F Y I,

So um, I have no experience whatsoever with fantasy novels, I have read some and maybe watched like one or two scenes from twilight/vampire diaries but point Is, I am writing the entire book based on my own world and fiction with a little cliche here and there BTW.

So this is how it is,

The earth is split essentially into two, like by walls of essence so it's still basically the same globe just more like an alternate dimension kind of thing.

On the one hand, we have the humans who live in their ignorance and fear of the unknown and on the other hand, we have the pioneer creatures termed 'night creatures' #humansbealiens

These night creatures were really just the beast race (under which there are werewolves, mermaids etcetera), the blood race (vamps and bats), short race (dwarves), winged race (fairies), the caster race (witches, wizards, magicians, you name it), summoner race (aka contractors who fight with spirits) and the spook race (couldn't think of a better name but will definitely update once a new one pops up, oh you can give suggestions too. It comprises shapeshifters, whisperers and copycats/imitators).

Our main focus will be on the beast race aka werewolves so I'll explain just that, the others will come along the way.

The werewolves, originally one whole colony was split into four clans ruled by 'royals' (like I said, cliche^_^) with a unitary council to maintain peace, law and order among the clans. The Alpha Originale, aka alpha of the initial colony, was placed head of the council and named the ULTIMATUM and had full power over every decision taken by the clans. So it was basically more of a 'king with his uncles trying to pitch in advice' kind of situation

Of course, we all know it is impossible for peace to reign among such mortals as us, or in this case, rather slightly immortal beings that is them. The council was divided into two, the Con Faction, that was against the ultimatum possessing such overriding rulership, and the Uni Faction, that supported the ultimatum, leading to a war that ended up involving both the witches and copycats. Blah blah blah, ultimatum was killed, council remained divided as the next in line ultimatum fled like a dog with its tail between its legs and the four clans were further divided into the innumerable packs that exist to the present day.

The human realm comprises 8 kingdoms, the largest and richest though not the central kingdom being the Kingdom of Hetokiah (hi-to-ky-ah) where Laklow (lak-low) city, its biggest state was located. Laklow city was also the border city leading to the neighbouring Kingdom of Leucsire (lu-shy-a) and was surrounded with a thick forest on the west down to the north where it was rumored the essence barrier separating the human realm and night realm was the weakest.

Luciano and Delilah live in this forest. The education system is quite similar to modern day system and their currency is the same every where in the human realm called neyr (nehr) notes but the night realm uses coins.

Some traders exchange these currencies but only at black markets.

1 Gold coin= 100 silver coins

1 silver coin= 1000 brass coins

2 brass coin= 10 copper coins

1 neyr note = 10 gold coins

Slave system is still being practised but in secret. The ruler of each Kingdom is either the prime minister or chief priest as 6 out of 8 kingdoms are religious.

I humbly apologise for my poor description there, I just don't wanna ruin the story. Anyway, I hope I was able to portray the scope of how NOAFUM's world is.