Chapter 10: Raimundo's Letter

On the third floor of the majestic castle, in a spacious room of about 200 square meters, Urraca woke up among silk sheets. The dimness reigned in the room, filtered by the thick curtains that kept the dawn light at bay. The soft glow of dawn barely dared to filter through the fabrics, delicately illuminating the space decorated with finely carved wooden furniture and ornamental tapestries.

After a moment of stillness, Urraca slowly opened her eyes, greeted by the gentle light filtering through the curtains, tinting the room with a warm dimness.

She stretched lazily and yawned, feeling the soft touch of the fabric against her skin. With a sigh, she sat up in bed and reached out to the bedside table, where a bell rested.

After a brief moment, Urraca rang the bell, and soon the maid entered with a tray carrying a cup of hot milk and breakfast: two slices of freshly baked bread, walnuts, and two boiled eggs cut in half, seasoned with a pinch of salt.

"Thank you, María. Everything looks delicious," Urraca said with a smile as the maid placed the tray on the bedside table.

"It's my pleasure, Miss Urraca. Is there anything else I can assist you with?" the maid asked kindly.

"No, thank you. That will be all for now," Urraca replied, taking the cup of milk and enjoying the comforting aroma rising from the hot drink.

The maid withdrew with a curtsy, leaving Urraca alone with her breakfast and thoughts.

As she savored the milk and walnuts, Urraca got out of bed and headed towards the heavy curtains. Every sip of milk and every bite of walnuts were a small pleasure amidst the morning calm.

With each movement to open the curtains, Urraca enjoyed the soft touch of the fabric between her fingers, letting the daylight flood the room. As she did so, her gaze slid to the window, contemplating the tranquil gardens and extensive grounds surrounding the fortress. The fresh air and the singing of birds reached her, bringing a sense of serenity and tranquility.

Urraca cherished these moments of calm before starting her day, savoring every moment of peace and beauty the new day offered her.

Once she had enjoyed the view enough, she left the cup on the tray and sat down to eat the eggs and bread, delighting in the comforting flavors and textures of her breakfast.

Finally, after finishing her breakfast, she drank all the milk left in the cup.

With a contented sigh, she placed the empty cup on the tray and got out of bed.

Urraca rang the bell, attracting the attention of the servants. Promptly, they came to her call.

"Please, prepare the bath for me. I need to freshen up before starting the day," Urraca requested kindly.

"Of course, Miss Urraca. We will do it immediately," the servants responded with deference.

"Thank you. I would greatly appreciate your promptness," Urraca expressed with gratitude.

The servants nodded diligently and withdrew to fulfill Urraca's request.

After giving instructions to the servants, Urraca got out of bed and headed towards one of the doors adorning the room.

With grace and elegance, she opened the door, revealing a spacious wardrobe that occupied the entire room, approximately about 40 square meters. This wardrobe, richly decorated and carved in oak wood, housed all the garments and accessories necessary for dressing.

Urraca entered the wardrobe with determined steps and began to examine the different clothing options carefully organized. Among the fine fabrics and elaborate embroideries, she found a suitable outfit for the occasion: a dress of simple yet elegant cut. Carefully, she took it from the hanger and placed it on a nearby chair.

Then, she turned her attention to the shoes. Inside the wardrobe, on a lower shelf, lay several pairs of finely crafted shoes, each with its own charm and style. Urraca examined them carefully, weighing the comfort and elegance of each pair.

Finally, she selected a pair of black leather shoes adorned with small gold inlays, perfectly complementing her outfit.

With the clothes in hand, Urraca left the wardrobe and walked back to the bed. With graceful movements, she laid out the outfit on the soft silk sheets, ensuring it was perfectly arranged.

With firm steps, Urraca headed towards another door in the room, leading to the bathroom.

Upon opening it, she revealed a luxurious and functional space: the bathroom. The white tiled floor reflected the light filtering through a small window, while the stone ceiling offered a sense of solidity.

In one corner, a marble bathtub invited relaxation, while the ceramic toilet stood on a wooden box, discreetly concealing waste.

Additionally, in a corner of the bathroom, there was a small cabinet adorned with marble on its top.

Inside, linen and wool towels were stored, about 20x20 cm in size, intended for personal hygiene after using the toilet. Next to them were larger towels, combs, and other grooming utensils.

