Chapter 6: Alfonso's Development: Part 1

Iberian Peninsula, Kingdom of León and Castile, Burgos, September 15, 1105

A month has passed since Raimundo departed south to confront the Muslims on the frontier. While the kingdom prepares for the possible battle, life continues at a brisk pace in the castle of Burgos.

On a sunny afternoon in the castle gardens, Infanta Sancha holds her younger brother, Prince Alfonso, in her arms. As she plays with him, Sancha notices Alfonso starting to make restless sounds and squirm in her arms.

"Sancha, what's wrong with Alfonso?" asks Urraca, approaching to observe her children.

"I feel like he wants something, mother," Sancha responds curiously. "Perhaps he wants to explore a bit on his own."

Urraca nods, understanding the siblings' connection. Gently, Sancha sets Alfonso down on the ground, where the young prince begins to wave his arms and kick his legs eagerly.

With amazement, Sancha watches as Alfonso tries to lift himself onto his hands and knees, rocking back and forth in an attempt at movement. His big dark eyes shine with determination as he struggles to reach a toy lying nearby.

"Sancha, look at how Alfonso is trying to move," exclaims Urraca joyfully. "I think he's attempting to crawl!"

Meanwhile, the castle steward, Pedro, and the head maid, María, approach the group with a silver tray filled with fresh fruits for the afternoon snack. They watch with interest as they quietly discuss between themselves.

"Pedro, do you think Alfonso will manage to crawl soon?" asks María, glancing at the young prince.

"It might just be a matter of time, María," Pedro responds cautiously. "These developmental milestones sometimes take a bit to arrive. But I'm sure Alfonso will soon be exploring the whole castle with his insatiable curiosity."

María nods with a smile, continuing to watch as Alfonso makes his efforts to move across the floor. By his side, the family dog, a loyal mastiff named Bruno, watches attentively, ready to intervene if any unexpected situation arises.

After a few moments, Pedro cautiously approaches Bruno and offers him a piece of fruit from the tray. The dog sniffs the fruit cautiously before delicately taking it from Pedro's hand and eagerly chewing it.

"It's still safe, Pedro," says María with relief as she sees the dog showing no signs of discomfort.

Pedro nods and then turns to María. "I think it's safe for humans too," he says, taking a piece of fruit for himself. "But of course, we'll taste it first before serving it to the others."

María nods in approval, and both servants cautiously taste the fruit, watching for any adverse reactions. Not detecting any issues, they prepare the rest of the fruits for the snack, ensuring they are safe for consumption by the royal family and their guests.

Alfonso continues his attempts to crawl, unaware of the testing process taking place around him. Meanwhile, Urraca carefully picks up one of the fruits and tastes it, watching him closely.

While Alfonso strives to crawl, his mind is far from the innocence and childish curiosity.

Instead of feeling the joy of exploration, his thoughts are infused with ambition and determination. With each attempt, his mind is fixed on the goal, visualizing the impact this achievement will have on his future as a leader. Each fall strengthens his resolve, fueling his desire to overcome this challenge.

His mind is obsessed with success, with the power he will gain by demonstrating his ability to his family and subjects. And when he finally reaches his goal, the feeling of triumph and mastery fills him with even greater confidence, reinforcing his ambition to conquer greater challenges on his path to absolute power.

After several attempts and falls, Alfonso finally manages to crawl successfully to the toy that had caught his attention. With determination and perseverance, he inches forward, ignoring the looks of pride and amazement around him. Upon reaching the toy, his face lights up with a smile of satisfaction, marking a small but significant achievement on his journey to power.

While Alfonso celebrates his success, preparations for the snack continue in Burgos Castle. The servants distribute the fresh fruits among the members of the royal family.

Meanwhile, in the kingdom's frontier regions, tension mounts as the battle with the Muslims draws closer. Raimundo, leading his men with bravery and determination, prepares to face the enemy on the battlefield, while in the heart of the kingdom, intrigues and political rivalries threaten to undermine the stability of the throne.

Days later, during another sunny afternoon in Burgos Castle, another snack is held in the gardens. Alfonso, now more adept in the art of crawling, moves more easily across the grass, chasing after Bruno as they play. As he approaches him, the dog wags his tail enthusiastically, letting out playful barks that fill the air.

Alfonso stops beside Bruno and embraces him affectionately, feeling the softness of his fur under his hands. The dog responds with friendly licks and nods his head, enjoying the affection of his young friend. Together, they engage in lively play, running and rolling on the grass as the snack continues in the background, with Sancha and Urraca enjoying each other's company and conversation.

After playing with the dog, Alfonso starts to yawn and rub his eyes, showing signs of tiredness. Sancha, noticing his fatigue, decides to take him to his room to rest. Carefully, she lifts him into her arms and murmurs softly:

"Ready for sleep, little Alfonso?"

Alfonso, responding with a gentle murmur, nods his head and snuggles into Sancha's arms. As they walk through the castle corridors, Alfonso clings to her with confidence, feeling secure in her embrace.

Sancha smiles as she carries him to his room. Upon reaching the chamber, she lays him gently in his crib and tucks him in tenderly.

"Now it's time for sleep, Alfonso," murmurs Sancha as she kisses him on the forehead.

With a contented sigh, Alfonso closes his eyes, drifting off into a peaceful slumber. As the afternoon sun casts its warm glow over the castle, the sounds of laughter and chatter fade into the tranquility of the evening, marking the end of another day in the life of the royal family of León and Castile.