Chapter 7: Alfonso's Development: Part 2

Iberian Peninsula, Kingdom of León and Castile, Burgos, October 7, 1105

Three weeks have passed since that sunny day in the castle gardens, Alfonso has shown remarkable progress in his crawling ability. His tiny hands grip the ground with determination as his knees glide smoothly over the stone floor, propelling him forward with each movement. By his side, Bruno, the loyal mastiff of the family, follows him eagerly, wagging his tail and emitting playful barks as he encourages him in his exploration.

Approaching five months of age, Alfonso feels increasingly confident in his movements. His eyes, a deep blue like the summer sky, observe the world around him with silent curiosity. As he crawls through the hallways, he encounters the castle servants, Pedro and María, who discreetly accompany him to ensure his safety.

"Your Highness, how are you today?" Pedro asks, bowing his head respectfully.

Alfonso doesn't respond, but his calm and serene expression indicates that he is in good spirits. He continues crawling towards the kitchen,where he is drawn irresistibly by the tempting aroma of his sister Sancha's honey and walnut tart.

As he approaches the kitchen, the scent becomes more intense, enveloping him in a cloud of delicious smells that awaken his appetite. His stomach grumbles slightly, but Alfonso barely notices, focused on the goal ahead of him.

Finally, he reaches the kitchen entrance, where he finds the cooks busy with their tasks, kneading dough and preparing ingredients for Sancha's honey and walnut tart. With an approving look, Alfonso stops at the threshold, observing with fascination the bustle of activity unfolding before him.

The warm aroma of the honey and walnut tart filled the kitchen of Burgos Castle, as Alfonso crawled towards the entrance with curiosity shining in his eyes. He watched attentively as the cooks prepared the delicious treat, wondering who it was for.

While Pedro and María continued to watch from a distance to ensure the little prince didn't get into trouble, Alfonso wondered why his older sister hadn't been drawn by the delicious smell. With determination, he headed towards the stairs, intending to explore beyond the kitchen.

Pedro and María, aware of the risks involved in Alfonso's attempt to climb the stairs crawling, stayed close to intervene in case he needed help. With vigilant attention, they watched as the young prince ascended carefully, while ensuring he didn't fall in the process.

The stairs of Burgos Castle were sturdy and solid, built with carefully carved and polished stone. Each step was wide and uniform, providing a secure base for those ascending or descending them. Wrought iron railings extended along both sides, offering additional support and a sense of security to those using them.

Despite their imposing appearance, the stairs were carefully designed to be functional and accessible. The steps were arranged at a gentle and steady incline, making the ascent easy even for the youngest or the oldest. As Alfonso crawled upwards, he could feel the cool, rough texture of the stone under his hands and knees, a comforting sensation that contrasted with the sweet smell of honey lingering in the air.

Over the years, the stairs witnessed countless moments of life in the castle, from celebrations and festivities to moments of distress and concern. However, at that moment, they were simply a path to adventure for young Prince Alfonso, who, with each step, came a little closer to uncovering the mysteries that lay beyond the ground floor.

Alfonso, with his curiosity growing sharper, stops in front of the door of the first room he finds in his path. With his small hand, he gently taps on the wood, catching the attention of Pedro and María, who watch him attentively from a distance.

"What's there, my prince?" María asks, approaching to see what has caught young Alfonso's attention.

Alfonso, with an expression of intrigue on his face, points towards the door and murmurs some unintelligible syllables, expressing his desire to explore what lies beyond.

"Do you want to go in, Your Highness?" Pedro asks, moving towards the door to open the way for the young prince.

With an enthusiastic nod, Alfonso watches eagerly as Pedro and María open the door, revealing the interior of the room. Inside, he finds his older sister, Sancha, sitting beside an elderly woman who is teaching her to embroider patterns on fabric with expert skill.

Alfonso's eyes light up at the scene before him. He approaches cautiously, observing with curiosity the embroidery process as the elderly woman instructs Sancha in the details of the technique.

"Look, Prince," María says, pointing towards the scene. "Your sister Sancha is learning to embroider. It's an important skill for noblewomen."

Alfonso watches attentively, fascinated by his sister's skill and the mastery with which the woman handles the needle and thread.

Meanwhile, Sancha looks up and smiles upon seeing her younger brother watching with curiosity. With a kind gesture, she beckons him to join them, offering him the opportunity tolearn alongside her.

"Do you want to give it a try, Alfonso?" Sancha asks, extending a small piece of fabric and a needle towards her younger brother.

Alfonso, already captivated by the scene of embroidery, seems indifferent to Sancha's offer. Instead of accepting his sister's invitation, his eyes wander to the maps hanging on the walls of the room. With a gesture of interest, he approaches them, his curiosity piqued by the detailed images depicting distant lands and borders.

María, observing Alfonso's reaction, approaches with a smile and points to the maps. "Are you interested in the maps, Your Highness?" she asks kindly.

Alfonso nods eagerly, his dark eyes shining with intrigue as he examines the details of the drawings. Though the representations are simple compared to the detailed maps that will be crafted in centuries to come, Alfonso finds the idea of exploring the world through these graphic representations fascinating.

"What do you see in those maps, Prince Alfonso?" María asks, watching with interest as the young prince's reaction.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, the cooks put the finishing touches on the honey and walnut tart, ready to be enjoyed by the royal family in celebration of Sancha's birthday.