At the top of the cabinet, four containers with lids contained ash, olive oil, and aromatic oils, respectively. A fourth empty container, along with a wooden spoon, awaited use in the preparation of homemade soap.

After entering the bathroom, Urraca approached the toilet, removed her clothes, and sat down to attend to her morning needs.

Once finished, she opened the small cabinet next to the toilet and took out one of the boxes containing the small linen and wool towels, about 20x20 cm in size.

She took several towels and proceeded to clean herself. Once the task was completed, she discarded the used towel in the toilet.

Urraca proceeded to get up and put on her clothes. While she waited for the maids to prepare the bath, she decided to make the soap. So she took the ashes, olive oil, and rose aromatic oils from the cabinet. She poured a spoonful of each into the empty container and carefully mixed them with a wooden spoon until a homogeneous mixture was obtained.

Upon examining the mixture, she noticed it was a bit scant. Determined to achieve the desired consistency, she added two more spoonfuls of each ingredient and mixed them again with determination until the perfect texture was achieved.

Once she finished mixing, just as she was about to close the container, she heard a soft knock on the door of the room. Without wasting time, Urraca shouted, "Come in."

Upon opening the bathroom door, Urraca found the scene she had previously anticipated. The 16 maids entered with the 8 barrels, each about 25 liters, as she had requested the servants beforehand. Without delay, Urraca stepped aside, leaving enough space for them to carry out their task.

Two maids picked up a barrel of hot water and proceeded to pour it into the bathtub, where the transparent liquid filled the room with comforting steam.

With a glance between them, one of the maids signaled to the others to pass them the other barrels to continue filling the bathtub.

Quickly, the maids organized themselves to carry the remaining barrels and pour their contents into the bathtub, ensuring that the water was at the right temperature for Urraca's bath.

With coordinated and precise movements, the bath slowly filled, creating an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort for Miss Urraca.

Urraca: "Is everything ready for my bath, María?"

María: "Yes, Miss Urraca. We have prepared the hot water, and everything is set in the bathroom."

Urraca: "Perfect, thank you. Could you also bring me a book? I would like to read while I relax in the bathtub."

María: "Of course, Miss. I will bring one of your favorite books from the library."

Urraca: "Thank you, María. You are very kind."

María: "It's a pleasure to serve you, Miss Urraca. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

Urraca: "No, for now, that's all. You can leave me alone so I can enjoy my bath in peace."

María: "Understood, Miss. Enjoy your bath."

Urraca watched with satisfaction as the maids continued to fill the bathtub with hot water. Once she was sure everything was in order, she turned to the small cabinet and took out a large, fluffy towel, perfect for wrapping herself after the bath.

With light and graceful steps, she approached the bathtub and dropped the towel on the edge. With a sigh of anticipation, she began to undress slowly, freeing her body from the weight of the clothes and letting the fabric slide smoothly over her skin.

Once naked, she allowed the silky surface of the water to caress her skin, enveloping her in a warm and comforting embrace.

With a sigh of relief, Urraca slowly sank into the bathtub, letting the hot water embrace every inch of her body. A shiver of pleasure ran down her spine as she sank deeper into the gentle reverie of the bath.

The rising steam enveloped the room, creating an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility. She closed her eyes and surrendered to the sensation of well-being that surrounded her, enjoying the luxury and comfort of her surroundings.

For what seemed like an eternity, she indulged in the pleasure of the hot water, allowing her worries and tensions to melt away in the comforting steam. There was only her, the bath, and the feeling of complete relaxation that enveloped her.

Finally, with a sigh of satisfaction, Urraca decided it was time to leave the water.

With gentle movements, she rose from the bathtub and let the water droplets slide down her skin, creating small sparkles under the bathroom light.

With elegant steps, she walked to the cabinet where she had prepared the mixture earlier. Carefully, she took the container with the mixture of ashes, olive oil, and rose aromatic oils she had prepared beforehand.

With expert hands, she began to spread the mixture all over her body.

After spreading the mixture all over her body, she immersed herself again in the hot water of the bathtub. With gentle and circular movements, she began to scrub delicately, ensuring that the mixture was evenly distributed on her skin.

