
16| red


I ran downstairs, my heart pounding in my chest. I could feel the tears streaming down my face, but I didn't care. I just wanted to destroy something, to break something, to make a mess.

I burst into my parents' study, my eyes scanning the room for something to destroy. And then I saw it: my mother's precious vase, the one she loved so much. With a fierce cry, I hurled myself at it, smashing it to pieces on the floor.

The sound of shattering glass was like music to my ears. I felt a rush of satisfaction, of release. And then I saw Zeke, standing in the doorway, his eyes wide with shock.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" he exclaimed, his voice loud.

But I just laughed, a wild, hysterical laugh. "What's wrong with me?" I repeated, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "What's wrong with me is this family, that's what."

As I entered my parents' study, I froze, my eyes scanning the room in disbelief. My gaze landed on the table, where two sleek, black Glock 19s lay beside a few scattered files. My heart raced as my eyes darted to the wall, where several more guns hung, their cold metal glinting in the dim light.

"What the hell is this?" I demanded, my voice shaking with anger and fear. I took a step forward, my brother's warning glance doing little to deter me. Zeke reached out to grab my arm, but I shook him off with a fierce strength I didn't know I possessed.

"Piss off," I yelled at him, my chest heaving with each ragged breath. I had never felt so unsafe in my own home, so betrayed by the people who were supposed to protect me.

As I rummaged through the drawers, my fingers trembled with rage. Stacks of books and folders lined the shelves, but I doubted everything now. Every file I opened seemed to hold secrets, every page a lie. My heart raced faster, my mind reeling with the implications.

Then, my eyes landed on a faded photograph of my parents, taken when they were young and full of life. But it was the tattoos on their arms that made my blood run cold - the same symbol Zeke had on his neck. I felt a wave of fury wash over me, Blue's words echoing in my mind: "A mafia, seriously?"

"Listen—" I started, my voice low and deadly, but Zeke's attempt to intervene only fueled my anger. I slammed the photo onto the ground, the sound echoing through the room like a challenge.

"You're all liars," I spat, my eyes blazing with accusation. Zeke took a step closer, but I warned him off with a fierce glare. "Don't touch me," I bit out, my voice venomous.

And then, to make matters worse, Zeke said the one thing that would push me over the edge: "This is why we didn't tell you."

"You're all sick," I muttered, shaking my head in disgust. I couldn't believe what I had just discovered. My family, involved in some kind of criminal organization? It couldn't be true. But the evidence was right there, in front of me.

I went back to my room, my mind reeling with thoughts and emotions.

The hot tears streamed down my face like a torrent, as if my heart was shattering into a million pieces. I sunk behind the door, my body trembling with anger and betrayal. What lie had I been living this entire time? How could my family keep such a massive secret from me? The thought of their fake smiles, their pretentious concern, made my stomach churn with disgust.

I balled up my fists, my anger spewing out like a volcano erupting. I always cried when I was angry - it was an old habit of mine, a coping mechanism I couldn't shake off. My mind raced with questions, each one piercing my heart like a dagger. How could I trust them now? How could I ever see them the same? Was there any way I could come back from this? Why didn't they tell me?

As I sobbed, a memory flashed before my eyes, a sweet and innocent moment from my past. I was younger, maybe eight or nine, and Sam was over at our house. We were playing hide-and-seek, our laughter echoing through the halls. I had hidden behind the couch, and Sam had found me, his eyes sparkling with excitement. We had hugged, our hearts full of joy and love.

That memory seemed like a lifetime ago, a reminder of a simpler time when my family was still intact, when trust was still a given. Now, everything was shattered, like a mirror dropped on the floor. I couldn't piece it back together, no matter how hard I tried.

I exhaled slowly, trying to calm my racing thoughts. But the questions kept haunting me, like a ghost that refused to leave my side. How could they do this to me? How could they keep such a huge secret, such a fundamental part of my life? And what else were they hiding?

I stripped off my dress, feeling suffocated by the secrets and lies that surrounded me. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a white hoodie, the soft fabric a comforting respite from the chaos in my mind. I tied my braids back, my fingers trembling with anger and fear.

I headed downstairs, my eyes fixed on the keys that lay on the table. Zeke was still there, watching me with a mixture of concern and guilt. "Where are you going?" he asked, but I ignored him, snatching up my keys and walking out the door.

I slammed the front door shut behind me, the sound echoing through the silent night. I unlocked my car and slid into the driver's seat, my mind racing with thoughts of where I could go, who I could turn to. I pulled out my phone and texted Blue, my fingers flying across the keyboard.

When she texted me back, telling me she was with Ishan, I felt a surge of relief. I started the car and began driving, the darkness of the night swallowing me whole. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I had to get away from my family, from the secrets and lies that were suffocating me. I had to find someone who would tell me the truth, who would help me make sense of this chaotic world.