Darius' lips raised to one side a tad. The information regarding the Crown Prince's little secret about his magic affinity could open a whole new opportunity for this town to prosper and would also affect the economy of the surrounding villages. As of now, the iron mine could only produce a small amount of High-grade steel due to the limited workforce.
He couldn't wait to do his experiment for producing black powder for the explosive charge. With the black powder, the townsfolk could even dig the shaft all the way down to Lorenz City's outskirts.
However, Darius must deal with this pompous young noble first.
"Haa…" Darius faked a disappointed sigh. "How Viscount Burgundy would think of his moronic son in his final days, I wonder?"
Nicholas was flabbergasted for a brief moment. He couldn't possibly guess how Darius knew about his father since there's only a few people who were aware of Burgundy's health conditions.