The intoxicating aroma of the aromatic oils filled the air, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and well-being. Urraca closed her eyes and surrendered to the sensation of relaxation that enveloped her, enjoying the gentle touch of the water and the mixture on her skin.

With each scrubbing, the mixture became clearer and removed from her body, taking away impurities and accumulated tensions. She could feel her skin becoming softer and smoother with each movement, rejuvenated by the benefits of the natural ingredients.

After a few minutes of scrubbing and rinsing, she decided it was enough. With a sigh of satisfaction, she got out of the bathtub and let the water run down her body, taking away the last remnants of the mixture.

With light steps, she stepped out of the bathtub and wrapped herself in the fluffy towel she had left nearby. The feeling of warmth and cleanliness enveloped her, leaving her renewed and revitalized to face the day ahead.

After drying herself with the soft and fluffy towel, Urraca wrapped herself in it and left the bathroom.

With light and elegant steps, she approached the bed where she had carefully arranged her clothes. She took each garment delicately, appreciating the softness of the fabrics and the elegance of the designs.

With precise movements, she dressed herself with the same care and attention to detail she had shown in choosing her outfit. The dress gracefully draped over her figure, highlighting her natural elegance, while the shoes fit perfectly on her feet, providing comfort and style in equal measure.

After dressing elegantly, she left her room and headed towards María, the trusted servant who always kept track of the household's needs.

"María, has any letter arrived today?" Urraca asked curiously as she approached the maid.

María nodded with a smile, indicating that yes. "Yes, Miss Urraca. A letter arrived a few hours ago."

Urraca nodded to confirm that she had heard María and then headed towards the office with determined steps.

Upon reaching the office door, she paused for a moment and glanced at the mailbox next to it.

This mailbox was where the servants deposited letters and important messages for her.

Urraca noticed that the letter María mentioned was in the mailbox next to the office door. With a slight smile of anticipation, she took the letter and briefly examined it before entering the office to read its contents carefully.

After opening the door, she entered the office, finding a room illuminated by the soft light filtering through small windows.

Dominating the space, a large oak table, sturdy and worn by use, occupied the center of the room. On both sides of the table, wooden drawers aged stored important documents meticulously, while on the right side, a pen, ink, and paper awaited use.

On one of the walls, an imposing portrait of the fortress's owner silently observed the activity taking place in the room. In front of it, a pair of shelves crowded with ancient books, scrolls, and unfolded maps rose from floor to ceiling, silent witnesses to the numerous knowledge and secrets they held.

In a corner, a simple bed with worn blankets and a faded pillow indicated that this room served not only as a workspace but also as an occasional refuge for the owner when tasks extended into the late hours of the night. The scent of old wood and paper filled the air, mixed with the subtle smell of fresh ink and the dust of the books.

In summary, the room was a sanctuary of knowledge and activity, where secrets were kept jealously between the pages of books and scrolls, and where plans and strategies were drawn on the maps spread out on the oak table. It was a place of work and rest, where the owner found peace amid the turmoil of the outside world.

Urraca approached the oak table and took a seat in the chair facing it. With delicate hands, she took the letter she had picked up from the mailbox and briefly examined it before breaking the seal carefully.

With a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, she unfolded the paper and began to read its contents carefully. Her eyes quickly scanned the lines, absorbing each word in detail as her mind worked to understand the meaning of what was written.


Dear Urraca,

I hope this letter finds you well and in good health. I would like to inform you about the current situation in the kingdom. So far, we have not initiated any large-scale wars, but there have been several small-scale skirmishes in different regions. We are diligently working to maintain peace and stability in the kingdom, but we must remain vigilant against any potential threats.

Furthermore, I have news that may be of interest to you. A few years ago, while I was traveling through the territory of one of my vassals, I learned of an extraordinary event. It turns out that twin girls had just been born, and upon hearing of their birth, they asked me if I would be interested in having them as personal servants for Sancha and my future son when they are older.

These twins, named Emma and Agnes, will arrive at the castle within 1 to 3 months from the date of this letter. I hope you will receive them properly and that they can integrate smoothly into their new position.

Please keep me informed of any developments at the castle and any other relevant information you deem important. I am always available to you and ready to provide any assistance you may need.

With affection,
