Experiment starts

Akira was quickly surrounded by enthusiastic employees. They had a lot of questions to unload at that point.

Sayako managed to calm them and push them away from him with a little bit of struggle, and the employees didn't give much trouble and stood back. She was worried that Akira could get annoyed by that.

"Listen, everyone. Today, we have Hoshi-sama as our guest. He's going to announce something that will make you super motivated. Hoshi-sama, please." She left the spotlight for Akira.

"Thank you for your hard work," said Akira with a cold tone. He wanted to be pleasant, but his face and voice automatically turned back to his original settings. "We are trying to secure a safe zone.

Once you finish your work, we will help you shift your families and all the equipment to the safe zone. Although it will be a bit lonely for a few days to months due to a lack of population, once the organization starts and gets going, people will start to come.