The nation of Corae was shocked and devastated by the news of the death of Anthony Sinclair, the CEO of the Sinclair Group. The people of Emerald city, where Sinclair's company is based were particularly affected by the news. They had looked up to Sinclair as a symbol of success and achievement, and his death was a blow to their hopes and dreams. The news spread across the country like wildfire, and people everywhere mourned the loss of a man who had inspired them to pursue their own ambitions.

 Anthony and his wife, Margaret Sinclair were blessed with four beautiful children: Miranda, Emily, June, and their only surviving son, Aidan. 

 After the death of Mr. Sinclair, many people assumed that he would leave his company, Sinclair Group, to one of his children. His eldest daughter, Miranda was a strong contender, as well as his only son, Aidan. However, when the Will was read, it was revealed that the late Anthony Sinclair had left the company to a complete stranger. The news shocked and confused the people of Emerald city, who wondered why Mr. Sinclair had chosen this course of action and were also curious about the identity of the mysterious young lady who was willed the Sinclair Group and overnight became the new CEO. There was much speculations and gossips, but in the end, the decision stood. A new era of Sinclair Group began, with an unknown leader at the helm. 

 Dahlia Sinclair emerged from her sleek porsche, all eyes were on her. It was easy to see why. The 28 year old got everyone talking about her at how she became the new CEO of Sinclair Group. Her 715k instagram followers were just a small fraction of her overall fanbase, and everyone was eager to learn more about the woman who had been willed the massive Sinclair Group. She looked strikingly beautiful with high cheekbones, willowy figure and her hair cut in a sleek bob, perfectly framing her face. She was dressed impeccably in the latest fashion, but there was something cold and aloof about her. Her lips were painted a deep red, like a splash of blood against her pale skin. She rarely smiles, and when she does, it's a tight-lipped, a smile that never reach her eyes, a wry grin devoid of any true emotion.

 Dahlia walked through the front doors of the company's headquarters, surrounded by a retinue of security men who bowed as she passed. Gael, her secretary, approached her with a tablet. 

 "Good Morning, Ms. Sinclair." Gael said with his trademark smile, but Dahlia merely grunted in response. "The first meeting on your schedule is a board meeting arranged by the Sinclair family, and they're requesting your presence." Gael continued, unfazed by Dahlia's curt reply. He was accustomed to her no-nonsense approach to business, and he admired her efficiency. 

 Gael's announcement of the meeting didn't faze Dahlia in the slightest. The Sinclair family never fail to amaze her. She was used to their dirty tactics to try and prove that she wasn't a worthy CEO. But she had always shown that she was more than capable of leading the company. In just five short months as CEO, Dahlia had taken the company from the 10th spot to the top 5 of the fashion and cosmetic world. Under her leadership, Sinclair brands had become one of the most highly-ranked companies in the globe. It was a testament to her ability to think strategically, her vision for the company, and her dedication to success. With her at the helm, the company had achieved a level of success that no one could have imagined. And she wasn't done yet, she had even bigger plans for the future. 

 "I wonder what the Sinclair family is up to this time." Dahlia scoffed. 

 Gael nodded, his expression serious. "So do I. That's why I called Attorney Ralph. He's in the conference room, just in case."

 The two exchanged knowing glances. The Sinclair family shouldn't be under estimated, it was best to be prepared for anything. 

 "Better safe than sorry." Dahlia said, with a wry smile. 

 "Absolutely." He agreed. "You never know what they might be planning."

 Gael pressed the elevator button to the 19th floor, the conference room's location. The doors closed, and the elevator began its ascent. A moment later, they reached the 19th floor, and the doors opened with a soft ding. Gael and Dahlia stepped out into the hallway, and they were met by Violet, Gael's assistant. Violet's face lit up when she saw them, and she rushed over to them. 

 "They are all gathered inside." She said. 

 Dahlia and her assistants strode into the conference room, the board members springing to their feet as they entered. All, that is, except the members of the Sinclair family. They remained seated, their faces impassive. 

