The grandeur of the wedding hall was enhanced by the enchanting sound of the string quartet which filled the air with a soft and romantic sound. The walls were draped in silken fabrics of deep red and gold, and the ceiling was adorned with sparkling chandeliers. The red carpet leading to the entrance was lined with crisp white flowers to the altar. The atmosphere was one of pure elegance and grace, befitting of such special occasion. 

 The groom stood at the altar, his eyes fixed on the entrance. He was dressed in a sharp black tuxedo, his hair slicked back and looking every inch the handsome groom. Beside him stood the Priest, dressed in his clinical robes. He had a warm and welcoming smile, and his eyes sparkled with anticipation.

 In the front row of the congregation, the groom's grandmother beamed with joy. Her white hair was perfectly coiffed, and her eyes gleamed with pride and happiness. She leaned forward slightly in her seat, her eyes also fixed on the entrance to the room. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and she could not contain her excitement. As the seconds ticked by, her smile grew wider, and her body practically vibrated in a state of suspense. 

 The guests and i were dressed in our finest clothes and the room was buzzing with anticipation as we await the bride. 

 With a gentle push, the grand doors to the room slowly opened, revealing the bride in all her glory. She stood tall and proud, her head held high and her eyes darted around the room, taking in the guests and decorations with a small smile on her face. Her gaze lingered on her groom but she refused to meet his eyes. The soft, white fabric of her wedding gown cascaded down her body in delicate folds, accentuating her slender figure. Her dress was a work of art, adorned with intricate lace and sparkling jewels. Her hair was styled in an elegant updo, and her make up was flawless. A delicate veil rested on her head, framing her glowing face. She looked like a vision of perfection, and all eyes were on her as she walked down the aisle. As she reached the altar, she took the groom's hand in hers. His shoulder tense and his lips pressed into a thin line as the two of them stood, facing each other. 

 "What a beautiful sight! Who would have thought the Wanted Bachelor and the new CEO of Sinclair group would stand here at the altar to be joined together as husband and wife? Marriage they say is a union of two people in love and ready to start a family but for these two, marriage is the only way they escape societal pressure. This is not a love match, but rather, a union of convenience.

 Who am i? How do i know so much about this couple? Don't worry, you'll get to know my identity in the course of this book but for now, I'm merely a narrator. 

 With a cast of quirky and memorable characters, this is a story about love, finding the unexpected in life and discovering what really matters. 

 How about we take a rewind to how these two met and what prompted them to make this decision that would change their lives forever."