Chapter 104: I Need a Hero!

Chapter 104: I Need a Hero!

~Third POV~

[Fuyuki City, Matou Manor]



He woke up. He was chained as Berserker took the form of Kariya having the pseudo form of thought now in disdain at his situation, 'Chained physically and metaphorically. What a cruel joke.'

He was a prisoner underneath a common household, where atrocities even Kariya couldn't bear to tolerate took part. Berserker gazed at the abhorrent insects, their numbers, by the thousands crawling in every corner.

Recalling his master's dreams by their shared link recalling a girl no less than 5 years old bore such torture… boiled his fueling rage about why his Master would save a girl no one loved in his family but him.

Soon a horrendous noise akin to a laugh, the most grotesque of insects, taking the form of an old man appeared before him as he merely glared, "Hahaha! Really, what a sorry sight you are, Kariya."

Appearing was Zouken Matou the Dead Apostle as the monster that was parasitizing his Master family, the Matou for generations. Berserker was the cold maliciousness of his Master father almost breaking character for the disdain he caused towards him and his Master.

But Berserker reframed from acting till he waited for the other Servant and Master to come to rescue the girl that needed saving as his honor of being a Knight would not stand down to save an innocent life.

Zouken Matou lifted his crane to his chin, lifting his head. He merely stayed silent as he chuckled in sardonic delight and said, "But don't get the wrong idea. I'm not blaming you. Honestly, I never imagined you'd last this long."

Berserker truthfully had to agree thinking to himself how his Master had to deal with such a Monster in a neutral tone, 'With a monster like himself, that man had lasted longer than he would have thought. All for a single life he sought to save. Naïve and idealistic, but noble nonetheless.'

Zouken continued spouting nonsense with Berserker narrowing his eyes at the man with clear disdain, "Now is the crucial stage of the game, especially with Caster claiming those poor Master's lives. Not to mention Berserker, needs all the power he needs to defeat them if he were to stand a chance."

Berserker mentally rolled his eyes as he thought gazing at Zouken with hatred in them thinking of Caster stealing Arthur from him in a dissatisfied tone, 'Damn to the Grail. Caster can have it for all she cares but Arthur is mine and MINE alone… if she dares interfere, she'll soon regret it…'

Zouken soon opened his mouth as he grinned widely presenting to Berserker a gift in the form of a Crest Worm, "Now, as a gift, I'll give you the ace I've kept up my sleeve, secreted away for this stage."


The cane suddenly pressed harshly on his throat, forcing his mouth to open. Quickly, one of those abhorrent insects entered his body through his mouth. He flinched and writhed in place and released screams of agony as the man laughed sadistically, "It works quickly, doesn't it? The worm I just gave you was the first to feed on Sakura's purity. How does it feel, Kariya? For an entire year, it's been devouring the girl's life energy. It's a magnificent mana source!"

Berserker was shocked by this, and disgust rang through his entire body. But soon a voice echoed of his master chimed in his mind, 'NOW!'

Listening to those words and the rush of anger activating the [Mad Enhancements] one thought entered Berserker's mind, 'It's time.'


With a heave, he forced himself to regurgitate the disgusting creature on Zouken's face as he swiped it off. The old man's smirk finally dropped into confusion, "What…? It was rejected? Impossible! What is the meaning of this, Kariya?"



A deep rumbling echoed through the dungeon as the worms scrambled into alert with Zouken glaring at Berserker in front of him outraged, "What? From above…? What is the meaning of this, Kariya – "

Zouken's voice died as Berserker glared at the old man right in the eye, with red eyes radiating resentment and wrath with the old man taking a step back, "You… you are not Kariya."


Radiating in black mist activating his [For Someone's Glory: Not For One's Own Glory] pushing all the insects away with his mist donning his armor in his glory spoke words shocking Zouken of Lancelot's words in a neutral tone, "Of course I wasn't. I do not deserve to be someone with such a naïve yet noble soul. Seeking that light is my purpose and this is why I fight."


The room was soon cast with [Perfect Cube] and teleported to Berserker's side was Mash's weapon the Life Sword Zeam radiating with Mana. Berserker grasped the weapon looking towards the frightened Zouken and thought, 'Just this once… I'll fight like I have in the past fighting for what I truly believe is right and just like I have in the past...'

Zouken seeing this growls as he clenches his teeth together gritting speaking out loud to the Caster trapping him with Berserker, "My, I certainly was expecting any guest tonight; you think having this alliance backing you two makes you invincible fools!"

However, Mash spoke through speakers with the two inside the [Perfect Cube] as more insects were summoned inside alerting Zouken, "No, I don't need to be invincible to kill an Undead Apostle. You are not as clever or thorough as you think you are."

