Chapter 8: A Day of Rest in Honor of Sancha

Iberian Peninsula, Kingdom of León and Castile, Burgos, October 9, 1105.

The sun had barely peeked over the horizon when the first glimmers of light began to filter through the narrow windows of the castle. In the quarters designated for the servants, the dawn of the new day was heralded by the murmuring of sleepy conversations and the gentle creaking of beds as they were vacated.

In an austere room, occupied by several maids, silence reigned before the dawn fully awakened the castle. Some of the young maidens stretched beneath the blankets, while others prepared to face the tasks that awaited them.

Meanwhile, in the castle kitchen, the aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air, announcing the beginning of a new day of work for the cooks. With diligence, they prepared the ingredients for breakfast, aware that the day promised to be busy.

This day, however, brought with it an unusual pause in the usual routine. Princess Urraca, in honor of her daughter Sancha's birthday, had granted the servants a few hours of rest during the morning and afternoon. A gesture of generosity that was received with gratitude by those whose lives were dedicated to serving the castle.

The maids received the news with surprise and joy, knowing they would have the opportunity to enjoy a brief respite before resuming their duties. Meanwhile, the cooks were grateful for the princess's gesture, though they knew their free time would be limited by the demands of the kitchen.

With the sun slowly ascending in the sky, the servants prepared to make the most of the hours of freedom granted to them. They knew they must return to the castle in time to fulfill their duties, but for the moment, they allowed themselves to enjoy a brief moment of tranquility before the bustle of the day reclaimed them once more.

Among them is Ana, the maid in charge of cleaning the windows with delicately carved glass. With a scarf snug around her neck and an apron stained with dust, she silently glides through the hallways, avoiding the first rays of sun filtering through the windows.

Ana has been part of the castle staff for years, dedicating her life to the impeccable maintenance of the glass adorning the rooms of the nobles.

Known for her meticulousness and her ability to eliminate even the tiniest speck of dust, she has earned the respect and admiration of her colleagues, as well as a modest sum of 15 silver coins per month.

However, despite her skill and dedication, Ana harbors a constant fear deep in her heart: the fear of breaking a window. Every time she handles one of the delicate panes, she feels the weight of responsibility crushing her, knowing that the slightest mistake could mean financial ruin for her and her family.

As she makes her way to the shoemaker's workshop with cautious steps, Ana reflects on her current situation. Her shoes, worn down by constant rubbing against the castle's stone floor, have finally given in to the pressure and crumbled into pieces.

Now, she is forced to wear a pair of borrowed shoes that barely fit her feet, adding an additional layer of anxiety to her already heavy burden. "If a window breaks," she murmurs to herself in a low voice, "not even selling my soul could pay the cost." With these words echoing in her mind, Ana continues her way to the shoemaker's workshop, silently praying that her broken shoes can be repaired without too much additional expense.

Finally, she arrives at the shoemaker's workshop, a small room where the smell of leather and the sound of working tools fill the air. Ana looks around, searching for the shoemaker among the customers and items displayed on the counter. Not finding him immediately, she heads towards one of the tables where several pairs of shoes and sandals are exhibited.

"Good morning, ma'am!" greets the shoemaker, emerging from behind a leather shelf. "How can I help you today?"

Ana approaches, feeling relieved to find the craftsman available. "Good morning," she responds courteously. "My shoes have broken. Could you take a look and see if they can be repaired?"

Ana hands the broken shoes to the shoemaker, who receives them with a kind gesture and heads towards where he keeps the tools while saying, "Let me take a look at these shoes. In the meantime, sit down and look at the models I have in the store in case you like any."

As the shoemaker examines the shoes, Ana nods gratefully and approaches the collection of shoes displayed in the store. Among the displayed models, she finds a variety of styles, from simple sandals to boots adorned with delicate details. As she waits, her gaze slides from one pair to another, contemplating the possibility of replacing her worn-out shoes with a new and sturdy pair.

After a brief moment, the shoemaker emerges from among the tools with the shoes in hand. "Well, I've taken a look," he says with a smile. "I can repair them for you, but the cost will be 4 silver coins."

Ana pauses for a moment, reflecting on the shoemaker's suggestion. Meanwhile, the shoemaker takes advantage of the pause to fetch some new shoes he made a few days ago. With a friendly expression, he presents them to Ana. "I think it would be better if you buy these," he suggests. "They are new and only cost 10 silver coins. Plus, they will last much longer than the repairs your old shoes would need."

While the shoemaker waits patiently, Ana reflects on her financial situation. She mentally calculates her income and expenses, remembering that she earns 15 silver coins per month, totaling 180 silver coins per year. However, subtracting the tithe, which amounts to 18 silver coins per year, and considering her expenses on food, she realizes she has approximately 60 silver coins left to cover other expenses.

With a resigned sigh, Ana reaches a decision. With the money she just received from her monthly salary, she decides to pay the 10 silver coins for the new shoes. Although it pains her to spend so much money at once, she knows it is a necessary investment to keep herself comfortable and safe while carrying out her tasks in the castle.

After making the decision to buy the new shoes, Ana thanks the shoemaker for his help and hands him the 10 silver coins. With the new shoes in her hands, she bids farewell to the workshop and returns to the castle with a light step, feeling relieved to have solved the footwear problem.