
17| red


I woke up at 6am, my body automatically reaching for my phone to check the time. It was a habit I couldn't shake, even on days when I didn't have to rush out the door.

I tossed off the covers and swung my legs over the side of the bed, feeling the soft carpet beneath my feet. My morning run was just what I needed to clear my head, to distract me from the world for a little while. I laced up my shoes and headed out into the crisp morning air, the sun just starting to rise over the horizon.

As I ran, my mind wandered back to the events of the previous night. Nadia's face flashed before my eyes, her piercing brown gaze haunting me. I pushed the thoughts aside, focusing on the rhythm of my footsteps and the sound of my breathing.

When I got back home, I headed straight for the shower, the warm water a welcome relief after my run.

I closed my eyes, letting the water wash away the sweat and tension in my muscles.

Finally, I emerged from the shower, feeling a little more centered. I made my bed and got dressed, my movements automatic as I prepared for the day ahead. Downstairs, the living area was already bustling with activity.

My father sat at the head of the table, a cup of coffee in front of him, and beside him... a young blonde woman. I tore my gaze away, not wanting to know what she was doing there. "You're awake," my father said, his voice firm, his way of saying "Good morning."

I said nothing, just reached for the jug of water in the fridge and poured myself a glass.

My mother bustled into the room, Rosa behind her carrying plates of food - pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon. "Good morning, my boy," she chirped, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

I arched an eyebrow, surprised. "You stayed the night?" I asked, my voice neutral.

"Of course I did," she replied, setting a plate in front of me. "You have a big day ahead of you." I raised an eyebrow, skeptical. My mother never stayed overnight, not unless something was going on. But I didn't push the issue, just dug into my breakfast, my mind already turning to the tasks ahead.

My father wanted me to invite a date to the upcoming gala, a gesture to show the other families that I was 'settling down', becoming a respectable member of society. But I didn't care about old people who were invested about whether or not I had a girlfriend. Why did that concern them?

I am 18 for heavensake.

As I finished my breakfast, my father's eyes narrowed. "So, Elijah, have you thought about who you'll be inviting to the gala?"

"No," I responded carelessly. The last thing on my mind was coming with a date at the gala.

"He obviously has options," My mom said with a smile.

Vincent raised an eyebrow. "Options? I want a name, Elijah. A name that will make me proud."

I sighed inwardly, knowing this was a battle I couldn't win. Not yet, at least. "I'll make sure to find someone suitable, Vincent and if I don't, I don't."

The blonde next to my father couldn't take her eyes off me and the more she stared, the more my agitation grew.

My father's eyes narrowed, his mind already turning to the business of the day. "Either way, I want to see you with a respectable woman on your arm, someone who will help us further our interests. Speaking of which, have you heard the latest on the Rossi family?"

I shook my head, my gut tightening. The Rossi family was a rival clan, one that had been causing us trouble for months. "No, what's the latest?"

My father's expression turned cold, calculating. "We've received intel that they're planning to move in on our territory. We need to take action, and fast."

I nodded, my mind already racing with strategies. "I'll take care of it, Father. I'll make sure they know not to mess with us."

My father's eyes gleamed with approval. "That's my boy. Now, go, get ready for your meeting with the Garcias. We need to make sure they're still on our side."

I nodded, pushing back my chair. "I'm on it,"

As I left the kitchen, my mind was already turning to the task at hand. The Garcias were a powerful family, one that could make or break our plans. And the Rossi family... well, they were a problem that needed to be taken care of, once and for all.

My eyes followed my sister, Victoria, as she trudged into the room, still in her pajamas. I glanced at my watch, noting the time. We were definitely going to be late, considering how long she took to get ready. Her hair was disheveled, and her eyes were puffy, with dark circles underneath.

"Sweetheart, what happened to you?" my mom asked, concern etched on her face.

Victoria shrugged, her voice soft. "I think I'm sick."

My father looked at her, his expression unyielding. "You're going to make it to the gala, right? I need both of you there."

This wasn't anything new; my father jeopardizing Victoria's health because he wanted to maintain his so-called perfect image. In his words, "The gala was a high-profile event, and our family's presence was crucial."

"Vincent," my mom intervened, shooting him a glare. But he didn't budge.

Victoria rolled her eyes. "Yes, Dad, I'll be there for your perfect gala, as always. But I'm not going to school today, so you can go without me Eli."

She handed me a notebook. "Give this to Nadia. She forgot it in my room yesterday."

I took the notebook, furrowing my brows. "How come?"

Victoria's expression was cryptic. "Last night, she was a mess. But just give it to her. She's going to need it."

Without another word, she turned and headed back upstairs. I was left wondering what she was talking about. When I dropped her off last night, she was perfectly fine.

My mind raced with questions, but I couldn't wait any longer. I got up from my seat, notebook in hand. "Where are you going?" my mom asked.

"I need to give this to Nadia. We have a biology test today," I replied, already heading out the door.

"Send her all my regards," my mom called out as I grabbed my keys and headed to my car. I drove off, the notebook clutched tightly in my hand, my mind still reeling with questions.

What had happened to Nadia was the main one and I was going to make sure I found out.


It was already 8:30, and Nadia was nowhere to be found. I was getting worried, especially after what Victoria had said earlier. "Ayo Blue? Where's Red at? Isn't she going to miss her test or something?" Anthony asked, his hand on my shoulder.

I was on my way to biology, and he was heading to biology as well but in a different class. But then Ishan spoke up. "We met up with her last night, actually, and she didn't look well."

Blue's eyes widened, and she hissed at Ishan like he had revealed a secret. But Ishan just shrugged. "Why, what happened?"

I was itching to know. "I don't know, man. She didn't say much, but I doubt she'll be in today," Ishan said, his voice low.

I exhaled, feeling a mix of concern and frustration and I caught myself.

Why had I been worrying about what happened to Nadia and why she was missing school?

Damnit Elijah.

Get a grip.

As I entered Mr. Johnson's classroom, I took my seat and began drumming my hands against the desk. The room was already filling up with my noisy classmates, and Blue had taken her seat elsewhere with Ishan.

When Mr. Johnson came in, he was carrying his brown leather bag and pulled out our test papers. He started talking about how important this test was, even though it didn't count as a grade. And he made it clear that anyone who wasn't present wouldn't get a chance to take it later.

I scanned the first question, and knew it was going to be a piece of cake. And then, just as we were about to start, the door burst open. I looked up, and my eyes locked with Nadia's. I exhaled, feeling like I'd been holding my breath for too long.

She looked exhausted, her eyes sunken and her aura not shining as bright. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, a far cry from her usual stylish self.

"Ms. Evens... you're late," Mr. Johnson said, his voice firm.

Nadia's voice was hoarse. "Sorry. I had an urgent matter."

She took her seat, our eyes locking for a brief moment before she focused on her paper.

It was as if the whole world around her had disappeared.