Zouken growls at this barking sensing one of the insects that contains his soul within the room said in a serious tone, "I see. It was for the girl huh? I look forward to finding out how you discovered my true nature. You think you can steal from me and stop my ambitions!"

Mash replied as Berserker grabbed the sword coating it with [Knight of Owner: A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands] enhancing it greatly, "You are nothing but a pathetic old worm that has gotten worn down. Berserker that weapons can kill the soul of the enemy. And Zouken… good luck."

Zouken soon paled as the power radiated from the Life Sword Zeam remained intact but slowly turned into a demonic blade with spiderlike lines as Berserker pointed his blade having the Homunculi System fueling the Mana… he sadistically grinned under his helmet getting the chance to go all out.


Bursting with overflowing Magical Energy shocking Zouken Berserker roared attacking all in sight using the Life Sword Zeam screamed to the heavens enraged, "… ARRRRRGGGG!!!!!"

Only bloodshed will quell Berserker of his anger and disgust on this night. Starting with the vilest thing stuck in here with him… an insect meant to be squashed under his armored feet.


~Sakura M. POV~

Grandfather had granted me rest for the day. He said that I should relax for tomorrow's training.

Now I was here. In my room. All alone.

I wanted to cry but I have no tears or emotions left. I could only gaze and that's it.

All I could do was obey my grandfather. Grandfather knew best, so I always followed his advice.

Family means nothing to me. But I wondered where my uncle was.

Uncle was nice. He cared about me, but I couldn't understand why he was suffering for someone worthless like me.

I wasn't worth caring for. Mother, father, and big sister were smart, and they knew this.



The sound came from near the window. There was some noise outside, but the person suddenly appeared inside my room.

He looked to be an average person with black hair and amber/brown eyes. He gazed at me with a grin waving at me as he spoke to me with a creature on his shoulder, "Hey there. Sorry 'bout the sudden meeting I had to get in when Medea closed the space. Having a grand time using [Perfect Cube] huh? Sakura, was it? I'm Mash Bastion."

That was a nice name. It was a shame I couldn't smile back and helplessly said, "Uh…"

Seeing my confused response, he cleared his throat as he responded to me jabbing his thumb toward himself proudly, "I'm here to rescue you. Then, after you're safe, we'll deal with Zouken permanently."

I looked at him like he was insane tilting my head confused. It was impossible. There was no way I could be saved my grandfather said so. He was just being stupid and suicidal. There was no point in rescuing someone like me.

However, I couldn't say it. The conviction and determination in his eyes prevented me from rejecting his efforts crossing his arms and looking at me, "But how this will turn out is on you. So how about it? Do you wanna stay here in this hell hole or take the chance of hope with me out of this nightmare?"

I tried to reject him, to tell him to stay away from her. That I did not deserve to be saved. That no one could save me… yet… what was it so difficult for me to say to him?

It's that simple. Just no. Yet… my voice doesn't want to speak it. The false promise of hope is a lie. Yet… why does when he says it says otherwise…

It's my emotions again. They're acting up like grandfather said they're bad for me. They're bad for me.

I grabbed my aching head biting my lips. I saw blood dripping biting too hard. I tried to bury those happy emotions down like my grandfather said. But the gestures he made them bounced back immediately.

I was distressed he simply had placed his hands in front of me. I looked up at him as he stared back with a warm grin asking, "What do you want, Sakura?"

Seeing him… he was different than his grandfather. He didn't demand an answer he simply wanted to know what I desired. It was then I realized… I couldn't reject him. I couldn't push him away, even though I had just met him less than a minute ago.

Father couldn't save me. Mother couldn't save me. Big sister couldn't save me. Uncle couldn't save me. That was the belief I continued to hold till this moment, that no one could save me.

And yet, I didn't know why. I didn't know why she felt this way. I didn't know why I felt this person could save me. Maybe he could save me.

Maybe… maybe he could save me from this hell. And so, I took his hand as he smiled at my answer, "What a strong kid. Here's a new friend for you."

I was presented with an adorable and fluffy creature with it speaking, "Fou, fou!"

I carefully hugged the critter to my chest. It was also warm. Soon enough another person arrived a very pretty lady spoke bowing to Mash holding a black dagger and sword, "Master the deed has been done. Berserker vanquished Zouken Matou. I have collected everything needed from here?"

Grabbing the sword that seemed to be corrupted my eyes widened seeing it return to its original shape no longer corrupted. Grabbing me as I felt tired I heard Mash speak in a serious tone as my eyes closed, "Medea by my First Command Seal, burn this Manor to the ground. Wipe it from existence!"

I soon felt the tiredness overtake me as I saw the pretty lady Medea grinned hearing, "As you command my Master."

Then darkness as I felt tired falling asleep… this was a nice dream.