having a cute elf girl looking at him try to dissuade the feelings of gratitude, "Nah, it's fine. It's fine! I only did it to help those kids."

Emilia however wasn't taking it as she dropped a bead of sweat on how Mash was being nonchalant about being rewarded, "I wouldn't be able to stop feeling indebted if I don't reward you."

Seeing as Emilia is insistent on wanting to reward Mash he thought to himself to just accept it in a defeated tone, 'Sigh… that girl won't take no for an answer huh? Wait if she's offering I wonder...'

Considering her offer Mash finally responded getting the elf girl's attention by his response surprising her, "In that case would you mind showing me your [Ice Brand Arts]? I overheard Beatrice mentioning it to Puck in a topic discussing magic. I'm quite curious if it works like [Fire Magic] or [Water Magic]?"

Pausing briefly at the question she smirked happily finally given a chance to assist Mash for his help with the villagers, "If that's what you wish then I'll assist you in showing my technique! It's the least I can do."

Mash was briefly grinning at Emilia's confidence in teaching him the [Ice Brand Arts] that it almost makes him feel guilty taking Emilia's innocence to his advantage…. Almost.


Returning to his room for the night after a shower Mash contemplated how long he had till the next Arc would arrive mumbling to himself concerned, "I managed to get past Arc 2 with a scar on me. But Arc 3 will be the real test to handle… I need to improve my skills and body fast."

Opening up his Gamer Ring Mash decided to see if he could find any knowledge from his Forbidden Library to seek any ways to improve his body physically in a concerned tone, "I have to get stronger. But how is the question? Perhaps I can find an answer within the Forbidden Library considering I own multiple long-lost spells or info."

Deciding to spend some time going over the books that were organized by spells he found a few knowledge of improving one's own body till he caught one that gained his interest pulling it from his Gamer Ring storage, "Oh? What's this here… looking at the screen from the books it has… wait this one!"

In an excited tone, Mash pulled out a certain book with a leather covering with a title reading it out loud in excitement, "The Reid Astera training manual… I didn't think this was inside the Forbidden Library. Sweet."

Finding Reid Astera's training manual a smirk soon bloomed on his face reading the contents shaking excitedly, "A technique that nullifies blunt damages? Transfer any sort of force of damage into exterior environments… wild style of instincts?"

Reading the contents inside Mash only got more excited reading the contents in Reid Astera's fighting style the man that became the first sword saint.


~Mash B. POV~

[1 Week Later]


Relaxing my body for a bit I was doing some practice with my body again after discovering the existence of Reid Astera's fighting style called the [Flowing Battle]. I had to admit reading it was a crazy insane training regime.

However, it came with benefits showing off how to learn unarmed combat. Not only that learning the [Flowing Battle] negates one concern for me against blunt force attacks for good.

Thanks to that I even gained a [Brawler Mastery] skill in the process. Not only that thanks to Emilia teaching me the grasp of her [Ice Brand Arts].

I wouldn't say I got nothing from this as I focused on my variation thanks to witnessing Emilia's version. I tried to use my variation to create shape-made versions of [Yin Magic] creating what I call [Yin-Make].

It's similar to [Ice Maker-Magic] from Fairy Tail that Gray uses. Except for effects. Whatever mine touches freezes their time crystalizing them unlike being frozen in ice or creating debuffing darkness taking away the senses like [Shamak]. I had help creating this after viewing Emilia's style and incorporating my own using variation.

Not only that though over the last week, my relationship with Rem has also improved drastically. At the very least she isn't afraid or giving me the side eye viewing me.

Seems like our fight with the Wolgarm helped set aside our issues. I'm quite glad for that. Relieved even.

At the very least I'm much more versatile compared to before. Not only that I managed to at least begin practicing on the basic spells of [Yin Magic] for casting debuffs.

But the most important I learned is [Healing Magic]. Rem was especially helpful in helping me learn this category of Magic for myself and others. I recall how Felix could destroy someone's circulatory system in the anime by TOUCHING his target.

Like god damn… if I practice more on [Healing Magic] I can practically hear puppet control or blood bender in the distance. I can imagine using a [Healing Punch] from that new isekai anime about a healer.