 Dahlia took her seat at the head of the table, her eyes sweeping over the assembled crowd. "Shall we begin?" She said, her voice cool and commanding. 

 A brief moment of silence hung in the air, as the board members sat down. Raymond, Emily's husband, rose to his feet. 

 "Before I begin." Raymond started. "I'd like us to take a moment to acknowledge Judge Arnold, who is with us today." He gestured towards the Judge, who was seated among the board members. The Judge inclined his head in acknowledgement. "Judge Arnold will be overseeing this meeting and will render a proper judgement on the matter at hand." Raymond continued. "We appreciate his expertise and guidance." The Judge nodded again, his face impassive. The board members settled in their seats, ready to hear what Raymond had to say. "Section 8 of the Coraen constitution states that a non-citizen can not own or lead a corporation or institution without the documentation - namely, a citizen certificate. Ms. Dahlia Sinclair isn't a citizen of Corae and she doesn't have such certificate, she is ineligible for this position."

 A hush fell over the room as Raymond's words sank in. Dahlia sat still as a statue, her expression unreadable. 

 "The Sinclair family requests that Ms. Dahlia Sinclair be removed from her position as CEO and that position be given to the rightful owner." Raymond's voice was clear and authoritative.

 Miranda, the Sinclair's oldest daughter sat up straight at his words, a faint smirk on her lips. It was clear she was pleased by the turn of events. The rest of the board members exchanged looks of uncertainty, wondering what would happen next. The room was filled with tension, as everyone awaited the next move. 

 "Ms. Dahlia Sinclair." The Judge called, his gaze fixed on Dahlia. "Is it true that you don't have a citizen certificate?"

 Before Dahlia could reply, her attorney, Ralph jumped in. "Ms. Dahlia Sinclair is indeed working on obtaining her certificate." He said, his voice calm and reassuring. "As per the constitution, Section 4, she is allowed a grace period of four years to obtain the certificate, without having any criminal records. She has not been in Corae for a year yet, but she is diligently working towards obtaining the certificate." He paused, his gaze sweeping across the room. "Furthermore," Ralph continued. "Ms. Dahlia Sinclair has more than proven herself worthy of this position. She has worked tirelessly to improve the company's performance and has demonstrated her dedication and skills time and again. The company has never been in better hands, and we are confident that she is the best person for the job, with or without a citizen certificate." He looked back at the Judge, his expression firm and resolute. 

 "There are other capable individuals who can handle the company." Raymond countered. "As a legal practitioner, i strongly believe that it is only right we obey the constitution. Ms. Dahlia Sinclair is not an eligible CEO for this company."

 As the room fell silent, Margaret Sinclair stood up abruptly, her face flushed with anger. "It's intolerable that she has the audacity to bear our family name." Her voice shrill with indignation. "She is an outsider, not a true Sinclair! We cannot allow her to continue in this position. I demand that she be impeached immediately!" Margaret's outburst was met with a chorus of murmurs and whispers, as the other board members exchanged anxious glances. Even the Judge was visibly taken aback by her outburst. 

 In the midst of the commotion, Miranda Sinclair rose to her feet, her expression stern. "Mother, please sit down and let Raymond continue." Her voice calm but firm. "Your outburst is not helping the situation."

 Margaret turned to her daughter, her eyes blazing with rage. "You should be supporting me in this, Miranda! She is not fit to lead our company. How can you stand by and do nothing?"

 Miranda's jaws set, and she returned her mother's gaze without flinching. "I am not standing by and doing nothing." 

 "Mrs. Sinclair." The Judge said, his voice level and commanding. "Please calm yourself and allow Mr. Raymond to continue." He turned to face Dahlia who was sitting impassively, her face a mask of stoicism. "While it is true that you do not have a citizen certificate, you have demonstrated your worth as a CEO in other ways. Therefore, it would be unfair to strip you of your position without giving you a chance to rectify the situation."

