Chapter 9: A Day of Rest in Honor of Sancha: Part 2

The sun was rising on the horizon as the secondary steward, Don Rodrigo, began his day at the castle.

His role in administration and supervision in the pantry is crucial for the orderly functioning of the manor.

With steady steps and a focused mind, he made his way to the pantry, where he managed kitchen supplies and supervised the provisioning of provisions.

Every sack of flour, every barrel of wine, passed through his meticulous scrutiny, ensuring that everything was in order and that the established quality standards set by the lady of the castle were met.

He carried out his responsibilities with care and efficiency, aware of the trust placed in him by the noble family. Not only did he manage the pantry, but he also coordinated the work of the servants and supervised the maintenance of the castle's dependencies.

In exchange for his services, Rodrigo received fair compensation: 60 silver coins per month, equivalent to 1 gold dinar and 10 silver coins. For him, this sum represented not only a salary but also recognition of his valuable work and his position in the castle staff hierarchy.

With diligence and dedication, he continued to perform his tasks, knowing that his work was essential for the well-being of all the castle's inhabitants.

Having completed his morning duties, with a satisfied smile, he remembered that today, in honor of young Sancha's birthday, the servants had been granted a few hours off in the morning and afternoon. This news filled his heart with joy, as it meant a well-deserved break in his daily routine.

Determined to make the most of this free time, Rodrigo decided to take a walk to the local market.

He wanted to explore the different goods available and see if anything caught his interest. Besides, he thought it would be a good opportunity to relax and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the market.

He headed to his room on the second floor of the castle, where the servants resided.

The room, approximately 50 square meters, offered a comfortable and cozy space for the secondary steward. Upon entering, he felt enveloped by the tranquility of the place, a private refuge amidst the hustle and bustle of the castle.

Heading to the wardrobe, he carefully selected a more casual outfit for his trip to the market.

He opted for a linen tunic in earthy tones, adorned with discreet embroidery that reflected his respected position in the manor. He completed his attire with fitted trousers and well-polished leather boots, suitable for walking on the village's cobbled streets.

Once dressed, Rodrigo adjusted his tunic and trousers carefully, making sure they were spotless and comfortable for his outing to the market.

Satisfied with his appearance, he made his way to the castle's main door, ready to enjoy a few hours of rest and exploration at the local market.

Before leaving, he made sure everything was in order in his room before locking the door. With determined steps, he descended the stairs and headed towards the bustling market.

Rodrigo entered the bustling and fragrant market, where the scent of spices and fresh produce filled the air. As he walked among the stalls, he curiously observed the various goods on offer: brightly colored fabrics, work tools, kitchen utensils, and more.

Around him, he heard the murmur of people haggling prices and making their purchases. Some were engaged in lively discussions about the quality of the products, while others hurried from one stall to another in search of what they needed.

Among the crowd, he spotted a fruit stall, where a vendor displayed a variety of apples, pears, grapes, and other delights. Determined to buy some fresh fruits, Rodrigo approached the stall and began to examine the products carefully.

As he looked at the apples, a nearby woman took a bite and exclaimed, "I'll definitely take a dozen of these delicious apples!"

The vendor smiled and replied, "Of course, madam. Let me calculate the price."

As the woman waited, the vendor began to calculate the price for the dozen apples.

Meanwhile, Rodrigo also approached the stall and began to examine the apples carefully. Seeing that the woman had already chosen some and noticing that the price was too high for her, he decided to buy only four apples, which would be approximately two Roman pounds.

After calculating the price for the woman, the vendor turned to her and said, "Four apples will cost you 6 silver coins, madam."

The woman nodded and paid the vendor, taking the apples with a satisfied smile. She thanked the vendor and walked away from the stall, pleased with her purchase and ready to continue her tour of the market.

After the woman left satisfied with her purchase, Rodrigo approached the vendor.

Rodrigo: "Good morning, could you please give me two apples and a Roman pound of grapes?"

Vendor: "Of course, sir. Let me calculate the price."

After calculating the price for the apples and grapes, the vendor turned to Rodrigo and said,

Vendor: "Two apples and a Roman pound of grapes will cost you 8 silver coins and 55 copper deniers, sir."

Rodrigo took out 9 silver coins and handed them to the vendor.

Rodrigo: "Here are 9 silver coins, but I don't have deniers. Do you have change?"

Vendor: "Yes, of course, sir, but I see you have nothing to carry the fruits in. Would you like me to sell you this basket for the 45 deniers?"

Rodrigo: "Sure, that would be perfect!"

The vendor handed Rodrigo the basket for the 45 copper deniers as change. Rodrigo thanked the vendor and walked away from the stall with the fruits carefully placed in the basket, pleased with his purchase and ready to continue his tour of the market.

After acquiring the fruits and the basket at the market, Rodrigo decided to head to the local bakery to buy a loaf of fresh bread. With the basket in one hand and a bag of coins in the other, he made his way to the bakery, where the tempting aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air.

Upon arriving at the bakery, Rodrigo was greeted by the baker, who was busy taking the loaves out of the oven and placing them on the counter to cool. Rodrigo admired the variety of bread, from rustic loaves to crispy baguettes.

Baker: "Good morning, sir! How can I help you today?"

Rodrigo: "Good morning. I would like to buy a loaf of bread, please."

Baker: "Of course! We have freshly baked bread. What quality do you prefer?"

Rodrigo: "The best you have, please."

The baker nodded and carefully selected a loaf of fresh bread, ensuring to offer Rodrigo the best of his production.

Baker: "Here you go, sir. A loaf of our finest bread. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Rodrigo checked his bag and took out three silver coins to pay for the bread.

Rodrigo: "Thank you very much. That's all for today. Have a good day."

With the freshly acquired loaf of bread in the basket alongside the fruits, Rodrigo bid farewell to the baker and returned to the castle excited, ready to enjoy a delicious meal with the freshly purchased products at the local market and bakery.