Why stop when I can keep going? I feel confident enough to try to create another skill. I want to create a skill that can help me with extrasensory perception. To be kept active at my beck and call like a… clear eyesight or super sight.


Channeling my Mana into my eyes I got this idea from an isekaied anime. Even now I doubt their worth but maybe some ideas are worth keeping around.


Channel the Mana into my eyes and enhance their capabilities. Keep them active and locate the Mana of individuals…

Remaining steadfast focus, I soon opened my eyes to reveal a different world. Like everything became… clearer.


[Due to channeling aura in your eye you developed a skill to have incredible sight locating targets with aura or enhanced vision!]

[Skill: is learned!]

Seeing my skill list pop up I couldn't help but mentally grin in victory of the gains. The past week surely has done me good.

Heh. Skill List.


(Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 10%

MP Cost: 1 MP/Sec.

Description: A pair of eyes infused with Mana, enhances the user's eyesight and allows for long-distance vision a greater distance, dynamic visual acuity (objects in motion appear far clearer), depth perception, and low-light vision.

It also allows the user to see Mana, which normally was something one could only sense, yet now could make the user see its flow within the body and perceive it in other people.

(Active) Lv.10/100 Exp: 39%

MP Cost: 15 MP

Description: This skill allows the user to instantly conjure Yin Magic-made weapons that the user can use and freely manipulate in close-quarters combat. The weapons are created by using light purple flames to create crystallized creations with the ability to shatter a target's time or darkness constructs that cause the target to lose their senses for 5 seconds.

(Passive) Lv.10/100 Exp: 39%

Description: A battle style from Reid Astera time allows a very wild combat style, which relies on instinct and superior physique rather than finesse to perform maneuvers only the user can do.

This savage fighting style revolves primarily around instinct and is therefore difficult to analyze. Along with the perk of channeling the full power of opponents' attacks harmlessly out of the user's body. This technique effectively made the user immune to blunt attacks.

+Grants the user [Blunt Damage Immunity]

(Passive) Lv.5/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: Brawlers are not martial artists but they are fighters in their own right. Rough and undisciplined, brawlers trade blow for blows and aren't afraid to fight dirty! As a brawler you gain a bonus amount of damage dealt while unarmed or when using improvised weapons.

+5% of unarmed damage

+5% of improvised weapon damage

(Active) Lv.10/100 Exp: 35%

MP Cost: 50

Description: A basic Yin Magic spell with the special quality of separation that allows the user to be able to trap their opponents in an area of darkness that separates their senses from their body.

The targets become unable to sense where they are; however, they can still feel the ground and understand what's happening to their body lasting 10 seconds. A high-grade Shamak can rend space together and achieve an effect like teleportation.

(Active) Lv.5/100 Exp: 0.0%

MP Cost: 1 MP/Sec.

Description: The user summons Water Mana through a person's body which stimulates an individual's natural healing capabilities and speeds up wound recoveries. [Healing Magic] can help restore an injured body or cure a target of any ailment they might have within an instant. [Healing Magic] can only treat physical wounds and ailments whilst not affecting mental afflictions. The skill, talent, and raw power of the mage using [Healing Magic] naturally affect the effectiveness of the treatment.





My eyes blinked in surprise seeing the aura of people keeping [Eyes of Mana] active. Even the coloration of people's Mana in the process…

Add the fact I already started abusing the effects of [Healing Magic] on my body. My stats gained from them can attest to that.

I had some odd glances from some people living in the manor or in Arlam Village but I can safely say I'm at least fucking sturdy to keep my own.

And certainly, most importantly how my stats got a major boost by training myself to improve into further greater heights.



Name: Mash Bastion

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Spirit User

Level: 5 Exp: 10/15%

HP: 350/350

MP: 360/360

STR: 11-> 15 (+15)

AGI: 11-> 18 (+15)

VIT: 11-> 15

INT: 14-> 18

SEN: 11-> 20 (+15)


Stat Points: 20

Cash: 0


With the only exception that my LUCK hasn't gained I was pending on using my spare stat points in LUCK to get better odds in the future.

As I finished up with my training, I turned my attention toward the mansion but with my [Eyes of Mana] I blinked confused seeing a carriage approaching us. But the Mana radiating off the two of them is overwhelming.

I wonder who came here?