 Dahlia's assistants and Ralph exhaled a sigh of relief, only to tense up once more as the Judge continued. 

 "However," The Judge went on. "I cannot overlook the importance of the constitution. Therefore, I will grant you a two-week period to obtain your certificate. If you are unable to do so within that time frame, I will be forced to strip you of your position."

 Attorney Ralph sat frozen in his seat, his heart racing. This was not the outcome he had hoped for. If Dahlia could not obtain the certificate in two weeks, the entire company would be thrown in disarray. He turned to Dahlia, his expression grim, she met his gaze, her face unreadable. But before Attorney Ralph could protest, Dahlia held up her hand, silencing him. 

 "No more." She said, her voice cold and hard. "What say the board members? Do you support the Judge's decision?"

 The board members exchanged nervous glances, their faces betraying their uncertainty. Finally, one of them spoke up, his voice quivering slightly. "Yes." He said. "We agree." The others followed suit, nodding in agreement. They may not have liked the decision, but they knew it was the only way to keep the company afloat. 

 "Then it is settled." Dahlia said, rising from her chair and turning to address her secretary, Gael, and his assistant, Violet. "Let's go." Violet gave a slight nod, and she walked over to the door, opening it for Dahlia to pass through. Gael followed behind, his face still a mask of concern. They left the conference room, the air of tension still hanging in the air. 

 As Attorney Ralph trailed after Dahlia and her assistants, the Sinclair family, the board members and the Judge remained in the conference room. 

 June, the third daughter of the Sinclair family smirked, a glint of satisfaction in her eyes. "That bitch really gets on my nerve." She scoffed. "Does she really think she can get the certificate in just two weeks?"

 Emily, the second daughter snorted. "I doubt it." She turned to her husband, Raymond, and gave him a sly grin. "Darling, you were so smooth in there." Raymond smiled back at her. 

 "She'll never get the certificate." Miranda whispered to her mother,her voice tinged with malice. "I'll make sure of it."

 Margaret smiled. "Excellent." She replied, the word dripping with satisfaction. The thought of regaining control of the company filled her with a sense of triumph. It had been theirs for generations, and now it would be again. She felt a sense of vindication, a vindication that was long overdue. 


 As Dahlia entered her office, Gael followed close behind, her face tense with worry. "There's no way you can get a citizen certificate in just two weeks." He spoke in a low but urgent tone. "What were you thinking when you agreed to that?"

 Dahlia sighed, massaging her temples as she sat down at her desk. "I know it's a long shot." She said, trying to sound unconcerned. "But it's the only way to keep control of the company. I have to try."

 Gael shook his head, his expression grim. Attorney Ralph entered the office and just as he was about to speak, Dahlia cut him off. 

 "Save your breath." A note of irritation in her voice. "I don't need you to tell me how impossible this is."

 Ralph pressed his lips together, swallowing every words he was about to say. 

 "There could be other ways to get the citizen certificate." Violet interjected, her tone upbeat and encouraging. "We can try alternative methods, right?"

 Attorney Ralph let out a deep breath. "What other_" He paused for a while as an idea just popped in his head. "There is indeed another way."

 "What is it?" Gael asked, his curiousity piqued. 

 "It's... a bit unconventional." Ralph replied. 

 "Out with it." Dahlia demanded, her patience wearing out. 

 Ralph took another deep breath. "The only way to get a citizen certificate is through marriage."

 "Marriage?" Dahlia echoed. 

 "It's a viable option." Ralph said, his tone earnest. "If you can find a husband who is a citizen within a week, you can apply for a citizen certificate the week after."

 "I'm in." Dahlia replied, her voice filled with resolve. "We'll go for it, marriage, that is."

 Gael and Violet both looked at her with a mixture of surprise and awe. They had not expected her to agree to such drastic solution. But Dahlia was determined, a spark of hope in her eyes. Could this really be the answer to their problem? Marriage?